Theodore pointed to the star map. "My plan will enable us to beg, borrow, and steal the supplies we need to sustain a campaign of conquest. The Genyoshawill be our first unit going into the Isle of Skye, and they will destroy the Kell Hounds. Yorinaga has earned the glory and the right, and he shall have it."

Palmer Conti's face darkened, and Jinjiro sensed wheels turning within wheels in his mind. The Kurita Tai-sholooked up. "Will not the strike at Nusakan tip our hand?"

Theodore chuckled slightly. "No. The Archon has given her blessing to this battle between the Kell Hounds and the Genyosha.She is enough of a warrior that she will not move troops into that area for fear of dishonoring Morgan Kell. What few troops remain in the Isle of Skye will not be anticipating an attack, and we will catch them unprepared."

Theodore watched as Conti reluctantly nodded his agreement. "That settles it, then," said Kurita. "By the new year, we will rule the Isle of Skye. If he's lucky, I will let Aldo Lestrade live long enough to see how brilliant his plan truly was."



Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine

1 August 3029


Tai-iJinjiro Thorsen moaned as Caterina Enritsu, the concubine Theodore Kurita had presented him in reward for his service, massaged the ciofaf-scented oil deeper into the muscles of his right thigh. He raised his head to look at her, but without his glasses, she appeared as a blur of golden hair and lightly bronzed skin. He reached out, brushing his fingertips against her shoulder, and she kissed his hand.

"So, Thorsen-sama, you must be a very important man. It is not often the Coordinator's son sends his personal aide to demand special treatment for a patron."

Jinjiro nodded, then let his head sink back down on the futon. Caterina slid her hands up his body, sending a thrill through him, then started to massage his left shoulder. "No, Caterina-san, I am not that important." I wish I were, then I could afford your services, and you would admit me into that closed circle of important clients you keep. Your importance is far greater than mine.

She laughed lightly and melodiously. "I think you are being modest, Jinjiro. You must have done something to deserve a promotion from Chu-ito Tai-itoday."

Jinjiro tried again to focus on her face. Is she teasing me?"How did you know I was promoted just today?"

She winked at him and urged him to sit up. As he raised himself up on his elbows, she moved around behind him. With her hands on his shoulders, she gently pressed him back down so his head rested in her lap. "A guess, nothing more. You started to introduce yourself as a Lieutenant as if you were used to that title. As Theodore Kurita arranged for me to be your hostess and—just between us—called to make sure I would be especially good to you, I assumed the promotion had taken place today."

Jinjiro's eyes grew wide with amazement. She knows the Coordinator’s son, and he asked her to take special care of me!Warm fire ignited in his belly as she rubbed her hands over his chest and down his abdomen. "You are correct. After a big meeting, Theodore Kurita himself announced my promotion."

Jinjiro expected her to comment, but Caterina said nothing. She reached for a cup of sakeon the low table beside the futon and brought it to his lips. Jinjiro sipped some of the rice liquor, then lay his head back down against her thighs. "What is wrong?"

Caterina shook her head briefly, then forced a smile onto her face. "Nothing, really." She paused, set the cup down, and then began to massage his temples. "It is just that I hear so often about meetings and more meetings. Moore is within striking distance of the front and I fear our warriors will be in their meetings when the Lyrans come to conquer us."

Jinjiro felt the shudder throughout her body. "No, no, you do not understand. This was not a meeting like those you describe." Jinjiro smiled as she brought the sakecup to his lips again. He swallowed more of the liquor and felt the glow in his belly slowly spread up to his head. "You need not fear the Lyrans much longer."

Her fingers shifted down to knead the muscles in the back of his neck. "I think you say this to humor your little mekake,Jinjiro-sama, but you need not fear. I will not let my personal anxieties spoil this night for you. I appreciate your effort, but it is not necessary to lie to me."

Jinjiro shook his head. "An officer would not lie. This is the truth." A voice inside him warned against saying anything more, but a giddy feeling overrode his caution. She knows the Coordinator's son."Within two months, you will find yourself deep behind the lines."

Caterina smiled lustily down at him. "Perhaps, Jinjiro, perhaps." She shifted around, gently lowering his head to the quilted mattress, and stretched her naked body down next to his. "Then again, I might just follow a considerate, ambitious officer like you as far as you care to take me."

Caterina Enritsu looked down at the lean, sleeping form of Jinjiro Thorsen. Sleep well, lover, for it would not do for you to notice my absence.She glanced at her chronometer, then pulled on a dark sweater. She felt uneasy about leaving in the middle of a performance, but knew the drug she'd slipped into the sakewould keep Jinjiro safely unconscious for the short time she was gone.

Indeed, the drug had worked perfectly. It loosened Jinjiro's tongue enough that he'd easily revealed the information she wanted. I knew from the first look at that innocent face and those thick glasses, that an appeal to his protectiveness would work. I wish I could wait until tomorrow to deliver this information, but it's too vital. The LIC needs it now. I have to risk it.

She crossed back to the sleeping Mech Warrior and kissed him on the forehead. When I get back, I'll give you something to remember that will blur anything and everything else about this evening in your memory.She smiled to herself. After all, all that I've done so far has been to thank you in the name of Theodore Kurita. When I return, though, I will show you the full depth of the Lyran Intelligence Corps' gratitude.



Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation

3 August 3029


Justin realized something was very wrong when he noticed members of the House Imarra battalions standing guard on either side of the briefing chamber's portal. Where the hell are the Death Commandos? Who authorized a shift of duty for them?Remembering the urgent sound in Candace's voice and the worried look on her face on the visiphone's view screen, Justin answered his own question. Romano. She has to be the source of this trouble. I hope she's done nothing I can't fix.

The two hulking guards did not look at Justin as the chamber door rose into the ceiling, but they moved instantly to block Alexi Malenkov's passage. Seeing their movement out the corner of his eye, Justin spun and batted the nearest guard's hand away from Alexi's shoulder. "Let him go."

The Imarra warrior glanced over his shoulder as Romano framed herself in the doorway. "Malenkov is not allowed in here. I do not trust him." She held her head high, and her green eyes blazed with defiance. Her black trousers and green tunic had been cut in a military style, but the way she let the blouse gap open to reveal tantalizing glimpses of her breasts mocked the crisp correctness of the guards' uniforms.

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