Myndo gestured toward the Primus. "This man, and Adrienne Sims before him, represent a rogue twist in the philosophy of ComStar. His actions are a perversion of the Word of Blake, yet his mastery of that sacred document has allowed him to quote it to justify his position and to punish opposition. This renegade school of thought will destroy us if we do not root it out now."

She drew her outflung hands back to her chest, then let them drop to her sides as she looked down contritely. "We all remember the changes Adrienne Sims made in the service. She created the Explorer Corps of ComStar, which has made discoveries of incalculable worth in recovering technology from the Star League era and before. We cannot doubt the usefulness of this service, or its vital part in bringing us closer to our destiny."

The Primus curled his hands into fists to stop their trembling. Is this part of it, Myndo? I once predicted great things for you, even that you would one day become Primus. How your eyes lit up at my confidence... But not now, not this way. Aslow burning began in his chest. Damn, my ulcer is coming back.

Myndo glanced at the Primus like a wolf watching a sheep pen. "Had Julian Tiepolo remained as nothing but a caretaker for his predecessor's programs, ComStar would have been blessed with his election. His thirty-year reign would have been heralded as an age of unprecedented stability during which we could have gained more information and strength. Unfortunately, Julian Tiepolo began to think of his place in our history, and after twenty years, moved to create fame for himself.

"He gambled. He looked at the Word of Blake and read only of the good times in which ComStar would share technology with a united Humanity. He thought that he could unite the Successor States quickly and be the Primus who finally led mankind out of the dark ages. Wanting to be a new Prometheus, he attempted to accomplish in a decade what it will take centuries to bring about."

The flesh around the Primus's eyes tightened at the jolt of pain her words gave him. Excellent use of a mythical reference! Yes, I would be thelight-bringer, but I am not so guileless as to proceed in the manner you suggest. Yes, I combine our foes, but only to more easily direct them at each other.A trickle of sweat rolled down his right temple. Quickly, Precentor, finish your speech so I may pull it apart!

Myndo opened her hands wide as though to embrace the whole chamber. "We all know the list of things Julian Tiepolo has tried to do in the last ten years, and many of you have been present when I opposed his wild machinations in this very chamber. I steadfastly fought against the alliance between the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns. The Primus believed that uniting these two nations would spur the fall of the other states. That was his reason for forcing me to negotiate a treaty between Houses Kurita, Marik, and Liao. It may appear that he created two strong foes out of five smaller enemies—a formula to bring about the destruction we have long awaited—it did nothing of the sort."

Myndo lifted her chin. "All this time, I was seeing the true danger within the Successor States: Prince Hanse Davion. Other shortsighted rulers before him believed they could force their enemies to elect them as new First Lord of a new Star League, but this man is different. Someone like Maximilian Liao dreamed of being elevated by his peers and given free rein to create a new League. He imagined that he could reform, in months or years, what centuries of war and hatred had torn asunder.

"Hanse Davion suffers no such illusion. He does not seek personal glory and gain. What he plans is the founding of a dynasty. Already he has united the two economically strongest realms with his marriage to Melissa Steiner. His armies have gobbled up the most productive parts of the Capellan Confederation, and our Interdiction has not slowed those troops in any measurable way. It is as though Hanse Davion knows our true purpose and uses that knowledge against us."

A wave of heat passed over the Primus, beading sweat on his shaven head. The burning in his chest increased and with it, so did his fury at Precentor Dieron. Full retribution... is that what you want, Myndo? Did it so pain you ten years ago when I did not take you as my consort? I refused to take you to my bed because it would have forced me to chose between you and my great mission as Primus and guide of ComStar. You would have seduced me with your physical charms and then, intellectually, accomplished the same thing. We would have still reached this place, you and I, because I would not have moved quickly or ruthlessly enough for you. You have never understood how this office hobbles even the boldest of those who attain it.

Myndo ticked off points on her fingers as her voice rose to fill the chamber. "The Primus failed when he said there would be no change in the Liao-Davion border in our lifetime. He failed to maintain security during the Davion-Steiner wedding. Jaime Wolf appeared with two swords. Three ComStar ROM agents died. A Liao assassin made an attempt on the life of Quintus Allard. When I pressed for an Interdiction of House Liao for this violation, the Primus blocked it. When I asked for an Interdiction of House Davion to cut off their invasion in the early stages, again he blocked it. Now that Ardan Sortek has stepped in to run the Tikonov Free Republic until 'free' elections can be held, the Primus will not allow us to interdict Tikonov, which is no more than a Davion puppet-state!"

Her hands tightened into fists. "Every time I suggest action that could slow the unification that is anathema to our goals, Primus Julian Tiepolo opposes me and puts into place a program that assists our enemies. He is a heretic! We must remove him before he has a chance to block our reponse to a most serious situation."

The Primus's left arm jerked slightly as a sharp pain jolted from shoulder to fist. What is she talking about? These cryptic references will be the death of me.He pulled his right hand from his left sleeve and rubbed it against his chest. Damn. Why does my ulcer have to flare up now?For a moment, his attention wandered to the trivial thought of another year of bland food and foul concoctions.

Myndo's face hardened with contempt. "We all recall the gross failure of the Primus's personal aide, Precentor Emilio Rachan. Under the Primus's watchful eye, Rachan tried to carve himself a little kingdom and compromised security by allying with renegade Marik lords. Rachan located but failed to recover a Star League library memory core. In fact, he allowed it to fall into the hands of civilians who have treated it as a storehouse of lostech."

Her arctic gaze swept around the room. "For two years, we have hunted down every copy of the core we could find. To destroy these cores, we sponsored terrorism and let the blame fall to Davion or Kurita. Until now, we have kept the information in the copies from reaching people skilled enough to realize what they have. But that is no longer true because the New Avalon Institute of Science now has a copy of the core!"

More pain wracked the Primus's chest, again clawing down his left arm. No, that's not possible! She must be lying. How could Myndo have such information? We have no ROM agents in the NAIS. . . . If it is true . . . By the Blood of Blake, we are undone!

Myndo smiled cruelly at her shocked compatriots. "Yes, the core has reached the NAIS. Their experts are studying it, but their enthusiasm has let hints of their great find leak through the security net. How do I know?" Her eyes glowed with triumph. "I have placed an agent in the area and she managed to seduce the son of the military research chief. He told her just enough to communicate to me what is really happening in the NAIS."

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