Basically I knew nothing in greatdetail, and nothing that got me on location. I needed the exact location of theCitadel; but more than that, I needed to know where the trial was going to takeplace once I got inside the Citadel. I also needed to know who was representingLilly so that I could convince them to let me be a witness. I needed apassport, and I needed a plane ticket. My heart sunk with despair and I wasconvinced more than ever that I needed Kiran’s help.

The bell finally rung, but I choseto gather my things slowly. I watched Kiran out of the corner of my eye andnoticed him glance in my direction several times before exiting the classroomin front of Talbott. I decided to pick up my pace and cut him off in thehallway. Talbott couldn’t block him from every direction.

“Ms. Matthews, I would appreciate amore valiant effort for your attention in my class, if you please,” Mr. Lambertinterrupted my desperate plan with just a few snide remarks.

“I’ll do my best,” I mumbledquickly, and then thought better of it. “I really do enjoy your class Mr.Lambert. English is one of my favorite subjects,” I threw on the charm, hopingto convince Mr. Lambert of what we both surely knew was a lie.

“Then pay attention,” he retortedsharply before gesturing his arm towards the door.

I turned quickly on my heel andhurried out the door, still determined to catch up with Kiran before Drama.Mrs. Woodsen had us memorizing dramatic prose in preparation for mid-terms andI wouldn’t have opportunity once we were inside the classroom doors,

“You are an enigma,” Kiran’s silkyaccent addressed me softly and my own version of a smirk rose to my lips. “Abeautiful phenomenon I have yet to understand. Why can’t you leave poor Talbottalone? He works so hard to keep you at bay, and yet day after day you persist.I’m afraid he is exhausted.”

“Where is he?” I asked, afraid Ihad only seconds with Kiran, before Talbott appeared to whisk him away.

“I gave him the day off,” Kiran’slips twisted into his smirk, sending butterflies fluttering about my stomach.

“You can’t do that,” I protestedcoyly, inwardly rejoicing.

“I can do whatever I want,” hiseyes hardened, and I began to doubt we were talking about the same thinganymore.

“Where are you going?” I askedbluntly as Kiran began to descend the stairs towards the lobby instead ofascending them towards Drama.

“We are also taking the day offtoday,” I started to protest, but he beckoned me with a nod of the head and Iobeyed.

“You’re going to get into troublefor this aren’t you?” I asked, catching up with him.

“Probably. But I imagine you willtoo,” I couldn’t argue with him there.

We left the English and ArtsBuilding and I shuddered at the chilly wind. Although we’d had a mild autumn sofar, the wind had turned cold and as we neared the end of October thetemperatures were dropping. Kiran didn’t say anything but led me towards theback of campus and the student parking lot.

“I didn’t drive, so we’ll have totake your car,” he said matter-of-factly.

“I didn’t drive either,” I said,heart dropping into my stomach when I realized I rode with Avalon like everyother morning since he moved in with us.

I heard Kiran curse under hisbreath and then eye the parking lot mischievously. For a moment I thought hewas going to steal something, but he made no move towards any of the shinyblack cars lining the parking lot. He cursed again and then looked around thecampus. He stared at the Gymnasium for several minutes before seemingly making uphis mind.

“What are the chances?” Kiranmumbled under his breath before he resumed walking.

“That we’re attacked there….again?” I asked finishing his thought.

“With you Love, one never knows,”he slowed down his pace a little so that we walked evenly side by side. Hisfingers reached out and gently played with the tips of mine. He hadn’t taken myhand fully, but the gesture was so sweet and so endearing that it sentelectricity buzzing around my veins; not to mention the magic mingling betweenour fingertips.

“I don’t think they were after me,”I instantly regretted my comment, afraid of exposing Avalon.

“I know that,” he replied simply.He led me past the Gymnasium and down the hill towards the football field andtrack. I wondered to myself if anyone used these facilities. I’d never been toa game here before. Maybe they were just for show.

“Lucky for you, I’m always there tosave you,” I turned to give him a playful smile, but he returned my look withan intense gaze that nearly stunned me. His aqua blue eyes sparkled,hypnotizing me as if reading my soul.

“Why is that?” We stopped walkingand he waited for my answer.

“I’m beginning to wonder thatmyself,” my breathing became shallow and I was afraid I had said too much. Itried to cover. “Maybe you’re the one that attracts trouble.”

“Maybe….” he said thoughtfullybefore we resumed walking. I cleared my throat nervously.

Despite our slow pace we eventuallymade it down to the gates leading into the stadium. Kiran tried the gate but itwas locked. Once again I expected him to use magic, but instead he lookedfrustrated and I heard him curse again. I reached out my hand as if to just geton with it, but before I could use any magic, he reached out his own handstopping me.

“They’ll know where we are,” Kiransaid softly.

“If we use magic?” I asked,shocked. I hadn’t expected that.

“Yep,” he folded his arms andcocked his head to the side with a frustrated look on his face. I couldn’t helpbut laugh a little.

“What did you do, run away to bewith me?” I smiled widely; pleased with the lengths he took to get us alone.

“Something like that,” he lookedaround, clearly frustrated with our lack of options.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have todo things the old fashioned way,” feeling brave, I tossed my book bag over thefence and began the long, awkward climb to the top. “No peeking,” I looked downat the amused face of Kiran, and held my uniform skirt close to my body,suddenly embarrassed.

“I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” hebowed his head a little and looked at the ground as if proving his point.

I did my best to climb the fencegracefully, but it was no use. The links were small, making the climb awkwardand difficult. After finally making it to the top, I had to swing my leg overin a most un-lady-like fashion, flashing the entire world I was sure. Mydescent down was easier, but I cringed at the thought of having to make theclimb again to leave.

Once I was safely on the ground andhad fully entertained Kiran, he made the climb. Of course, he made it quicklyand easily. Without even using magic he was to the other side in seconds. Onceon the ground, he picked up my backpack and shouldered it.

“This thing is disgusting,” hegrimaced.

“What?” I reached for itdefensively, but he moved out of the way quickly. “I love that bag,” I poutedmy bottom lip.

“Of course you do,” We began towalk aimlessly around the track, shoulders and fingers in constant contact.

“What does that mean?” I asked,afraid of the answer.

“It means that you’re different,”when I looked at him horrified, he explained further, “I mean you’re differentthan any girl I have ever met…. ever.”

“Thanks?” I didn’t know whether tobe offended or flattered.

“I don’t expect they thought wewould ever meet,” he said cryptically.

“What do you mean?” Who was “they?”

“I mean, I don’t think it was inthe plans. Neither one of us was ever supposed to come here, and I canguarantee that we were never supposed to find each other,” his explanationdidn’t clarify anything, I was more puzzled.

“And why is that?” I hoped for aclearer answer.

“Star-crossed Eden, we’restar-crossed,” he gave me a very sweet smile; unfortunately I returned it withbewilderment.

“Romeo and Juliet?” I asked, givingit one more go.

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