A long and lighted hallwaysurprised me, as I had expected something dark and dingy. Candelabras onmahogany tables were placed evenly down the length of the hallway; the carpetwas plush and burgundy and the wallpaper, a beautiful and intricategold-leafed. Although the entrance was not what I had expected, it stilloffered no explanation as to where I was.

“Follow my lead.” Avalon turned hishead and whispered to me. “And stay close,” the look in his eyes helped meunderstand his seriousness. I nodded my head, swallowing the huge lump in mythroat and continued down the hallway.

At the end of the passage was alarge mahogany door with a similar brass knocker as the first door; only thissnake was much skinnier and wrapped around a scroll. Avalon wrapped his handaround it and the same effect as before occurred. This time however, beyond thedoor was a set of stairs winding downward, but significantly dimmer than thehallway.

I could hear many voices below usand the strong drag of magic left me certain this was our destination. Ifollowed Avalon down a twisting path of stone stairs that seemed like it wouldnever end. My stilettos made a clicking noise with each step.

At the bottom of the stairs was asurprisingly large room full of people. The room must have covered the entireblock underneath the streets up above. The people all dressed extremely well,milled around the room on plush couches and chairs covered in ruby and goldthread. Small tables sat in between them and I noticed in one corner of theroom larger tables, set up for poker. A counter ran half the length of the backof the room serving drinks and I realized that this place was a bar, or a club,or Ok, I didn’t really know what this place was yet, but something along thoselines.

Avalon walked straight over to thelong counter and ordered two drinks; I stayed close to his side and took thebrown liquid he offered to me. I sipped the strong smelling liquor, pretendingI knew what I was doing, but nearly spit it out in the same breath. The strong,woodsy whisky burned as I struggled to swallow it and then gave me an instantheady feeling, making the room spin around me.

“Use your magic,” Avalon whisperedto me through gritted teeth. I forced a smile and then worked harder to forcemy magic into control. I calmed my nerves and cleared my head. I would justpretend to drink whatever it was.

Avalon looked around the room nervouslyand I wished I knew what he was looking for. I did my best to pretend to bebored; mimicking the stance of the other scantily dressed women I saw standingaround the room. Avalon stood on his tippy toes to get a better look and Icontemplated telepathic communication to get some answers, but decided againstit.

The force of magic radiating aroundthe room and my blood, hot and boiling, combined with the energy buzzing insideof me confirmed my belief that everyone in here was an Immortal. I was at oncethrilled that there were so many others like me, but then cautious again when Irealized they were still all strangers. They however, all seemed to know oneanother. Maybe this was some type of Immortal club that I hadn’t been inductedinto yet.

“Stay here,” Avalon commanded andturned to walk away.

“Wait,” I demanded. “Where are yougoing?” I was suddenly nervous and shy.

“I’ll be right back…. I promise,”Avalon softened his tone and gave me a reassuring smile. I tried to trust him,but this whole night had just been too weird.

I attempted to follow Avalon withmy eyes, but I quickly lost him in the crowd. For a while I could follow histrail of magic, but the overwhelming quantity of mixed energies in the roommade me lose that as well. I looked down into my glass and swirled around thegolden liquor, contemplating another sip.

“Well, well, well…. look who itis,” A familiar English accent whispered into my ear with equal parts menaceand mischief. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? What are you doing here?” I avoided his questionand leaned back against the bar. I took a miniscule drink from my cup, noticingKiran had an identical one in his hand.

“Hmmmm….” Kiran’s eyes drifted overmy “mature” outfit and heat crept onto my face. “So this is what Avalon hadplanned for you…. not very exciting.”

“Then why are you here?” I askedagain, realizing that although I hadn’t given him an answer, I hoped he wouldgive me one.

“I have to be here; royal dutiesand all,” he shot me a roguish look and took a long drink from his tumbler. Hisusually clear blue eyes looked a little duller than usual and I noticed blackand blue bags under them.

“Must be tough to be King,” Ipretended to take an equally long drink.

“Not King yet,” he said simply.Kiran looked me over once again and I crossed my arms self-consciously. Hestepped closer, resting his hands on either side of my body. I could smell thewoodsy scent of liquor mixed with his sweet, almost herbal scent and theelectricity picked up strength through my veins.

“So really, what are you doinghere?” I tried one more time, my voice trembling from Kiran’s close proximity.His hands slid up my arms and he pulled me in closer until our bodies weretouching. Electricity almost overpowered my senses and I forgot the rest of theworld around us.

“This is where I conduct mybusiness, Eden. You are in my American office,” he smiled a little. I wished Icould look around the room once again, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away fromKiran’s. “Oh, Eden you’ve so much to learn,” he smiled a little wider andleaned his face even closer to mine. I was transfixed in his arms, completelyunable to move. I was certain he was about to kiss me and I closed my eyes inanticipation. His grip tightened on my arms and I felt the heat from his face;his sweet breath tickling my nose.

And then…. A throat cleared in myear and my eyes instantly popped open. Kiran’s body stiffened next to me andall intentions changed. Principal Saint and Talbott stood there side by side,both sets of arms crossed, both men visibly seething. I gathered myself andregained my senses quicker than I thought possible.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Damn it,” Kiran growled andslammed his hand against the bar behind me. I jumped, startled by his outburstof anger. He turned to face the interrupters, but did not leave my side. “Can Ihelp you gentlemen?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Forgive us for the interruptionsir, but Ms. Matthews is not allowed in your private club,” Principal Saintended his sentence with a small bow. His manner was respectful, almostsubservient.

Outside of school, the roles werereversed. Kiran was in command here, and Principal Saint must obey Kiran’sorders. I may have had a hard time wrapping my mind around the Monarchy beforetonight, but the facts of Kiran’s power were clearly displayed in front of me.I was forced to understand the role of the Monarchy in my life now. My faceflushed with embarrassment, as I noticed all eyes in the enormous room focusedon us.

“I granted her entrance,” Kiransaid softer, noticing the onlookers as well. His voice however, was none theless menacing.

“I’m sorry sir; by your father’sorder she is not allowed here,” Talbott interjected himself and I couldn’t helpbut despise him a little more.

“Mr. St. Andrews is waitingupstairs to take you home,” Principal Saint addressed me for the first time andthen angled his body as if to tell me I should leave immediately. I began tomove, but Kiran stopped me by putting his hand on my waist.

“There’s no need for that. I wasleaving anyways. I will take her home. Please tell Avalon, he is free to go,”Kiran took me by the arm a bit roughly and began walking towards the door.

“Excuse me, Prince Kiran; there isstill business to attend to,” Talbott again interrupted, but this time I couldhear the small amount of trepidation in his voice.

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