Angelica led our small group behindthe farmhouse and down into a storm cellar. Lilly and I followed Conrad,Terrance, Amory and Avalon down a set of worn stone steps. The men all carriedfiery torches and as we walked through a surprisingly long tunnel, they stoppedand lit suspended torches along the wall.

What I expected to be a typicalNebraska tornado shelter, meant to protect from seasonal storms, had turnedinto a long, but wide tunnel, leading further and further into the earth. Thealready cold November night continued to stiffen the frigid air the fartherinto the passageway we walked.

Lilly’s hand in mine, I could feelher tremble with anxiety. The look on her face was sheer determination, etchedwith near panicked hysteria. Her already pale skin had turned translucent byfear and her vibrant red curls framed her face in a haze of frizz. I squeezedher hand, hoping to comfort, except I couldn’t help but empathize her samefears.

Eventually we came to a thick stonedoor. The small group ahead of us mounted their torches into frames alreadynailed to the walls. Through the dim firelight I could see small markingsbordering the outline of the door and then another large symbol set exactly inthe middle at eye level: a snake, wrapped in a circle, swallowing its’ owntail.

Angelica was the first one throughthe door. She put her finger, just below her ear, where her jawbone met herneck and I watched the faint flare of light. I realized she was illuminatingthe same symbol of the snake eating its own tail, the same symbol Lilly was onher way to receive. Angelica carried the magic in her finger, from her neck tothe symbol in the door. She placed her index finger ever so softly on theserpent and I watch with quiet awe as the door glowed in the same color asAngelica’s magic before opening into a circular room.

The door closed behind Angelica andConrad was next in line. He repeated the same procedure as Angelica, only thistime the door illuminated in army green, to resemble the brand of magic he carried.I realized at that moment that I may not be able to keep my promise to Lilly,since it seemed to enter the secret room of the Resistance, one must already bea member or on their way to become one.

I squeezed Lilly’s hand tighter asI watched Terrance and then Avalon both enter the room in turn. Amory turnedtowards us, his expression pure excitement. He held out his hand to Lilly andshe accepted the offer silently.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able tojoin us, Eden dear. Unless you are also willing to join our humble causetonight,” I saw the hope in his black eyes and felt ashamed when I shook myhead no.

“Then you had better wait outhere,” his smile softened into a sadder version of happiness and I was struckwith guilt. Some small part of me understood that I could not waver in themiddle much longer. Sooner or later I would have to make a choice; I would haveto join a cause that would eventually lead to the death of the person I lovedwith all of my soul, or I would have to turn my back on this cause and alienatemyself entirely from the only family I would ever have.

I squeezed Lilly’s hand one moretime before letting go and gave her an encouraging smile. She returned my smilewith renewed confidence and I suddenly felt envious. Her brilliant emerald eyesshone with sheer determination and something more, something much like victory.Then, Amory was lighting the door and I watched them disappear behind the thickwall of stone.

Can I watch? I spoke to my twinbrother telepathically, hoping he would understand my need to be involved.Although I could have easily opened our twin sense and made the decision formyself, I felt obligated to ask Avalon for his permission. I had a hard timeinvading his privacy unannounced. He, on the other hand, had absolutely noproblem spying on me.

As long as you don’t interrupt.Avalon replied, slightly exasperated. I loved my brother dearly, but when hewas in super commando leader mode, I couldn’t help but find him more than alittle irritating.

I leaned against the cool stonewall in the wide passageway. On this side of the door the torches flickered,casting long shadows on the rough floor. I closed my eyes and melted my mindwith Avalon’s, opening my senses with our similar magic. I saw through hiseyes, heard through his ears and felt through his senses.

Although my vision was limited towhat Avalon was looking at, I could still take in the room. The space behindthe thick stone door was smaller than I had imagined it to be. A large, darkwooden chair sat in a circular area, illuminated only by candle light. Hundredsof tiered candles sat on long, low tables circling the rooms. They took up mostof the wall space, except where a door was located.

There were four other doors besidesthe stone one blocking my path. They were wooden, and not made from stone;however, the same symbolic snake crested them as well. A deep pot of sorts satnot far from the lone chair that Lilly had now taken. The large cauldron wasfull of some type of iridescent liquid and although I couldn’t see any firebeneath the pot, it seemed to be bubbling as if boiling.

Avalon stared at Lilly intently. Icould see the tension in her eyes and she gripped the armrests of the chairtightly with both hands. Amory was asking her a series of questions and shenodded confidently despite the terror I could tell she was feeling.

Avalon was also tense; I could feelthat he was afraid she would back out. I could feel him admire her beauty,which felt a little bizarre coming from Avalon, and that he would desperatelylike her to join the cause. In part, but not entirely, he felt that way becausehe thought Lilly would have influence over me. I smiled on the outside of thedoor, wondering if he was right.

“Lilly Elizabetta Mason, you areabout to join a cause that stands directly opposed to the Monarchy and King andif you are found out the price is your life. Are you sure you want to give upyour rights as an Immortal, your eternal life as an Immortal and your fate asan Immortal, surrendering them all under the cause of the Resistance?” Amoryasked Lilly gravely.

She responded with a strong “Yes.”

“Then Lilly, through any trial,tribulation, torture and trap the Resistance will always give you aid, alwaysgive you support and always give you sacrifice. You are, little sister, one ofus, wholly, and forever.”

Amory paused to smile benevolentlyand reassuringly at Lilly before gesturing toward Conrad and Terrance. Theymoved towards Lilly in slow but swift movements and then began to strap herdown with restraints I had not noticed before, attached to the chair.

I stood up straight, overcome withanxiety for my dear friend. Why on earth would they need to strap her down? Shelooked like she was about to be electrocuted by some old school torture tool,something straight out of a fifties era death row chamber. And although I couldsee that Lilly was willfully allowing them to tie her to the chair, and throughit all she seemed to have significantly calmed down, I could not believe shereally understood what she was about to go through.

I began to pace the hallwaynervously, doing my best to find a way into that room. If things went badly forLilly, I refused to do nothing. I did not risk my life to save her in Romaniafrom Lucan, only to bring her back to Omaha and watch her die at the hands ofmy brother and grandfather.

Calm down. You’re so dramatic.Avalon sent me a thought and I inwardly cringed, realizing I had promised notto interrupt him.

You better not hurt her. I seethedthrough my thoughts, finding it slightly ironic he was the one calling medramatic. He rolled his eyes, not only inwardly but physically as well.

Eden, the whole process is hurt.She’s going to be in a lot of pain in just a few seconds and there isabsolutely nothing you can do about it. Just remind yourself that she chosethis path, and this path comes with a price. Avalon’s words hit a nerve and Iwas suddenly agitated. I knew that he didn’t mean to hurt me, but he was right.She chose this path willingly and there was absolutely nothing I could do aboutit.

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