"Then he moved on to Capella, where he took an advanced degree in internal medicine, with emphasis on unusual viruses. From there, he went to New Syrtis, where he became an intimate of the Liao consular official. This was during a period of particular stress between the Davion interests that control that world and those of Kurita and Liao."

"I still do not see anything suspicious about a doctor who is obviously interested in unusual viral diseases pursuing them to their sources and studying them in places where they are most commmon." Katrina was beginning to look impatient.

Melissa unfolded a printout. "Here are the people with whom he was friends in all those places. His regular companions and his occasional haunts. Read them and then tell me there is nothing suspicious about our dedicated physician!"

Katrina scanned the sheet. At first, her eyebrows were quirked skeptically. They straightened. Then they rose in an arch. She looked up, her eyes wide and angry.

"Why hasn't Security picked up all this?" she asked Melissa.

"I wondered about that, too. I checked through the system, running down everything I could think of. But without an override code, I could never have traced Karns' activities at all. There's a lock on all his files. Nobody of less authority than you or me could possibly access this material. Security, for all its power, hasn't that ultimate override. And nobody, I suspect, ever thought that we would look into such a minor medical person's record."

"Nor would we, if he had not been sent to the Folly to attend the wounded in their transit to Tharkad," mused her mother. "I wonder...if that was the normal rotation of staff, or if it was efficiendy managed. The other doctors seemed almost in awe of Karns. There has been interference on his behalf, perhaps?"

They stared at each other.

"It was Karns who encouraged Ardan to insist on the reality of that double. That seems strange, if there is some sort of conspiracy in the offing," Melissa said. "And yet, when I checked out the historical records, I saw that the close friends of other men who had been impersonated were simply removed, sometimes rather obviously." She stared at her mother.

"I think they intend to get rid of Hanse and Ardan both at the same time. Probably they intend to play them off against each other. Those two didn't part on the best of terms, and everyone knows it"

"It would be possible to do strange things, if you had an imposter and a dear friend of the original who showed visible signs of insanity," mused Katrina.

Melissa was a bit pale, her eyes big with worry. "Do you think there may truly be a plot against Hanse?" she asked. "Do you believe they might hurt him?"

"How can I answer that, Melissa? Without knowing who might be involved or what might be in the wind? But I am going to send a message to Davion now. It will take weeks, but I must warn Hanse, if I can," Katrina said.

When she signalled for the ComStar Adept, Melissa rose, knowing that Katrina would want privacy to compose the coded message for Davion.

Leaving her mother's chamber, she returned to the library, where she had been working. Melissa rechecked every file she had accessed, making certain that no trace of her investigation remained. Then she set her own lock on the entire dossier concerning Erl Karns. Anyone else trying to check up on Agent Karns would find a rude surprise in store for him. She felt that might be a good thing, all in all.

* * * *

Sep and Jarlik had exhausted the possibilities of Stein's Folly, along with themselves and Ref. They had gone through the motions of a combined educational and relaxation leave, but both were impatient to return to Argyle, where they felt they would be needed.

Ref, when consulted, had the same notion. But when they tried to get clearance for their DropShip, the way was blocked. Not a single military JumpShip was scheduled for transport to Argyle.

"It's not natural. That's where Hanse is. I know he's keeping track of what's taking place here and on adjacent worlds. But as far as I can tell, not even the Command Circuit is operating in this sector. What's happening?" Sep complained to Jarlik, after a particularly infuriating interview with the coordinator of travel out of the port city.

"I've been checking into freighters, too," Jarlik said. "There's not...a...single...one scheduled for a planetary month. A frigging month! Can you believe that?"

"No, I can't And you don't, either. We are, for some obscure reason, getting a royal run-around. Somebody doesn't want us back on Argyle any time soon. And I don't know what to do about it"

"I do," said Ref. "I've been looking into the situation. It's time for a bit of bribery and corruption. Some of the hair of the dog, so to speak.

"I've made a new friend, down at barracks. He's been telling me some interesting rumors. For instance, I've learned that our friend, Sallek Atrion, the garrison commander, has passed the word, very quietly, that we're to be held here for at least a month."

"And does rumor hint at the source of that word? There's no reason for the commandant to care where we are or what we do. It has to be coming from somewhere higher than him," said Sep.

"Oh, it hints at all sorts of things, from Steiner double-cross to Liao bribes. One even suggests that Michael is in on it, which is ridiculous on the face of it. But it's obvious that nobody really knows. I have found out one tangible bit of information, however." Ref looked smug.

"Atrion has suddenly come into quite a large inheritance from a distant relative. He's brought his family to Stein's Folly and installed his wife and children in an expensive home in the hills, as well as his current mistress in a plush apartment in the port city. He's also acquired a wardrobe that would be the envy of a Successor Lord."

Jarlik grunted. Sep looked quizzical. Ref nodded.

"Too pat, don't you think? Someone has bribed this gentleman to keep us here. So it's time for us to bribe someone to take us offplanet."

"I agree, if it's possible. But why should our presence or absence from Argyle make any difference to anyone?" Sep asked.

"I can think of but one reason. We will stand with Ardan Sortek, if any sort of disagreement arises, which assures Hanse Davion the support of at least one group of MechWarriors. And Hanse Davion will be, to us, whoever Ardan says he is."

Jarlik rose to stand, arms akimbo, staring at Ref. "Ardan is there right now. Whatever's happening will be long past by the time we can get back to our posts. But we've got to go, nevertheless. And how I wish we had a Command Circuit at our disposal!"

Sep rose to stand beside him, her slender strength a contrast to his bulk. "Well hijack transport. Here. At Dragon's Field. At Hamlin. At Ral. At every jump point between Stein's Folly and Argyle."

"Impossible!" said Ref.

"Such a thing has never been attempted!" growled Jarlik. "That's why it will work," Sep said, her eyes glinting dangerously. "What hasn't happened is never guarded against. A bribe at this end, to gain access to a JumpShip and its pilot Then well either bribe or raid for every jump in between.

"We'll have the 'Mechs armed and ready to move before we leave the Folly. If we're fast enough and keep our wits, well get to Argyle in time to do some good...maybe."

"And go to prison for the rest of our natural lives," groaned Ref.

"Maybe that, too. It's worth the risk if we can help Ardan and the Prince, though. Don't you agree?" She looked about at the two.

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