Talbott waited at the foot of thestairs, more pink chrysanthemums in hand; well, they used to be my favoriteflowers. As my heels clicked on the staircase, Talbott looked up to take a lookat me. The moment his eyes took me in, they nearly bugged out of his big head.His mouth dropped open and I could see that he was struggling for words. Iwould have taken it as a compliment except the look on his face made me moreself-conscious than anything.

“Y-y-y-you can’t wear that,”Talbott stammered out.

“Why not?” I asked defensively andfinished my descent down the stairs.

“Because, you can’t,” he saidsimply, not really giving me a reason.

“Yes, I can,” I argued back withattitude.

“Where is the dress Prince Kiransent you? You have to wear that one,” Talbott took a step forward and I thoughtfor a moment he was going to push me back up the staircase.

“No, I don’t have to wear that one.I don’t have to do anything. You’re lucky I’m even going to this stupid dance,”I brushed passed him and out the door, leaving him to stare after me completelyunsure what to do.

“Eden, behave tonight,” Aunt Sylcalled after me, fidgeting with a camera she never got to turn on, as I made myway hurriedly towards Talbott’s retro limousine.

The chauffer tried to get out ofthe driver’s side quickly, but I beat him to it, leaving him just as confusedas Talbott. I yanked open the door and threw myself in to the back seat,landing on something soft, but not quite a car seat. I looked up and saw Kiranlooking down at me, confused and surprised.

“Excuse me,” I said irritably, andmaneuvered quickly, and as lady-like as possible in my short skirt off ofKiran’s lap.

“You’re excused,” Kiran repliedslowly and somewhat befuddled.

“I didn’t expect anyone to be inhere. I mean, I thought it would just be Talbott and me,” I tried to explain,and crossed my legs self-consciously. Suddenly, I was rethinking my choice ofevening attire.

“It’s a double,” Kiran cleared histhroat, never taking his eyes off of me. Talbott finally began to make his waydown the walk and towards the limo. “Didn’t you like the dress I sent you?” hissmirk was suddenly there and I watched his eyes appraise me.

“No,” I replied simply.

“I think I like this one better too,”Kiran cleared his throat again and I couldn’t tell if he was nervous orannoyed. “Thank you, for coming tonight,” he said sincerely.

“I didn’t think I had a choice,” Ilooked out of the window, hoping for a distraction. Kiran was dressed in anicely tailored black tuxedo, shiny shoes to match. His dirty blonde hair wasslicked back away from his face, accentuating his strong facial features. I hadnever seen him look so handsome; it was distracting me, and making me forgethow mad I was.

“Don’t be so grumpy Eden,” Kiranscolded playfully, before half standing to sit next to me on the seat that wasfacing him. Talbott burst through the door of the limousine and I noticed forthe first time that he was wearing a tuxedo as well. Apparently this was notjust an ordinary high school dance.

“Wouldn’t you prefer to sit overhere Sir?” Talbott had not yet recovered from my dress and was still awkward ashe took a seat across from us.

“I will Talbott, stop worrying somuch,” Kiran scooted closer to me as if to spite Talbott before turning towardsmy face and wrapping his arm around me.

My heart began to beat wildly andmy magic was barely under control. Kiran’s touch brought an electrical stormthrough my blood and I felt it begin to boil just below the surface of my skin.I saw Kiran smirk once again before leaning his lips close to my neck,breathing softly on my neck.

“You look beautiful tonight, Eden,”Kiran whispered delicately in my ear, his breath tickling my throat gently. Ifelt dizzy from with him so close. “Will you save a dance for me?” I wasflooded with overwhelming magic, making me forget how angry I was. I would havesaid yes to anything he asked, until….

“Driver, to Ms. Van Curen’s,please,” Talbott instructed the driver with authority. I suddenly rememberedwhy this night was so preposterous and snapped out of my hypnosis.

“I don’t think so,” I said, halfstanding up as quickly as I could, moving across the limo and onto the seatnext to Talbott. I folded my arms stubbornly and stared out the window, vowingto ignore Kiran Kendrick completely. He was not taking both Seraphina and me ona date; clearly he needed to be reminded.

To my irritation however, he onlylaughed, as if my rejection of him were somehow entertaining. I fumed silently;the blood that was boiling from desire now boiled from fury. I could feel themagic radiating off me as if putting up a guard that no man could cross.

Any and all hints I tried to throwKiran’s direction apparently flew right over his head because he purposefullyscooted over in his seat and sat directly across from me. He casually slid hisfeet next to mine, our ankles touching in the smallest of ways. I tried tomaneuver my feet away from his, but the space in the limo was too confined andanywhere I moved my feet, he simply stretched his longer legs to accommodate. Isaw the smile on his lips and realized this was just another one of his games.Talbott sat next to me, head in hands, afraid to watch.

The driver came to a stop in frontof an elaborate mansion on the northwest side of Omaha. The house was gigantic,with immaculate detailing. The walk up to the house itself was a good 50 yards.The entry way, surrounded by tall white columns, was large enough toaccommodate an elephant.

Kiran stepped out of the car andwalked the long way alone. I breathed a sigh of relief and stretched my legsfrom out of their cramped position. Only a few minutes went by before Kiranreturned with Seraphina, whom he opened the door for and helped into the seatacross from Talbott. I expect her to scoot down and across from me so thatKiran could also climb in the car, but to my disappointment he walked around tothe other side of the car and took his place, legs stretched out before him andall, across from me.

“You look nice,” Seraphina saidsarcastically, after only seconds of entering the vehicle. Her eyes appraisedme in a much less flattering way than Kiran did, and I once again feltself-conscious.

“So do you Seraphina,” I tried toreturn it sarcastically, but I knew the sincerity shined through, because shegenuinely looked stunning. She only rolled her eyes and slipped her arm throughKiran’s as if marking her merchandise.

Kiran glanced at her approvinglybefore giving her a small peck on the cheek. I couldn’t blame him, although I wishedI could, but she looked like a goddess tonight. Her long blonde hair waswrapped into an intricately woven side ponytail, her golden locks hangingcurled and shining. She was dripping in diamonds from her earrings to hernecklace to her bracelets. They complimented her floor length, bodice hugging,silver gown, and gave her the illusion that she was sparkling. Her silver gownaccentuated every one of her curves and was low cut in the front, butmaintained the class and sophistication my dress did not. The entire bodice wasbeaded and embellished and had almost a 1920’s look to it.

I understood now, why the pink gownwas more appropriate. I once again was walking into an unknown situationlooking like a tramp. I rolled my eyes and continued looking out the window,internally cringing. This dance felt less and less like a high schoolextra-curricular activity and more and more like a witch trial; unfortunatelyfor me, it turned out I actually was the Witch.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The limousine pulled up to thedriveway of Kingsley behind numerous other stretch, luxury vehicles. I was fullof anxiety and beyond irritated. Thankfully, I didn’t think Talbott was goingto expect too much dancing out of me.

I watched the other students exittheir cars, all of the boys in tuxedos and all of the girl’s in elegant gowns,most of them dripping in jewels. My perception of this dance was apparentlydead wrong. I expected this type of style and flare at prom, but wasn’t thisjust the fall dance? I tugged at my short skirt, trying to cover my bare legsunsuccessfully. If I didn’t want to stand out, a miniskirt was the wrong way togo.

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