Redburn nodded. "I knew of them, but they served in other cadet companies."

Johnson nodded curtly. "No matter, except that you are aware of the treaty and some of its effects. What you do not know is that the treaty has some secret provisions. What I will reveal to you now is known only to a handful of people, for reasons that will become painfully obvious." Johnson winced. "I believe that even that is too many, but there is nothing I can do about it."

Redburn saw Ardan nod in silent agreement with the Chancellor. He swallowed hard. "If you do not feel that I should know this . .." What is it? What could be so important?

Johnson waved away Redburn's protest. "No one would believe you if you told the story. I fear, however, that those with ambition will use their knowledge to secure power during this delicate time. You see, Andrew Redburn, Prince Hanse Davion and Archon-Designate Melissa Arthur Steiner are to be married on Terra, on the 20th of August, next year, in 3028."

Redburn took the news like an autocannon salvo to the head. His mouth dropped open and a legion of questions clamored at his mind. Instead of vocalizing that babble, he shook his head and kept his mouth firmly shut.

Johnson waited a moment, seeing Redburn's need to compose himself. "Melissa has met her future husband once, on Terra, when the treaty was signed. She was a child then, and the betrothal seemed more a game to her than reality. Since that time, her contact with the Prince has been restricted to messages exchanged through Colonel Sortek." Johnson nodded at Ardan, and the hint of a smile tightened the corners of his mouth. "Though the Colonel has told Melissa much about the Prince, and the messages have pleased her, it is not the same as a flesh-and-blood meeting."

Redburn nodded. "Like fighting in a simulator."

Johnson paused and smiled more fully. "An apt analogy. While I debate the wisdom of this enterprise, both the Archon and her daughter insist that Melissa must travel to the Federated Suns to meet Prince Davion. I have managed to convince them that I should handle the travel arrangements. You have already met one part of our preparations. Jeana Clay will double as Melissa, traveling with Colonel Sortek on some further inspections. Including you two, less than a dozen people will ever know that the real Melissa has actually left the Commonwealth."

Redburn nodded. "I assume, then, from the way the conversation is going, that I am to return to the Federated Suns in the company of someone who just happens to be Melissa Steiner?" Redburn narrowed his eyes. "Wouldn't transshipping her amid a mercenary unit, say Richard's Panzer Brigade, be safer?"

Ardan shook his head. "You, Andrew, being a hero and something of a media figure, will attract the attention of everyone watching. During the long voyage on a commercial liner, your contact with Melissa-in-disguise will not be noticed. That is because you, in essence, will have a large target painted on your chest. Melissa will pass unnoticed on the same ship."

Redburn nodded and Johnson smiled. "Very good, Leftenant. I feel better now. As soon as Melissa selects her traveling name and we have assembled an identity around it, you will be briefed further."

Ardan and Redburn rose to leave, but Johnson added one more remark before they could escape the room. "Oh, and Leftenant— be careful. Though Misha Auburn is Melissa's best friend, she does not know any of this. In fact, she has spent much time in Jeana's company without guessing at the exchange. Still, she has trained well to take over for her father as court historian when he retires. The Auburns have an instinctive nose for conspiracy. Watch yourself."

* * *

Melissa looked up from the computer screen and over at Jeana. "I think I have it."

"Have what?" echoed her own voice from Jeana's throat.

"I have the name I'll travel under. I will become Joana Barker."

Jeana frowned. Melissa wondered for a moment if she really looked like that when angry or puzzled. "That sounds familiar, Melissa, but I can't place it."

Melissa smiled triumphantly. "I've cobbled it together from one of the books I read. Do you remember 'Sweeney Todd'?"

Melissa's twin shivered. "That ghastly tale about the demon barber of Fleet Street?"

Melissa nodded. "Sweeney Todd's real name was Benjamin Barker, and his daughter's name was Joana. No one ever called her Joana Barker, but that was her true name. That's what I'll use."

Jeana yawned. "If you want to select a name from this ancient literature you seem to devour, why not pick something more romantic? Why not become Irene Adler?"

Melissa wrinkled her nose with distaste. "A Lestrade might select a name from Sherlock Holmes, but not me. No. Joana Barker married a tall, handsome man, and lived happily ever after, I'm sure. That's the sort of omen I want watching over me as I travel to meet..."—Melissa blushed at the thought—"... my betrothed ... my Hanse Davion, my future husband."



Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine

15 April 3027


Hands folded serenely behind his back, Yorinaga Kurita watched through the large window as the first of the Genyoshaengaged in calisthenics. Broken down into groups of five, including the Chu-ileading each, the twenty-five men performed in perfect unison. Utterly faithful synchronization made each man a finger on one hand, and the training would make all five into a fist.

"Sumimasen,Kurita Yorinaga-sama." Sho-saTarukito Niiro stood respectfully back and away from his master. The Major, one of the first staff officers Yorinaga had honored with acceptance into the Genyosha,bowed deeply. He straightened up again when Yorinaga graced him with a nod. "Forgive me, Tai-sa,"Tarukito begged, honoring Yorinaga with the Japanese form of his title, "but the Taishirequests your presence." Taishimeant "Ambassador," and was the name the staff officers had given to the local liaison officer for the Draconis Combine's Internal Security Forces.

Yorinaga bowed his head. Though no sign, no flicker of emotion, passed over Yorinaga's face, Tarukito Niiro knew that he comprehended all that had been said and all that had been left unspoken. Yorinaga understands, from the way I worded my message, that theTaishi actuallydemanded theTai-sa's presence. He must know that I would sooner commitseppuku than deliver such a harsh message.Tarukito allowed himself to hope that Yorinaga would realize that the ISF man, Shinzei Abe, was forcing his officers to act as a buffer, thereby reminding them that he, the Taishi,controlled their fates.

Yorinaga nodded slightly as Tarukito moved from his path. Yorinaga passed his right hand through the gray hair that had grown out in his months away from the monastery. Tarukito Ni-iro, already stationed on Nashira when the call for volunteers had gone out, had applied immediately for a staff position. He gladly took a reduction in grade from Chu-sato Sho-sato serve in the Genyoshawith Yorinaga.

Yorinaga strode through the corridors with strong, sure strides. Only the gray hair and the crest staring at Tarukito from Yorinaga's back reminded him of the Mech Warrior's age and long history. Only his silence reminds me that he was disgraced.Tarukito paused at the door to Yorinaga's office to remove his boots, as Yorinaga had done. Then they both entered to face Shinzei Abe.

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