Grandma wouldn’t like the Boris situation. She would’ve been great as extra backup, and probably would’ve been more than willing to help. But I couldn’t take a chance on her leaving Zoe and something happening to either of them. I’d just gotten them back. “What’s the big deal over being well fed? And where did you learn to cook?”

“When I first joined up, they were afraid I’d get crushed, because I was so young and inexperienced. They gave me things to do around the house, but I needed more. Then I got to thinking. We use up so much energy in battle. Eating well can make all the difference between winning and losing. So I learned to cook and became very popular.” Chait chuckled. “Even after my training, I still cooked sometimes.”

“Spent all that time cooking, then trained with your mentor? You’re not really nineteen,” I said.

Chait wiped his hands on the dishtowel. “They found me younger than the norm. I was twelve.”

“Oh.” I cocked my head. “Where were your parents? That’s awfully young to choose sides, isn’t it?”

“Not necessarily.” Chait shrugged. “But that’s a story for another time.” He said it like the subject was closed.

I glanced at Hayden who’d been unusually quiet, which reminded me of the only reason we were in the same room together. “So, we’re going into battle, huh?”

“Hope not,” Chait answered. “Never met Boris, but I’ve heard stories. He’s in power, because he killed the previous ruler. Actually, the rumor is that the guy is still alive. Supposedly, Boris cut off all his limbs, cauterized them and cut out his tongue. Now he’s a decoration in Boris’s office.”

“That’s disgusting,” I said. “You think it’s true?”

Hayden glanced at me, his expression grim. “Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be true for us to know he’s dangerous. Try not to think about it.”

“Oh, that’s gonna happen.” I rolled my eyes. “Let’s get some sparring in before we eat. There are some things I want to try out.”

Chait set the ladle on the counter and replaced the lid. “It needs to simmer a while anyway. What do you have in mind?”

“Training room.” I flicked a thumb toward the door.

We met Hayden’s mom on the way to the main house. She wore a black off-the-shoulder dress that stopped about three inches above her knee. Looked to me like Rachel’s newfound singlehood suited her just fine.

“Girls’ night out, Mom?” Hayden asked.

“Yes. Since I’ll be out late, thought I’d stay the night there. I already made the reservation.”

“Go easy on ’em. They’re only guys.” He chuckled.

She kissed him on the cheek and strutted out in her pink strappy heels.

“On a weeknight?” I watched her through the window as she climbed into her Jag. “It’s not even dark yet.”

“Happy hour,” Hayden explained.

“Hope she stays safe.” She looked way too hot to be a mom.

“She goes to the nicest places, Tessa, not dives. Country Clubs and swanky hotels where there’s security. Her friends are all rich with grown kids. Her friends have nothing better to do on a Tuesday night. She’ll be fine.”

I caught Chait’s scent as he moved close behind me. “Maybe she’ll let us drive that tomorrow,” he said.

“Get away from the window,” Hayden said. “You guys look like stalkers.”

I glanced at Hayden who eyed Chait’s arm as it slipped lightly around my waist and guided me away. Hayden frowned. Maybe he was suffering from I-don’t-want-you-but-no-one-else-can-have-you-either syndrome. If that was going through his head, too bad. I’d date whomever I wanted.

If only I wanted someone other than Hayden.

“So what did you want to try out?” Chait asked as we entered the gym.

“I want you to try to hurt me,” I said, then looked behind him.

“Tessa, hurting you will tell us what?” Hayden asked, clearly not liking the idea.

I drew my wandering gaze to Hayden. “In the library at Chait’s when those women came in, I put up a shield and they didn’t know I was there. What if I could do that to protect myself, not just keep them from sensing me?”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that,” Chait said doubtfully.

“But I’m not a normal witch.”

“Okay. Who gets the honor, me or Hayden?”

“You do it,” Hayden told him.

“Okay. On three. One…”

Tonight could be life or death. If putting up a shield was possible, I’d do it. Wait… none of us could do anything until we knew it was possible.


I am untouchable. No one can break through the invisible barrier surrounding me…

“Three.” I flinched as his fist flew at me, but I strengthened the wall. Right before impact with my stomach, his hand slowed, almost as if he’d hit a wall of sponge.

Chait’s mouth dropped open. “That was amazing. It felt like I was moving through marshmallow or something. Awesome.” He grinned.

“Now I want you to assault Hayden,” I said, eager to discover more. “And make it good.”

“What?” Hayden groaned. “I can already tell you he’s going to whip me.”

“Not necessarily. I mean, he might. But this could work on others, too. Chait, go.”

I imagined a wall around Hayden that no one could break through, not even Boris. Chait threw himself into a kick that would hurt like hell if he made it past the barrier. I held the wall steady as Chait’s leg slowed before making contact.

Chait laughed as he chose a sheathed dagger from the wall of weapons. “That was wicked cool. Let’s do it again.” He assumed his fighting stance, legs spread, hands up.

I projected the shield over Hayden again and Chait leaped at him. Just before Chait made contact, he threw the sheathed dagger at me. My shield dropped from Hayden as I caught the knife and the guys tumbled to the ground. Profanity spilled from Hayden’s mouth as he dusted himself off.

“You need to learn to multi-task,” Chait told me with a smug grin. “Next time, you’re going to handle the dagger while still protecting Hayden.”

I threw the shield up around Hayden and signaled to Chait. The dagger flew at me and I forced it in a different direction mid-way while still protecting Hayden. As Chait kicked and his leg met the marshmallow effect, Hayden’s fist shot out and punched Chait in the face.

Chait fell backward to the floor, laughing. “That was beautiful. We’ll do that again. Tessa, hold that shield on Hayden and yourself and shoot that dagger at me. Aim it to kill, sheathed of course.”

Hayden was merciless, kicking Chait in the ribs as the dagger bounced off Chait’s heart.

“Nice job.” Chait rubbed his side and grinned. “Time to refuel.”

While the noodles cooked, Hayden spread garlic butter over the bread and I set the table. During our meal, the only thing I could think about was what else I might be able to do. Could I shield a group of people? Maybe my only limitation was my imagination. Maybe by believing more, I could do more.

“He’ll be here in two hours,” Chait said between bites. “You got extra security guys?”

“Yeah, we have a total of four,” Hayden answered.

“Good. If Boris arrives early or he does something else we’re not expecting, I want your security guys to see him before he gets to us. Cameras on?”


Two hours. Not enough time. Hopefully, there would be no battles tonight and everyone would leave alive. But what if Boris turned ugly? There were only three of us to his… twenty? Thirty?

“Eat,” Hayden said. “And stop thinking. If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen. So what if he forces us to join him, like uses blackmail? We’ll go along with whatever, right? So long as we keep our cool, we’re okay.”

I nodded. “We’ll be fine.” Maybe.

“Have another bite. You need to be prepared for anything.” Hayden snagged my fork, piled it with pasta and floated it near my mouth. I opened and he fed me. “That’s a good girl.”

I chewed and made myself swallow. “Is there anyone you trust back home, Chait? Anyone we could recruit to be on standby? I know it’s short notice…” I forced another bite when Hayden handed me the fork.

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