“Yes, today’s Saturday. I don’tknow, I had the strangest dream and then I couldn’t fall back asleep,” I rubbedmy eyes feeling like I had had no sleep at all last night. “Have you been atthe hospital?”

“Yes, since sometime yesterday…. orthe day before. I can’t really remember anymore,” she yawned big, causing achain reaction, and I yawned in response. “The days are starting to runtogether. Do you want a cup of coffee?”

I nodded my reply and she stood upto get a big black coffee cup from the cabinet. I sat down next to her seat andinhaled the aroma of the strong Columbian coffee she was pouring into my cup.

“Did you want me to make yousomething for breakfast?” she asked while handing me the hot cup and taking herseat next to me.

“No thank you, this is fine,” Ismiled and looked over her shoulder at the newspaper she had been reading.While she may have been an expert surgeon, pancakes were a little out of herleague.

“Hey, how are you doing with thewhole Immortal thing?” she looked up from the business section of the Saturdaymorning World Herald and gave me a concerned look.

“I’m fine; I mean.… I’m coping,” Igave her a reassuring smile and contemplated my feelings. I hadn’t reallythought things through; I’d just accepted everything at face value. I knewthere were lots of things I needed to learn and sort through, but at themoment, all I could do was accept who I was and what I was capable of.

“Well, if you ever need to talkabout it, I’m here,” she patted my back and kissed the top of my head. She wasthe reason I never felt the need to think about my parents until now.

“It doesn’t freak you out?” Iasked, taking a nice long sip of the steaming hot coffee.

“Oh no, not at all. Amory and Ihave been friends for years, long before you came along,” she gave me a winkand I didn’t think I wanted to ask her any more questions about that.

“But you didn’t know my parents?” Iwondered out loud.

“No, I never met them. Amory and Iwere—” she was interrupted by the doorbell. We both looked at each otherand rolled our eyes; mentally calculating which one of us was dressed enough toanswer the door. The familiar tingling of electricity pricked the back of my neckand a feeling of anxiety washed over me.

“I’ll get it,” I groaned, standingup and regretfully setting my coffee down. I made my way through the largechef’s kitchen to the front room; my slippers made a padding sound as I walkedover the hardwood floors.

Not bothering to look at who it wasfirst, I threw the door open, and sent a rush of cool air into the house. Ididn’t know who I expected to see on the front porch, but Talbott Angelo wasprobably the last person I wanted to see. He stood in front of me, dark haircombed, green eyes blazing, holding a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. My mouthdropped open.

“Hello Eden,” he said calmly,accenting each syllable to clean up his accent. I tried to mouth something inreply, but couldn’t make a sound. What was he doing here? “May I come in?”

I moved out of the way silently andallowed him to pass; this was so strange. I instantly regretted not asking AuntSyl to answer the door instead.

He walked casually by me and thenturned around to face me again in the foyer. I glanced through the door onemore time, looking for Kiran or the mailman or anyone else to rescue me fromwhat I expected was going to be a very awkward conversation.

“I am sure you are wondering what Iam doing here at such an early hour. I apologize for not giving you advancedwarning. I didn’t have much warning myself,” he smiled apologetically and Isubconsciously covered my stomach with my arms, wishing I had a sweatshirtnearby to throw on.

“Prince Kiran sent me over thismorning insisting that I made sure you were unharmed. I see that you are,” hecleared his throat and glanced back at the front door as if wanting to escapethrough it. I wished he would and wondered why he didn’t.

“What? Why? What is Prince Kiran soworried about? And why didn’t he just call?” Surely there was a studentdirectory he could use to get my phone number. I flashed back to my dream andfound it strange that after such a vivid dream of him, he would send someone tocheck on me.

“Prince Kiran was worried aboutyour safety. When he woke up this morning he demanded that I personally checkto make sure you were alright; he seemed to think you were in some sort ofdanger,” he shook his head a little, as if annoyed. “And I don’t know why, buthe said it was urgent. However, I can see you are just fine,” Talbott continuedto stand there awkwardly holding the flowers. Despite Talbott’s efforts to benice, I saw glimpses of the side of him that hated me. I was reminded of howrude he was to me at Kiran’s club.

“Yes, I am fine,” I said soundingmore defensive than I had intended. “I still don’t understand why he didn’tjust call.”

“Prince Kiran has been forbiddenfrom talking with you. He sends his apologies,” I couldn’t help myself and letout a small laugh. I could deal with the whole Immortal thing, but all of theseroyal rules and standards of conduct were an entirely different matter. Talbottshot me a confused look, but I didn’t have an explanation for him and so Istayed silent. “Do you have a message you would like me to relay to him?”

“Is this because of Seraphina?” Iblurted out.

“Well yes in part, I tried to warnyou,” he shook his head again.

“What’s the other part?” I asked,ignoring his ‘I told you so.’

“His father. You are a Witch, isn’tthat right?” I nodded my head yes, feeling odd to have this conversation withsomeone other than Principal Saint or Avalon. “Kiran is not allowed to marry a Witch;he must marry a Medium by royal edict,” he said this with finality; I decidednot to indulge Talbott by asking any more questions.

“Who said anything about marriage?”I grumbled under my breath.

“Eden, you must understand thatKiran has responsibilities; responsibilities that he has so far failed to takecare of. He will one day become King and that requires discipline; you are onlya distraction to him.”

I flinched from his words, and theninstantly regretted looking weak in front of him. I was surprised by hisboldness however; not many people were very open and honest with me. Despite mymalicious feelings for Talbott, I could at least appreciate his honesty.

I noticed that Talbott felt bad forhis harsh words and could no longer look me in the eye. He didn’t offer anapology and I half wondered if he was waiting for me to give him one.

“That is beside the point,” hecleared his throat and offered me the flowers. I didn’t take them right away,but glared at their pretty petals instead. “Eden will you please go to the FallEquinox Dance with me tonight?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Iheld back my laughter and eventually took the flowers from him, not knowingwhat else to do.

“I wish I was; please understandthat this is Kiran’s idea…. no, Kiran’s order. I have been ordered to makesure you are protected this evening,” he clasped his hands behind his back andI saw a hint of his military training.

“Protected from what? No thank you,I will be just fine…. here…. alone,” this was ridiculous.

“Please go to the dance with me,”he softened his voice, but hardened his tone. “Kiran has ordered me to staywith you; but I am afraid that he is the one in danger. I need to be near himtonight,” Talbott looked down at the ground.

“You’re right, you do need to benear him, and you’re definitely not staying here with me. And I am definitelynot going to that stupid dance,” the man in black passed through my mind againand a feeling of uneasy started to grow in the bottom of my stomach.

“Eden, you don’t have a choice,”Talbott said exasperated. “He’s the Crown Prince; you have to do what he says.”

“You are kidding me,” this wasridiculous. I was almost too angry for words.

“No, I’m not. Please be ready byseven,” he walked passed me and opened the door.

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