“Kiran Kendrick, I love you too,” Iwhispered, my throat closed and my eyes full of emotion.

He swept me into another passionatekiss and I melted into his embrace. When he finally released me I felt weakfrom my expended magic. Kiran led me back into the living room, but not beforeI tucked his gift beneath my plaid work shirt.

Avalon and Amory stood near thedoor waiting anxiously. Kiran kissed my hand sweetly and mouthed “I love you,”I blushed and joined my grandfather and twin brother at the door.

“Thank you again, Kiran…. foreverything,” Amory said humbly before we made our exit.


“Scoot over!” I demanded irritablywhile shoving my elbow into Avalon’s ribs. Sitting between Avalon and Titus onthe eight hour flight home was not ideal for anyone. But it was Amory’s greatidea of added protection; although in my personal opinion totally unnecessary.

“That’s it!” I declared loudly, andstood up as dramatically as the small coach cabin would allow. “Move!”

Avalon obeyed and slid his kneesinto the aisle so that I could pass. I walked unsteadily between the rows ofseats and passed several members of the rescued Resistance team, until I foundAmory staring out his window pensively.

I fell heavily into the seat nextto him, not really caring if I bothered him or not. He looked up at me andsmiled. I grinned back, pleased that I had the upper hand, if only for amoment.

“What happens now, grandpa?” Iasked, barely able to contain my laughter.

His expression turned anxious andthen relaxed when he saw my smile. He laughed a little himself and I was gladthat at least it didn’t seem he wanted that information to remain a secret.

“When did you figure it out?” heasked, still smiling, but not quite able to look me in the eyes.

“Kiran told me, kind of onaccident. He assumed I already knew…. silly him,” I said sarcastically. Amory’sface flushed with embarrassment. “So you’re the last remaining Oracle. You seempretty alive to me,” I joked.

“For now,” Amory flushed deeperwith embarrassment. “That’s a much longer conversation, for a more privatesetting,” he cut me off when my I opened my mouth to ask a million questions.

 “Ok, but I’m going to hold you to that,” Ipaused for a moment before continuing, “So really what happens when we gethome?” I decided on a different topic that I had just as many questions for.

“Well first we explain everythingto Sylvia. That will be our first battle. She has been worried sick. You’relucky I was able to talk to her yesterday, I hopefully softened the blow,” hegave me a stern, parental glare and it was my turn to blush from discomfort.

“Then what?” I asked timidly.

“I’m not sure; I’m afraid most ofthis is now out of our hands. For the first time, in a long time, our futureslay in the hands of someone I don’t know what to expect from,” he turned hishead to return his thoughtful gazing out the window and I realized he wasreferring to Kiran.

“But we’re not going to try to killhim anymore, right?” I sounded more casual than I felt. My throat closed withemotion and my hands trembled a little at the thought. Even though I was on theside of the Resistance, I had no idea if it was a place I could stay,especially if they tried to continue with their original plans.

“No, my dear. I could never hurtsomeone you cared about so deeply. You don’t need to be worried anymore,” heput an arm around me, and continued to look quietly out of the small window.

I sunk into my own personalpensiveness, wondering if Lucan would really leave me alone or if he would hurtme in pursuit of my parents. If they were still out there, where were they? Idoubted I could help Lucan find them anyways; I certainly had no way to lookfor them.

A hundred questions swirled throughmy mind, but the questions that kept demanding to be answered first were whenwould I get to see Kiran again? When would we get to be alone again and whenwould I feel safe once more in his arms?

As unlikely as our love affairmight have been, loving Kiran was the only concrete path I could imagine. I waswholly consumed with a love that would probably get me killed, but I wouldnever have chosen any other way. I could not have chosen any other way. We weretruly destined for each other, fated to be together…. we were star-crossed.

About the Author

Rachel Higginson wasborn and raised in Nebraska, but spent her college years traveling the world.She married her high school sweetheart and spends her days raising theirgrowing family. She is obsessed with bad reality TV and any and all Young AdultFiction.

Reckless is her firstbook, and the first part in a four part saga, The Star-Crossed Series. HopelessMagic, the second installment of the series is currently available.

Follow Rachel on herblog at:


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Rachel Higginson


Reckless Magic

Keep reading for anexcerpt from Hopeless Magic, the second installment of The Star-Crossed Series.


Iam so grateful to get to write an acknowledgement section that I just mightstart back as far as I can remember and start thanking everyone I’ve ever met!Ok, maybe I won’t. But there are so many people that have helped bring me towhere I am today that I should probably start naming them!

First of all, this gift of writingthat sometimes feels more like a miracle at the end of the day came from Godalone and to Him I give the glory. He has had a plan since the beginning and Iam so blessed to be invited along on this wild ride.

Thanks to my loving family, whohave put up with my sleepless nights, and all of my “Not right nows…” and “In alittle bits….” You’ve put up with a dirty house, dirty laundry and let’s faceit a dirty mommy, but you have supported me through it all and I thank you forthat.

Thanks to my parents, who promisedme from childhood I could do and be anything that I wanted. To my dad, whoalthough might be disappointed I’m not a missionary in the jungles of Africa,would be proud to know I followed my dream. And to my mom who has spent endlesshours babysitting, encouraging me, spreading the word about my books and evendone my dishes and laundry a few times! Thank you for your support.

Thanks to Kylee who sat by me forhours and hours while I bounced ideas and thoughts off her. To Pat who let usexchange yard work for cover art. And to Carolynn for going through the first,very, very rough versions and donating her editing eye.

Thanks to Jenn Nunez who took meunder her wing and walked me through this whole crazy process step by step,holding my hand and answering all of my millions and millions of questions!!

Finally, thanks to my amazinghusband, Zach. Without him, I would never have taken the plunge and published,or continued to publish, or maybe even continued to write. He has been aconstant source of encouragement, always helping me be better and pushing me todo more. Love you Zachary.

I followedLilly through the other side of the barn and around the large white farmhouse.A small group of other Immortals walked silently with us. All of them were theolder generation except Avalon, whom I noticed was allowed more of a leadershiprole than anyone else our age, including me.

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