“Or maybe you’d like to go back home?” Hayden asked Chait. “It’s gotta be safer there. It’s our fight, not yours.”

“I trusted David completely, more than anyone else. Turns out he’s the least trustworthy.” Chait looked down at his food and took a deep breath. “You guys are real. I’d trust either of you with my life. I’m in this for the long haul, live or die.”

We ate in silence, his words weighing on us.

“Hayden,” I said. “Boris wants me. You could bail and save yourself. I’m not sure this is your fight either.”

He pointed a fork at me. “After Chait’s speech, are you kidding me? I’m not going anywhere. Besides, I lost my tolerance for bullies. If Boris tries anything, I’m gonna want to kick his ass.”

The old Hayden probably would’ve bailed, like he tried that first day in the principal’s office. The old Hayden would just stand by and watch while a smaller kid got pushed around. Hayden had grown a lot since then. And as much as I didn’t want to love him, I couldn’t help it. He still needed work in the relationship department, but he’d learned honor and team spirit. He was even getting along with Chait. But, most likely, that was only because he no longer wanted me and was no longer jealous.

He still cared a little though. That was obvious by the way he tried to make sure I stayed well fed. And sometimes when he looked at me, I could almost see the same desire for me that I’d seen before. My imagination, of course. Even if it were real, it wasn’t enough. Hayden was right. I’d probably be better off with Chait. I liked him and I certainly didn’t mind looking at his pretty face. Maybe one day, I’d forget about Hayden and have those same feelings for Chait.

“Tessa, eat. Only a few more bites.” Hayden loaded the fork I’d absentmindedly set down, and thrust it at me.

I scarfed the last of the pasta and garlic bread then put my plate away. We practiced the next half hour, Chait and Hayden sparring while I amused myself by interfering with them at random. They never knew if they would hit their target or hit marshmallow.

“Let’s take a break. Hayden, check with your security guys one last time and I’ll make sure the cameras are on.” Chait left the gym while Hayden worked the intercom.

I waited for them to come back, tapping my fingers on my thigh. A few minutes later, they returned with a duffle bag. Chait rifled through it and tossed Hayden a dagger, then tossed another one to me. He threw Hayden a second one and placed his own two in his waistband.

“I only get one?” I asked.

“You can’t multi-task, remember?” Chait smirked. “Just kidding. I only brought five and we don’t have your advantages.”

“Yeah, Chait and I need all the help we can get,” Hayden added, chuckling.

“Aren’t you guys nervous?” They’d been joking around all night and laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world.

“Of course we are. Who wouldn’t be?” Hayden closed the distance between us and stroked my arms, but I didn’t allow myself to respond. “We can do this. You can do this. Keep your cool. That’s the most important thing. Stay focused.”

“He’s a powerful guy and he’s terrifying.” Chait nodded solemnly. “But you’re scarier with what you can do. I wish we had more time to discover all your abilities. You have to keep your confidence and believe he can’t beat you.”

 “Let’s get some chairs. If he’s bringing a ton of men, this room will hold them. And it’s the best place for battle if it comes to that,” Hayden said.

Hayden found some wooden folding chairs in the storage shed and we placed them near the door.

Boris showed up a half hour later — an hour early — undoubtedly to throw us off and catch us unprepared. Hayden greeted him graciously, as though he were an old friend.

Ten bodyguards followed him into the gym. I thought it unlikely that he’d only brought ten. The others were probably outside keeping an eye on Hayden’s security guards. Boris’s men fanned out several yards away and settled into their positions. I wondered what I’d do if I were Boris. For one thing, I would’ve already neutralized the guards. And the cameras. Boris didn’t get where he was — and stay there for a hundred years — by being stupid.

If we got into trouble, no one would see and no one would be alerted.

“Have a seat.” Hayden motioned to one of the chairs.

Boris sat and I took the seat across from him, the one between Chait and Hayden. “So Boris, what’s the occasion?”

“I wanted to check on your progress.” He smiled. Not an open-mouthed one but rather one that caused a subtle curling of his lips, like he could change his mind at any second.

I shrugged and kept my tone carefully neutral. “It’s been two days and I have school. How much progress do you think I should be making?”

“You’ve barely been in contact with Frank or Lila, but you’ve been with him an awful lot.” He didn’t define him or even look at Chait, but we both knew.

“He saved me from Rena. He’s not sure why he should remain loyal to them. What’s the problem, Boris? You think he should be completely unfazed by his own partner betraying everyone? Why are you really here?”

“You’re an intelligent girl, so I’m going to be straightforward with you. You’re becoming a potential… liability. The longer you remain undecided, the more uncomfortable I get. You’re going to have to take a side. If you choose us, I will provide round-the-clock protection while you live with your parents the next few weeks. In exchange, you’ll have no contact with any of Jane’s people. Once you turn eighteen and graduate, you’ll join us and I will make sure you are rewarded.”

“And if I don’t choose you?” I made a conscious effort not to curl my hands into a fist.

He lifted a shoulder and his eyes gleamed. “That would be a shame.”

“So, basically, what you’re saying is choose you now — or else?” I folded my arms over my chest to steady my trembling hands.

“Take it however you like, Tessa.” Boris crossed his legs and leaned an elbow on his knee as if he hadn’t just threatened me, but his eyes were on guard and ready for battle.

“You’re not trying to win me over with your charm anymore or trying to convince me you’re the good guys. You’ve moved straight to intimidation. What changed? Why the rush?” I reminded myself that Boris’s tactics were exactly what I’d expected. I needed to stay levelheaded, but that was difficult to do when his attitude disgusted me. As if I’d bow down and let him be boss over me. I rose from my chair. I let the fury take over and my adrenalin pumped through me. Anger was good. It was either that or be swallowed by terror.

“Tessa.” Hayden stood next to me. “Have a seat. We’re still talking.”

“We’re just talking,” Chait echoed in his smoothest voice.

“Listen to the boys,” Boris said, eyes narrowing to slits. “Sit.”

They were right. I was coiled too tightly. A quick glance at Chait told me he was ready to spring. Hayden looked more than ready to fight too.

Boris would never own me. Now was not necessarily the time for battle though, if it could possibly be avoided. Taking my seat again, I crossed my legs to appear relaxed though I was far from it. My limbs quivered and my mouth was void of moisture. Still, I spoke up.

“I don’t have a problem making a decision. We told you at dinner how we felt about Rena and David. Out of all of them, Chait’s the only one we like.” Taking a deep breath, I continued. “We can’t make a formal decision. I’m still living at home. I’m vulnerable there. You might have your men watching me, but someone could still get through. You can’t guarantee our safety. That was proven when Rena kidnapped me and later when she tried to kill me.”

As the words left my mouth, I realized that no matter how convincing my performance, Boris wouldn’t settle for anything less than a commitment right then. If he had his answer, he’d go and we’d work out the details later. It would give Hayden and me time to gather our strength and skills while we finished school. But could Boris keep us safe from anyone with their own agenda, like Rena? Unlikely. Besides, something about agreeing to Boris’s terms felt like selling my soul, even if I knew I was lying. If I could stall him…

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