“Unfortunately,” he took his eyesoff me to look down at the ground.

“Things didn’t end well for them.”

“Nope,” he shook his head andkicked at a rock, sending it flying across the red, running track.

I wondered at his reference to oneof the greatest love stories of all times. Despite the unfortunate ending healluded to, I couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that the story was all aboutunfailing love. I glanced over at him again, but he stared intently at theground as if working something out in his head.

“Are you going to the Festival?” Iasked carefully, although I already knew the answer.

“How do you know about theFestival?” He countered my question, amused once again.

“Everybody’s talking about it,” Itried to cover, realizing I shouldn’t know about the Festival. “I’m justcurious, since everything is so new to me.”

“Yes, I’m going. I don’t have muchof a choice. I’ll only be gone a week or so though,” he finished his thought asif to assure me.

“Where is it? What is it?” I priedfurther, truly curious.

“The Festival? Basically the middleof Romania. In Transylvania; it’s near a city called Sibiu. It’s a three daylong feast where we celebrate the dead,” Kiran talked about it with small tonesof disgust and my hopes were raised.

“Wait. It’s a celebration?” Iasked, confused again.

“Yeah, for like all of theImmortals who have died. Everyone comes from all over the world and we havethis huge feast and remember the dead, or I guess during that weekend we callthem the saints,” he stopped walking near the bleachers and took a seat on thestairs leading towards the metal benches. He dropped my bag at our feet.

“Oh. But what about the trial?” Alook of confusion passed over his face and I was suddenly nervous.

“How do you know about that?” Suspicion clear in his voice.

“Lilly was my closest friend beforeshe disappeared,” I spat out with more venom than I had meant to.

“Lilly Mason is a liar, amanipulator and a Shape-Shifter,” Kiran said with disbelief at my outburst.

“She fought to save your life,” Iaccused.

“She lied to everyone, includingyou,” he accused right back.

“She never lied to me! And shesacrificed everything when she decided to fight for you,” I threw the facts athim again.

“Fine. But when she did that shealso chose to face the consequences. There’s nothing I can do about it now,she’s at the mercy of the law,” he calmed down a little. The initial shock ofmy outburst dulled.

“I’m sorry, the law? Who’s law?It’s not right, and I demand that she receive a fair trial,” I folded my armsstubbornly.

“Who’s law? Only the law that youand her and every other Immortal are bound to,” suddenly he was very angry.“I’m sorry you’re new to this Eden, but you of all people need to obey the lawto the very letter. Do you even understand the consequences for an offense likeLilly’s?” I could tell that he was as livid as me, but I refused to give up.

“Of course I understand. Obey thelaw or face the death squad,” I replied bitterly.

“That’s exactly what it would belike for you. But don’t be ridiculous, they are not going to execute Lilly.They just want to make an example of her,” his voice was still laced withanger.

“That’s not fair. She helped saveyour life. She should be like rewarded or knighted or something else asridiculous! Not be punished because of what your awful and outdated law says!”

“Listen, I am very grateful thatshe was there that night, but the law is the law, outdated or not,” he quietedhis voice, but hardened his tone.

“Then testify for her!” I saidexasperatedly.

“I can’t do that,” Kiran repliedstubbornly.

“Then I will,” I stood up,determined.

“Absolutely not,” he also stood upto face me, adamant. “There is absolutely no way you will go to that trial. Youwill not set foot in that country, or outside of this town. Do you understand?”his voice was raised and he ordered me around in a way I had never seen himbehave.

“You have no say in the matter. Ifyou are not willing to do what is right, then I will.”

“I have every say in the matter. Asyour Prince I demand that you remain in your house the entire time I am gone.In fact, I am placing you on house arrest until I return,” he was so angry andso determined that his face was red and I could see real emotion behind hiseyes, but instead of trying to understand him, he only made me angrier.

“You can’t do that,” I shouted,stamping my foot.

“Yes I can, and if you push me Iwill leave Guards at every door and window,” his voice once again softened, butthe hardness to his tone was unmistakable.

“I wouldn’t have to push you if youwould do what any decent person would do! You have the power to save her, to giveher another chance, but you’re wasting your influence. Instead of placing me onhouse arrest, why don’t you help someone who actually needs it!” I knew I hadgone too far, the look that crossed Kiran’s face was pure anger. I closed mymouth, unwilling to step down, but too afraid to say anything more.

“Do not question me,” he seethed.When I opened my mouth to protest he held up one hand and I was silenced. “Doexactly what I say or I will have you thrown into prison. Do you understand?”when I didn’t respond, his voice turned even colder. “Do you understand?” Inodded, but just barely.

Kiran brushed past me with achilling coldness that made me regret everything that was just said. He blewopen the gates with one blast of magic, sending the ten foot, chain link fenceflying. I watched silently as he stormed back towards the school without everglancing again in my direction.

Chapter Thirty-Six

I was there again; wandering thesame beautiful and colorful forest, looking for the same person who was meantto share this place with me. My fingers slid over the wildflowers, their velvetpetals bending to my touch. A warm breeze swirled around me, sending petalsdancing through the air and invoking an intoxicatingly sweet aroma.

I heard the brook beyond the treeswhispering sweetly as it ran over rocks and white sand. The sun shonebrilliantly in the clear sky above, sending beams of light through breaks inthe trees and making a sort of polka dot path of light for me to follow.Butterflies and fireflies buzzed around delicately, their presence wascomforting.

I saw him in the distance, hisstrong build a stark contrast to the delicateness of the forest. The lightplayed off his skin, illuminating him through the flowering trees. His blondehair glistened and his blue eyes pierced my soul.

Even in this dream like state I wasnervous and excited. My emotions flooded my senses, leaving me overwhelmed andconfused. As I walked slowly closer to him I saw that he was only wearing apair of baggy, gray sweatpants, his chest bare. The muscles from his neck toabdomen were clearly defined; I took in the sight of him and was leftbreathless.

Kiran waited patiently for me toapproach. His face was a mixture of emotions, none of which I could define. Hestood alone, a grove of trees encircling him. The space was too small to becalled a meadow, but was hollowed out by a perfect ring of forest surroundingit. He leaned against a tree opposite me; and gave me a saddened version of hissmirk.

I stopped short of entering the circle,a little afraid of him but more afraid of what he wanted. His eyes appraised myentire figure before he let them fall intently on mine, beseeching me withwords not spoken. The silence was so beautiful that I was afraid to break itwith even the smallest sound.

After several moments of what beganto feel like a pained longing, Kiran approached slowly, gently. He closed theempty space between us, pulling me into his arms and holding me close. Thefears I had just felt, the apprehension that made me careful before, meltedaway and I let his energy consume me.

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