In the trees it was slightlydarker, the blossoms blocked out the light of the warm sun. The petalscontinued to fall around me, tickling my arms as they made their way to theplush ground. Bursts of light shone their way to the forest floor through gapsin the trees, illuminating the way for me. I heard a stream nearby and thesound of the water rushing over rocks gave a soothing lullaby to this perfectplace.

I wandered aimlessly, forgettingabout the voice. This place seemed familiar, but new at the same time. VaguelyI realized that I was dreaming, but the magic still rushed through my veins awakeningmy mind more and more.

I walked through a patch offlowering trees and found the stream. The water was breathtaking. The aquariver glistened and sparkled as it flowed over rocks and a shallow bottom ofgolden sand. The stream itself wasn’t very wide, but created a treeless paththat allowed the sun to freely shine down. On the other side of the brook weremore glorious flowering trees and behind them I could see the beginnings offoothills.

I dipped my foot into the coolwater and let my toes sink into the sand. The sand glistened like diamonds overmy toes. I thought about crossing the river to wander among the trees on theother side, but got distracted by a butterfly that landed on my hand. Itfloated effortlessly from my fingers to my shoulder and then back into thetrees; I contemplated following it, but was interrupted.

“There you are,” Kiran stepped outof the trees and approached me. He had never looked more beautiful. His dirtyblonde hair glistened from the sunlight and his perfect blue eyes were clearerthan the water. He stood tall against the background of the forest. He waswearing a t-shirt and athletic shorts and his muscular build was clearlydefined. I smiled, taking him in and realized that I was not at all surprisedto see him.

“Where were you?” I asked as if heshould have been here all along.

“I was looking for you,” he smiled,taking my hands. “Should we go for a walk?” he asked, pulling me along,intertwining our fingers.

I leaned close to him, stepping outof the water and laid my head on his shoulder. I inhaled his scent, sweet yetmasculine, and felt as though this were the most normal thing I had ever done.He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pulling me even closer. I heard him sighsweetly; the same sigh I heard during our kiss.

“What are you hiding from me Eden?”his voice was sweet, almost laughing.

“I’m not hiding anything,” Ireplied without emotion. A feeling of paranoia crept up my spine sending themagic shivering through my veins. But I refused to leave his embrace. Whateverhis question meant was not important enough for me to let go of him.

“Hmmm…” he sighed, contentedly,pulling me away from him so that we could continue to walk.

We moved silently through thetrees; I allowed him to lead as he seemed to be walking in a specificdirection. His fingers tightened around mine and I felt his body stiffen. Mymagic became more and more alert, awakening my senses and sending suspicionthrough every blood vessel.

“Where are we going?” I tried tokeep my voice even, but it cracked with anxiety.

“We haven’t got much time,” Kiranreplied breathlessly. “Eden what are you hiding from me? Quickly, I need toknow,” he stopped moving and faced me, taking my other hand in his. Hissapphire eyes searched mine, looking for the answer to his question.

For a few seconds I pondered hisquestion, deciding what to tell him. With my hands in his I began to feel asense of calm wash over me. My magic slowed down to a normal rhythm and mysuspicion began to fade. My senses seemed dull and slow and I couldn’t think ofa good reason not to tell him.

I opened my mouth, not sure of whatI would say, but nothing came out. I didn’t know what I was hiding; I couldfeel there was something that I shouldn’t tell him, but I had no idea what itwas. His cobalt eyes gazed into mine intently, willing me to speak, but Iremained silent.

“Eden, what is it? You have to tellme so that I can keep you safe. I need to protect you, Love.” He beggedquickly.

“There’s nothing to tell you,” Istepped back from him, trying to free my hands from his grasp, but he held ontightly.

Suddenly my senses were clear againand the magic pulsed through me at an alarming rate. Instantly I became readyfor battle; my muscles flexed and I tore my hands away from Kiran’s. A hoodedand cloaked figure stepped through the trees and I immediately was aware thathe meant us harm.

“I am stronger than you in thisplace,” Kiran spoke calmly and measured, but I could hear the underlyingcurrent of rage in his tone. At first I thought he was speaking to me, but whenI looked up at him, he was facing the masked man, arms stretched out as ifshielding me.

“It doesn’t matter; I’m not here tokill you; only to protect her,” he nodded with his chin in my direction and asurge of magic rushed through my veins.

“I should kill you,” Kiran growledwhile stepping in front of me and blocking my body almost completely from theother man’s view.

“Don’t touch her,” the dark figurelunged forward, but caught himself before he was within Kiran’s reach.

They stood there staring at eachother menacingly. The petals continued to fall from the trees sweetly andcalmly. Complete silence surrounded us; I wasn’t sure what to do. Seconds ago Ifelt the urgency to flee from Kiran, but now I felt as though I must protecthim; he clearly had the same instinct for me.

Confusion washed over me. AlthoughI didn’t know who the cloaked man was, I could feel with every fiber of mybeing that he meant me no harm. A vague sense of familiarity flowed between thehooded man and me; his magic was very memorable. Despite the man’s peacefulnesstowards me however, I did recognize that he meant Kiran harm, and I refused toallow that to happen.

“Eden it’s time to wake up,” thehooded man said firmly, and I knew somehow that he was right. There would be nohappy ending to this dream if I stayed.

“Please don’t be angry with me,”Kiran turned around to speak to me, his eyes pleading. With his back to hisenemy, completely exposed, he gave me his signature smirk and leaned down tokiss my cheek.

I closed my eyes, feeling the magicturn to electricity, making every hair stand on end. Kiran’s warm lips on mycheek made me forget about the other man, the man that meant him harm. Such asmall gesture, but his gentle kiss had me reeling with dizziness. The lastthing I heard in the dream was the other man shouting a scream of rage; I feltKiran disappear and knew that I could now wake up.

 My eyes shot open and I felt the bed all around me. I was in my room, inmy bed, striped comforter surrounding me, pillows piled everywhere. I took in abig breath to slow my rapidly beating heart. The dream felt so real, the forestso vivid, Kiran’s touch so authentic.

I touched my fingers to my cheek,and a slow blush rose to the surface. Usually my feelings for Kiran were soconfused, but in that dream they were crystal clear. I smiled, remembering thatin my dream his feelings were the same for me.

I forced my mind to rememberreality, his crown, his girlfriend, and their betrothal. My smile disappearedand I slammed my head back down against the pillows. I covered my face with myarm and audibly groaned.

My dream was not only about a sweetmoment between Kiran and I, it was about his betrayal. My dream was also abouthis desire to know something I knew I could never tell him, although I didn’teven know what it was myself. Finally, my dream was about the hooded figurethat we’d met in the forest; the man that haunted me even in sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Good morning, Eden,” Aunt Syl satat the kitchen island sipping a cup of coffee in her white pajamas. Her hairwas a mess and she was wearing her glasses; it was such a comfortable feeling.I loved having breakfast with her in the morning; it was something we rarelygot to do. “I’m surprised to see you up so early. Isn’t today Saturday?” sheturned to look at the clock, and I knew her question was sincere.

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