"Konnichi-wa,Kurita Yorinaga-san," Shinzei intoned respectfully. He executed his bow with the correct sincerity, but its depth and swiftness mocked the gesture. The ISF liaison officer straightened up before Yorinaga had a chance to return the bow. His anger and contempt showed plainly on his broad moon-face.

Yorinaga ignored Abe and knelt behind his low desk. When he looked up, Tarukito noted Yorinaga's frown at seeing that Shinzei Abe had not removed his boots before entering the room. Yorinaga's shock increased as he saw the source of Shinzei's insult. He stiffened, then bowed.

The prisoner—for a man in such rough shape and bonds could be nothing less—knelt opposite the Tai-sa.The welts on his body must have caused him pain, but he bowed deeply. Though he nearly fell over as he tried to straighten up, the man ground his teeth and controlled his body with an iron will. Bringing his bruised and battered body erect, the prisoner said smoothly, "Kon-nichi wa,Kurita Yorinaga-sama."

Shinzei Abe lashed out with his left hand and smashed the man in the face. The blow snapped the prisoner's head back, but even Tarukito saw that the man had moved with the blow, aborting its full effect. Tarukito half-rose from his knees, but Shinzei Abe dropped a hand to the neural whip at his belt. Tarukito glanced at Yorinaga, but the Tai-sasignaled him back to his place by the door.

Yorinaga looked at Shinzei Abe and mutely invited him to kneel. Tarukito watched the simple motion of Yorinaga's right hand. It floated like a leaf falling from a tree, but it brought Shinzei to his knees like an avalanche. Yorinaga nodded slightly, then narrowed his eyes and wordlessly demanded an explanation from the ISF officer.

Shinzei smiled coldly. "You have doubtless recognized this traitor, Yorinaga-san. Narimasa Asano, as you will recall, served with you eleven years ago in the 2nd Sword of Light Regiment. He traveled here to join the Genyoshawithout orders or permission. He traveled here even though the invitation to join the Genyoshawas specifically notextended to officers who had served with you in the past."

Yorinaga nodded slowly, but the intensity never left his expression. He stared at Shinzei Abe, and after a moment, the ISF officer felt compelled to offer further explanation.

"Because he abandoned his command and proceeded, illegally, to travel 230 light years to this place, I assumed, naturally, that he is an agent of House Davion or House Steiner."

Yorinaga cocked his head ever so slightly to show puzzlement. "No," Shinzei Abe answered the unvoiced question. "He has not revealed the identity of his masters under torture. I bring him to you because only the garrison commander can grant me the permission needed to execute him."

Tarukito watched distaste flash across Shinzei Abe's face. Tarukito himself had transmitted the order that placed a limit on the ISF liaison's powers. He remembered, with relish, relaying the Coordinator's answer to Abe: "Yorinaga is the master of the Genyosha.Life and death are his to give or take. His men are to be as devoted to him as he is to me. You are not to interfere with him. Security is your only concern."

Yorinaga flicked his gaze from Shinzei Abe to Narimasa. Life seemed to flow from Yorinaga's eyes into Narimasa's body. With a slight inclination of his head, Yorinaga invited Narimasa to explain himself.

Narimasa again bowed deeply to the Tai-sa."It is as Shinzei Abe has told you, Yorinaga-sama. No invitation to apply to your command was given to me, but I learned of the Genyoshafrom other sources. As soon as I heard that you had come forth, I knew that I must serve with you again. Since the time I served in your command, no other superior officer has inspired such deep respect. I knew, though I risked death, that I must, at least, try."

Narimasa licked his swollen, cracked lips. "I traveled aboard DropShips by disguising myself as a common laborer. No one watched me or cared where I went as long as I helped get work done on time and well. In some places, I traveled among the Yakuzaand shipped aboard their private craft. Finally, after a journey of more than two hundred light years, I arrived here. I reported to your staff two days ago, and since that time, Shinzei Abe has been my host."

Yorinaga glanced at Tarukito. The Sho-sain turn regarded the

Taishi."Why did you not inform Yorinaga-sama of Narimasa Asano's arrival? Why did he not appear in the daily arrival lists?"

Shinzei Abe lifted his head and stared down his narrow nose at Tarukito. "I decided that his accomplices might inadvertently reveal themselves if he seemed to be overdue. That he is guilty of many crimes against the Dragon is not in question. Preventing the discovery of the Genyoshais. Even you, Major, will recall that the Coordinator made security my responsibility."

Tarukito Niiro straightened up and graced Shinzei Abe with a look of pure poison. "You recall but one line from a message you should have memorized in its entirety. The Coordinator reminded you that all the Genyoshaofficers and men are to be as devoted to Yorinaga-sama as the Tai-sais himself devoted to the Coordinator."

Tarukito glanced at Yorinaga. He accepted Yorinaga's nod as permission to continue, then waded in against Shinzei again. "Narimasa Asano is obviously such a man. Forget that he threw a career away to travel here. Forget that he was willing to forfeit his life to travel here. Examine only the action of traveling here. Months on worlds working at tasks far beneath him in order to reach this world. Not only is this man devoted to Yorinaga-sama, but he is resourceful and does not surrender. What better recruit could we ask for?"

Shinzei Abe snorted derisively. "You could ask for a recruit who follows orders."

Tarukito narrowed his eyes. "Precisely why you are only a liaison officer, Shinzei Abe, and nothing more." He turned to Yorinaga. "Permission to show Narimasa Asano to proper quarters, sir?"

Yorinaga bowed his head. Lifting it again, he reached out his hand for a small lacquered box on his desk. From it, he withdrew a brush and small jar of black ink. After drawing a sheet of paper from one corner of his desk, Yorinaga dipped his brush into the ink. With bold strokes, he defined several characters. Setting the brush down, he reached into the box again and pressed his personal seal to the bottom of the paper.

Tarukito took it from Yorinaga's outstretched hand, and regarded it dispassionately. When he noticed Shinzei Abe's interest, he smiled. "As you have ordered, Tai-sa,I will conduct Chu-saNarimasa Asano to the suite next to yours."

* * *

"Domo arigato,Niiro Tarukito-san." Narimasa Asano bowed from the waist. "You have been most kind to me, Sho-sa."

"le,it was nothing." Tarukito returned the bow. "I am more than happy to help a fellow officer, especially if it displeases the Taishi.The uniform fits you well, Chu-sa."

"Hai!Your quartermaster did exceedingly well in fitting me." Narimasa glanced at his reflection in the mirror on the wall of his living room. The room, which was L-shaped, bent around the cleaner and kitchenette from the front door to the bedroom. The straw tatamiand two brush painting landscapes alone decorated the apartment.

Narimasa sighed. "It has been a long time since I wore the green ni."He rubbed his hand over the symbol for "two" on his shoulder. "For this alone, I would have braved many of the perils I faced coming here."

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