The Coordinator's son paused long enough for that question to impress itself on those who had not even deigned to notice the inferior officer seated against the wall. Jinjiro blushed as two Generals studied him critically, and his Tai-saglowered at him. Jinjiro swallowed hard. What have I done? I must have been a murdering Lyran pirate in a past life .. .

Theodore waved Jinjiro to his feet. "Look at him, gentlemen. He comes to this meeting dressed for combat. He has not forgotten what war is about. This man is prepared to fight, whenever, wherever we demand it." Kurita shrugged almost helplessly. "However, looks can be deceiving."

Jinjiro's heart sank as Theodore's gaze settled on the weak-chinned profile of Tai-saSanada. I am here because Sanada reported my insubordination. They will make an example of me. I am doomed.Jinjiro fought to hide his fear as Theodore un-snapped his holster.

"In combat on La Blon, Chu-iJinjiro Thorsen ordered his medium lance to advance into a city apparently abandoned by the Lyran forces. This contradicted an order given by Tai-saSanada here. Sanada, who was bringing up his command lance, planned to take the city himself." Theodore smiled pleasantly. "He intended to claim it for his battalion."

Theodore drew the pistol and charged it. "Jinjiro, it is reported, had a 'feeling' that something was wrong and entered the city. He claims he just wanted to scout it, and planned to be back out by the time Tai-saSanada arrived. Unfortunately for him, Lyran commandos ambushed his command with SRMs and inferno rockets. Though his lance's 'Mechs were covered with fire from the infernos, they managed to evacuate the city, and infantry was brought up to clear the resistance."

Theodore brought the pistol up and Jinjiro found himself staring down its barrel. "For this act of insubordination, Tai-saSanada has ordered a court-martial and reduction in rank for this officer."

Jinjiro breathed in deeply and found a well of calm deep inside himself. When I became a warrior, I accepted that death in service to the Coordinator would be my lot in life. If it is to come this way, it is not to be fought.Jinjiro glanced at Sanada, seated at the end of the table, and smiled. Insubordinate or not, I saved your life, you old fool. No one else will ever do that for you.

Theodore turned and shot Tai-saSanada through the head. Jinjiro jumped with surprise, but unlike the others in the room, he did not stare at the fallen body. Instead, he watched the silvery cartridge from the pistol dance and spin across the black table-top. As his head came up, his eyes met Theodore Kurita's hooded gaze. He knows. He knows I was prepared to die to satisfy the vanity of an officer. What he almost took away, I now pledge to his service.

Theodore let the echoes of the gunshot fade completely before he spoke. "Tai-saSanada was a fool. His objective—to win personal glory by taking that city—was at odds with the army's objective of total victory. Of what use are battle victories when we lose the war? None, of course, but it is only individuals like Chu-iThorsen here who understand this."

Kurita looked toward the holographic map. "My father has lost sight of this objective. He is obsessed with avenging the loss of honor he suffered in dealing with Wolf's Dragoons. His few competent staff officers are tripping over themselves to recoup our losses in the Rasalhague District. No one bothers with the Dieron Military District because there we have lost the least amount of territory to our enemies."

Palmer Conti leaned forward and studied the map. "It is as you say. You call us here to a meeting that will get us killed if your father ever hears of it, so you must have something in mind. What do you propose to do?"

Theodore smiled easily. Pressing a button, he illuminated a world behind the Lyran lines. "Dromini VI, gentlemen, is an agricultural world of little military import. The largely Buddhist population has given the occupying force little or no trouble, and so the LCAF has only a militia unit garrisoning the world.

"Their sense of security is false. I already have a Nekekamistrike team on the world, and they will slaughter the militia in three days. I also have the coordinates of a pirate jump point out beyond the sixth planet that will allow us transit to and from that world quickly. Because the Nekekamihave already broken the militia's security, no one will know this peaceful world has become an armed camp."

Hitting another button flashed a red circle to life around Dromini VI. The circle captured seven worlds in the Isle of Skye and five occupied worlds in its radius. "These worlds are one jump out from Dromini. Once our JumpShips recharge, we can strike into the heart of the Isle of Skye."

Jinjiro studied the map closely. So simple a plan, yet so devastating. It will put us in position to strike beyond Lyran hard points, forcing them to withdraw troops so they can protect all their holdings, not just key worlds. In this way, they will equalize their forces and make it easier for us to concentrate our own forces to defeat them. It turns the war into a guessing game we can win.

Conti pointed at the Lyran world of Lyons. "I assume you want to hit these worlds to force the Isle of Skye to pull out of the Commonwealth and declare itself neutral. The Third Dieron Regulars tried that and died on Lyons."

Theodore nodded slightly at the Fifth Sword's commander. "You are correct that I want to force the Isle of Skye out of the Commonwealth. Duke Lestrade graciously denuded his holding of troops, inviting us in so we could supply him the excuse he needed to withdraw, but that plan died with the Third Dieron Regulars. Still, the Isle of Skye is definitely understaffed and I mean to force the Isle of Skye out of the Commonwealth because I own it! Seven worlds, gentlemen, there for the taking. Then we leap deeper and deeper into the Commonwealth, cutting the invaders off from their own lines of supply."

Jinjiro swallowed hard. He means to do more than force the Lyrans back across their side of the border. He wants to take worlds from them to increase the Dragon's realm. This will be such a severe blow to House Steiner that they will be forced out of the war, giving us the chance to fall upon House Davion with a vengeance.

Tai-shoRajpuman looked up at Theodore. "What of the mercenaries that destroyed the Third Dieron Regulars on Lyons?"

The Coordinator's son smiled, then hit a button on the table. Off to his right, facing Palmer Conti, a wall panel slid silently into the ceiling. Theodore turned to the gray-haired officer standing in the doorway. "What of the Kell Hounds?"

Yorinaga Kurita did not smile. "They are of no concern. By the time your attacks take place, the Kell Hounds will be nothing more than a memory."

Theodore nodded solemnly. "The Genyoshawill meet and battle the Kell Hounds on Nusakan in October. .."

Conti snorted derisively, "That means we'll be fighting them in November."

Yorinaga regarded Conti with a fierce stare that sent shivers up and down Jinjiro's spine. "That Tai-showould be wise to remember that the Genyoshakept Team Banzai's Blue Blazer battalion from overrunning his command post on Northwind."

Conti regarded Yorinaga like a cobra watching a mongoose. "True, but you lost your base to a raid by Morgan Kell..."

Pounding his fist into the table, Theodore cut off discussion. "Enough, Conti. This is shameful. If you resent Yorinaga on a personal basis, settle your differences with him outside this room. His Genyoshais a superior fighting force, and all of us in this room know it. By the same token, we know my father has abandoned it in much the same way he has forgotten the whole Dieron Military District. The Genyoshaare an elite unit, but they get no supplies. This holds true for the entire district. My father is not giving us the materials, support, or respect we are due."

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