Indeed, tonight Katrina had a full house. Also present were Kiefft, the ambassador from the Capellan system, who was talking intensely with Hardt, his opposite number from the Draconis Combine. And there was Baron Sefnes from New Syrtis...Ardan hadn't even been aware that Michael Hasek-Davion maintained his own diplomatic relations with Steiner. As head of the strongest economic force in the Inner Sphere, Katrina was a pragmatist who tried to keep trade and military matters from interfering too much with one another. No matter that her House was in conflict militarily with Kurita and Liao—business was business. Indeed, it was House Steiner's innovative economic and trade policies that had nurtured the continuing economic growth and strength of the resource-rich Commonwealth. Its military fortunes were another matter, of course, which was one of the reasons the ever-practical Katrina had wooed and won Hanse Davion as an ally and future son-in-law.

Ardan moved among the guests, talked idly with Melissa's cousin, the Margrafin Kelya, and watched intently the interactions of those on differing sides of the present conflict between Davion and Liao. There were undercurrents in that spacious chamber that he found it impossible to read.

When the gong announced dinner, Ardan found himself beside Melissa, who took his arm and steered him toward the tall arch of the doorway. "We are seated together. I arranged it with the arbiter elegantiae.He kicked a bit, but I know where a few of his skeletons are buried, in a manner of speaking. He daren't risk my blowing the whistle on him," she said, her tone smug.

An elegantly attired gentleman stood beside the dining room door announcing the entry of the important guests. Pointedly ignoring Ardan, he cried, "The Archon-Designate Melissa Steiner. And escort.''

Ardan tried not to grin. Feeling Melissa quiver lightly against his arm, he knew she was stifling laughter, too. They were of one mind when it came to formal occasions and the haughtiness attending them.

Once they were all seated at the long, richly covered table, Ardan watched Katrina discreetly, pondering once more the ways of life at the royal courts of the Inner Sphere. He had never been able to play the elegant and treacherous wordgames that passed for conversation there. Rarely did anyone say what he meant, and even the most innocuous comment might have some sinister double intent. Tonight, Katrina sat between the Kurita and Liao ambassadors, smiling, nodding, and interjecting a comment from time to time. Ardan couldn't always hear what the three were saying, nor could he read their bland, diplomatic expressions.

Just after the servants had brought out the first course of creamed aspergrot soup, Katrina glanced around at all her guests and lifted her voice so that all might hear. "Honored guests," she began, mustering her most gracious royal tone, "may we say what a pleasure it is to have you here. And may we add how especially gratifying it is to welcome several distinguished representatives from our neighboring Houses to our midst as well." Katrina smiled at Hardt, Kleff t, and Semes before continuing.

"We live in uncertain times, but House Steiner continues to forge strong bonds of trade and commerce wherever and whenever possible. This has ever been our strength. Our merchants are gifted and resourceful, and make us friends in even the most unlikely places."

"House Steiner's great gift for commerce is the envy of the Inner Sphere," said the ambassador from Liao, perhaps too smoothly. "All admire this talent..."

"...and would do well to emulate it," said Katrina, playing the game. "We have even had news of late that our free traders venturing into the Periphery have fared well among the outlanders there, prospering themselves and our House. As my scholarly daughter put it"—Katrina smiled down at Melissa—"our merchants seem to have the Midas touch!"

"Ah," said Kurita's man Hardt, "Your Grace refers to the old Earth tale of the king who so loved wealth that he asked the gods to turn everything he touched into gold."

"So, the ambassador from Luthien is familiar with the old stories, too," said Katrina affably.

"Well, if memory serves, the story tells that this Midas almost starved to death when his magic touch also turned his food and drink to gold."

Katrina ignored the hidden sarcasm, and laughed easily. "Well, one thing is for certain, and that is that no one shall starve this night"—and she gestured at the mounds of delicacies piled up and down the table—"Let us enjoy this bounty, one and all, for it is the real thing, untainted by the Midas touch."

The servants continued to bring in course after course of viands imported from all over the Steiner sphere. The plain dishes Ardan accepted, but passed over the impossibly furbished and sauced ones. Now that he was getting better, it was no time to get sick again from sampling rich dishes from distant worlds.

When servants brought in silver basins for the convenience of guests who had indulged in finger-foods, Katrina took advantage of the pause to tap a cut glass bell with the handle of her knife.

"We have had, for the past few months, a most welcome guest here on Tharkad," she said, gesturing at Ardan. "Please meet Ardan Sortek, friend and subject of Hanse Davion, Prince of the Federated Suns. To our joy, he is now recovered from the wounds that brought him here. To our sorrow, he is now ready to rejoin his ruler at his summer retreat on Argyle."

She raised her heavy wineglass. "I propose a toast to this brave young officer. May we all command such devotion in time of trial!"

There was a polite murmur as the guests raised their glasses. Taking a sip from his own cup, Ardan noted that Klefft, from Sian, and Hardt, Kurita's man, seemed inscrutable, yet Ardan knew there was discomfiture in their very rigidity.

He smiled, stood, and bowed. "My thanks to my gracious hostess. A warmer welcome and better care have never been extended to anyone. I am anxious to rejoin my Prince, but I am desolate to leave the company of those here present" He sat amid polite applause.

It was the diplomat's art to disguise what he thought and felt, yet Ardan was sure he caught surprise, even anger, flickering momentarily across the faces not only of the Liao and Kurita ambassadors, but over that of Michael Hasek-Davion's man as well. He was sure, too, that the trio exchanged a look among themselves that was neither casual nor diplomatic. Ardan might have expected some kind of reaction from Klefft and Hardt, but what had Michael's man Sefnes to do with any of this?

Melissa leaned to whisper in his ear, "My mother never does anything without a good reason...and perhaps more than one good reason. You saw?"

He smiled, as if replying to a casual comment "Indeed, I did. Unexpected. Watch, Melissa. There may be rot at the root of more than one tree."

Without changing her gay expression, his friend twitched her brow slightly. She had thought of that already, he saw. What a ruler she was going to make!

As the meal finally wound down to its end, the servants brought in decanters of fiery Atrean brandy, which they poured into snifters that resembled bubbles of light, each cut from a single crystal and ornamented until it refracted every beam blindingly. The arrival of the brandy seemed to relax the gathering even more.

Ardan turned down his glass, however. His body chemistry was still disturbed, and the doctors recommended that he abstain for some months more. Melissa accepted a finger of amber-brown brandy and sipped it slowly while talk of everything from trade relations with the Free States to the recent retaking of Stein's Folly swirled around them.

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