Myndo turned and pointed at the Primus. "We must take action . .. action that this man will not sanction. Otherwise, this core will provide the NAIS with data that will allow them to take quantum leaps in technology. We must strike and destroy the NAIS!"

No! Such a naked display of power is impossible!Julian Tiepolo glowered at Myndo and opened his mouth to bellow at her, but no words escaped his throat. A bolt of pain exploded in his chest and engulfed his left arm in agony. The world swam out of focus as it spun away.

He tore at his chest with his right hand and collapsed in a heap. His breath, coming in ragged gasps, stoked the fire in his chest.

Myndo watched the paramedics wheel Julian Tiepolo away to the infirmary. As the chamber's door slid shut behind them, she faced her peers. "We must vote."

Still pale, Precentor Tharkad stared at her, unbelieving. "I, for one, will not sanction removing the Primus's title and office while he lies fighting for his life!"

Even before the others could voice agreement, Myndo cut them off. "Not that, you fool! Do you think me so heartless and cruel that I would take that from him? I may have opposed him, but I would not strip him of his dignity on his deathbed." She shook her head slowly. "No, I would not do that. Still, we must vote on whether or not to take action against the NAIS."

Villius Tejh watched her with the eyes of an eagle. "We cannot openly strike at the school."

Myndo laughed, wondering what sort of a fool he took her for. "Point well taken. Since our impersonation of a Davion unit was so successful in creating the holovid for the Federated Suns Interdiction, I have prepared a 'Mech battalion that in every detail matches that of the Liao Death Commandos. As far as anyone will know, Liao has launched an attack on the NAIS."

Precentor Tharkad rubbed his chin. "When?"

"They can be there in three weeks," she said. "Infantry will scour the research center to recover information that we do not have while the 'Mech battalion destroys whatever we don't need. Finally, they raze the whole research facility to cover our tracks."

Slowly, Precentor Tharkad raised his hand to signal agreement. Following his lead, in fits and starts, the other Precentors also voted in favor of the attack. Savoring her victory, Myndo made the vote unanimous by being the last one to raise her hand.

She smiled at her fellows, knowing herself the strongest among them. Thus begins a new age for ComStar. The Word of Blake be done!



Capellan March, Federated Suns

29 August 3029


Captain Andrew Redburn hunched his neck into his shoulders as cold, hard rain slashed at his face. This Fredek Vebber may think Kathil is his own fief, but he's wearing on me.The Mech Warrior shot a glance at Morgan Hasek-Davion, admiring the look of calm nobility on the other man's face. His ability to stay cool even under less-than-ideal conditions is why he and not you is in charge of this operation, Andy.

The main doors to Kearny-Fuchida Yare Industries sprang open, releasing a flood of harsh white lights that blinded the quartet of officers walking toward the building. The lights, mounted on holovid cameras, reduced Fredek Vebber to a corpulent silhouette. Andrew smiled despite the lash of windblown rain. Vebber's not a complete fool. He, at least, is out of this downpour.

The crowd melted back as Morgan Hasek-Davion passed through the door. Tall, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, Morgan moved with a grace that was almost feline. Without looking back, he continued far enough into the lobby for his compatriots to follow, then slid back the hood and doffed his rain-cloak.

Andrew read Morgan's tension in the way his hands curled into fists and the intentness with which he studied those around him. I remember when we first met at Warrior's Hall, pitted against one another in a plebe boxing tournament. When he looked at me just that way, I knew I was done for. Two minutes later, I was kissing canvas. I hope you’re up to it, Mr. Vebber.

Vebber stepped forward as KFYI staffers whisked away the MechWarriors' sopping raingear. He offered Morgan his hand, making sure to hold the pose long enough for the holovid cameras to shoot everything they needed for a promotional film.

The two men contrasted with one another in almost every way. Younger, healthier, and more physically imposing, Morgan bore himself with a strength Vebber would have lacked even in his youth. Morgan's black fatigues and the pistol riding in a hip holster also marked him as a military man, but it was more than that. Morgan is so vital and powerful,Andy thought. He is the predator and Vebber the prey.

Fredek Vebber, swathed in a gray business suit, looked old, soft, and heavy. "It is an honor, Highness, to have you tour our facilities," he said. "I am Fredek Vebber and at your service."

Morgan let a thin smile form on his lips, but his green eyes gave Vebber no quarter. "We found the visit to your antenna facility most instructive."

Andrew shared a smile with the other two officers who had accompanied Morgan to the microwave antenna dish plantation. "Instructive" had not been one of the words that came to mind while they stood out in the rain looking at those dishes.

Morgan turned to introduce his entourage. "Mr. Vebber, these are my staff officers." He smiled genuinely as he gestured to the MechWarriors. "This is Captain Andrew Redburn."

Vebber pasted a smile on his face that almost fell off when Andrew half-crushed the plant owner's fleshy hand in a solid grip. "I've heard of you, Captain, You're a hero—this is a thrill for me."

Andrew nodded politely. "Indeed. I'll not soon forget our meeting."

Vebber pried his hand free as Morgan introduced the beautiful black-skinned officer standing next to Andy. "This is Captain Alanna Damu." Vebber took her hand and would have kissed it, but Alanna shifted her palm around for a more appropriate greeting. Her ebon eyes flashed with irritation, prompting Vebber to nod silently and move to the last officer.

Vebber smiled warmly as he shook hands with Colonel Geraldo de Velez. "Highness, I know Gerry. I've known him since he was a kid. We sponsored his childhood soccer team." Vebber winked at the Prince. "Yare always takes great care of its employees and their little ones."

"I am certain, Mr. Vebber, that Colonel de Velez was chosen to command the Kathil militia's third battalion because of his maturity and skill at tactics." Morgan's voice took on a sharp edge. "He is young, it's true, but woe to any who mistake him for a child."

Vebber straightened his double-breasted gray coat. "I see." He waved them forward toward a long corridor. "Please, let me conduct you on the tour."

Morgan nodded slowly. "Do proceed, sir. We have come a long way for this." He glanced back at his aides, silently communicating his intentions to them. Andrew nodded understanding. Morgan wants to be in and out. We only want one thing from a visit to Yare, and now we’ll get it.Andrew smiled as one of the cameramen moved ahead to catch the party as it turned a corner. This is one vid no one is ever going to see.

Ahead, Vebber's tenor voice filled the corridor. "This is only a small part of KF Yare Industries, but the most important part. You saw the KF drive manufacturing plant in orbit as you came insystem, and you saw one of our many energy broadcast stations this morning. What you didn't see were the numerous smaller factories circling this world at high speed. With the computers here in our command center, we track all of them and supply their energy needs by beaming microwaves up to them."

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