I glanced up and noticed Kiranwatching my failed attempts at last minute modesty and laugh. I gave him a wrylook before rolling my eyes and turning my attention back to the studentsentering the gymnasium. At least the dance was still on school grounds and notsome exclusive country club, or likewise ridiculous venue.

Eventually it was our turn to exitthe vehicle. The driver came around to my door and opened it so we could exitproperly. I felt like I was playing make-believe, this all seemed like somemassive pretend production instead of reality.

Kiran and Seraphina exited firstand she was immediately on his arm. They walked regally into the gym as if theywere king and queen of Kingsley. I supposed one day they would be. Yuck.

Talbott nodded that it was my turnto exit the car, but I hesitated for a moment longer, afraid to leave theconfined, but private space. He cleared his throat and looked after Kiran likea worried puppy. Fine, I thought, let’s get on with it.

I exited the car with as much graceand class as I could muster, hoping to avoid a peepshow on my way out of thecar. Talbott was quickly behind me. I heard the door to the car slam shut;there was no turning back. Talbott offered his arm and I looked at it with amild sense of humor.

“Really, we don’t have to pretend,”I said curtly.

“Please, Eden; just humor me withsome manners,” he offered back haughtily. I took his arm a little tooforcefully and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

 The gymnasium could not be farther from what I pictured had I thought ofthe wildest scenario. This being my first time in Kingsley’s gym I expectedbasketball hoops, bleachers and maybe some streamers to decorate the place forthe dance.

As soon as we walked through thewide double doors my mouth dropped open and I stood their dumbly not sure howto react. Beautiful, and elaborate black chandeliers hung from the ceilingevery ten feet or so. They were adorned with white candles and dripping withcolorful floral arrangements. Along the walls in every direction, candelabrasin the same fashion sat evenly spaced, lighting up the room and giving thelarge space a dim glow.

A DJ in the far corner, spun musicthat reverberated the floor. Tables and chairs took up half of the space, whilethe remaining space was used as a dance floor. On each table were eight placesettings and in the middle were replica center pieces of the chandeliers hangingfrom the ceilings. Colorful flower arrangements intertwined with the candle litcenterpieces over black silk table clothes.

Talbott pulled me along to ourtable where Kiran and Seraphina already had found their seats. Most of thetables were full already and waiters began to bring out silver platters coveredin food. The food looked as elegant as the decorations. Unfortunately, my dressdidn’t leave much room for expansion.

Besides Kiran, Seraphina, Talbottand me, our table was also home to Evangeline and Adelaide and their respectivedates. Both of whom looked equally bored and unimpressed as the girls gushedover the dance and each other’s outfits. Not surprisingly, I was completelyignored.

I stood next to the table unsurewhere to sit or what to say. Talbott released my arm and pulled a chair out forme next to Evangeline. She gave me a side glance and a little snicker beforereturning to her conversation.

I began to sit down but wasinterrupted by a subtle cough from Kiran. I looked over and noticed him give asuggestive head nod to Talbott who then stood up straight, pushed in the chairhe had just offered and pull out the chair directly next to it, but locatedside by side with Kiran. If possible I noticed Talbott become even moreexasperated and Seraphina scoot her chair ever closer to Kiran. I took my seatfeeling much like a criminal or leper or something equally unwanted.

“Is it what you expected?” Kiranturned his body to face me and spoke quietly; his blue eyes simmering andslicked back hair gave him a seductive quality I was having a hard timeignoring. I cleared my throat to focus.

“Not quite,” I said simply, forcingmy eyes away from his. I noticed Seraphina take his hand in hers, and althoughhe didn’t turn his body away from mine, he allowed the possessive gesture.

“Seraphina,” I found courage deepwithin me to pull her into the conversation. I refused to be a bizarre secretdate to the spoiled Prince. “How often does Kingsley have these kinds ofdances?”

“What do you mean?” she askedsnidely, turning her head but not her body to face me. The look on her facemade me tremble beneath the surface and I reminded myself to be brave.

“I mean, that this dance seems soextreme, is this like Kingsley’s version of prom?” I cleared my throat again,feeling more insecure than ever before, but praying my plan to involveSeraphina into our conversation worked. I couldn’t stay irritated and angry atKiran if he continued to stay so damn sexy.

“I don’t know what you mean byextreme; this is the way a Kingsley dance always looks,” she rolled her eyes,but her tone was less derisive than before. “I guess it is nice though,” sheturned her body to face us then and pulled Kiran’s arm even closer to her body.

“It’s beautiful,” I said softly,more to myself than anyone else.

“And we have one for every equinoxand solstice, plus there’s Christmas and prom too,” she smiled ever so smalland I felt encouraged to be braver.

“I didn’t know people celebratedthose holidays,” I tried a joke.

“You didn’t know people celebratedChristmas?” she asked dryly, and her attitude was back.

“No, I mean, I know peoplecelebrate Christmas. I didn’t know people celebrated like the fall equinox,” Idid my best to clarify, but she just looked at me like I was speaking adifferent language.

“You’re so weird,” she rolled hereyes again and then turned back to Adelaide to pick up where they left off.

“Trying to make new friends?” Kiranasked smugly under his breath.

“Well, you’re certainly no help,” Iturned my body completely away from him and looked out into the tables ofstudents.

“Did it ever occur to you thatmaybe I want you all to myself?” Kiran’s hot breath tickled the back of my neckwhen he whispered in my ear. His accent was very alluring, and I shook my headto regain focus.

I stood up frustrated andpractically stomped away from the table as quickly as I could. I couldn’t sitnext to him anymore; and I couldn’t be party to his sick games. I was going tobe the one that got hurt in the end.

I searched for the bathroom or adark corner or something, but settled with the punch table. I just neededsomething to occupy my hands. I noticed a familiar figure pouring himself somepunch as I approached the table and was suddenly very grateful to see Avalon.

“Hey!” I blurted out a little too loudly,overcome with joy to see him. “I thought you told me you weren’t coming to thisthing?” I nudged him with my elbow playfully. He turned and faced me with ahorrified expression on his face that quickly turned to anger.

“What are you doing here?” Avalondemanded, practically dropping his punch.

“Um, I don’t know,” I respondedtentatively, unsure what to make of his reaction.

“You’re not supposed to be here,Eden,” his tone was accusing and I could not figure out what he was so madabout.

“You told me you weren’t comingeither,” I accused back, not half as mad as he was, but at least it wassomething.

“I changed my mind,” he growled.

“Well, me too,” I folded my armsstubbornly, not sure if I wanted to stand here any longer, and not sure if Iwas ready to head back to the table. Thankfully, it looked like couples werebeginning to dance.

“Don’t tell me you came here withhim,” Avalon squinted his eyes in disapproval and looked in the direction ofKiran.

“He came with his girlfriend,” Imimicked Avalon’s facial expression and realized I sounded jealous.

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