The man hesitated, then crawled back inside and closed the hatch.

There came a long pause. The 'Mech's limbs shifted, as though restless. The turret swiveled slightly, though not to its full range of motion. The weapons, however, frozen into their inoperative position, did not budge. At last, the hatch opened again. The red-haired figure climbed down.

"I defy you to accomplish what I have failed to do," he said, rejoining his double on the floor at the feet of the monster. "The weaponry has frozen and cannot be activated. The 'Mech has sat idle for too long. That is the problem."

There was a murmur about them. Of course, such things happened. After all, a machine was a machine, subject to occasional breakdown.

But the other Hanse was now climbing up to the ‘Mech, quickly, triumphantly. He slid into the cockpit with practiced ease, closing it behind him. After only a short pause, the 'Mech's arms lifted into a salute. The turret swiveled smoothly through its full round of modons. And the weapons, those dark round mouths that could spit death in beams or bursts, moved and locked into position. The 'Mech turned on its heel and aimed them at the ferrocrete wall provided for testing weapons.

Red lances probed, leaving more dark scars on the pale stone. Machine guns chattered, their slugs bouncing harmlessly into the baffles set there to contain the ricochets. The BattleMasterwent through its paces flawlessly.

Jarlik was grinning widely. Sep was clapping Ref on the back, and Ardan felt like dancing.

The 'Mech wheeled smartly and took up its position on the tracked carrier again. The hatch opened. Hanse Davion descended, amid greetings and subdued cheers from the witnesses. Doctor Shali was waiting when he jumped lightly to the floor.

"Although my discipline disapproves of hunches, Your Highness, I had a hunch that you were the real Prince of the Federated Suns. A human being is far more than the sum of his biological and chemical processes. There is another dimension. In another era, it might have been called spirit Now we have no term for it, but it exists, nevertheless. Welcome home, Your Highness." She took his hand and turned to face the imposter.

"You will be questioned," she said. "I am sure that His Highness will concur in that. We the NAIS for learning what we need from even the most reluctant informant"

Ardan, moving through the crowd, was joined by Jarlik, Ref, and Sep. He came up to the spot where Efflinger was standing, calm and cool. In his remote way, the Steiner ambassador was enjoying the results of his maneuvering.

"Well done, sir," said Ardan. "And please convey our thanks to your son."

Maylor smiled, his expression aloof. "Ah, yes. Kolek. He thinks that I'm unaware of his fondness for a certain young woman named Prillie. Never tell him differendy, but I am hoping that he marries her soon. I shall make a tremendous fuss and cut him off without a credit. That will force him to pull himself together and find work. And it will be the making of him, do you not agree?"

Ardan laughed. "I do, indeed. But he is not a bad boy, for all his youthful folly. He is shrewd. I suspect that he will go to work for the Prince...Will that make problems for you?"

"Not at all! Not at all! It will be one more link between the houses of Steiner and Davion. A most desirable state of affairs, wouldn't you say?"

They laughed quietly together. The Doctor and Hanse were leaving now, accompanied by the other witnesses. Soon the crowd would regather in the garden of the palace to hear the long-delayed statement...a far different one from that intended by the conspirators.

He sighed. "The people are going to be very happy, and never will they suspect how close we had come to a war with Steiner. The Lyran Commonwealth is not one to trifle with. We already have enough enemies to keep us busy."

Ran Felsner was standing at the head of the stair that led up into the warriors' quarters.

"Ardan! What in the name of the Seven Hells is going on here?" he asked.

Ardan came to attention. "Sir!" he snapped. Then he grinned. "Come with us to the garden. We're on duty there. Well explain on the way."

As they hurried through the gardens, he talked furiously, knowing that Hanse himself would tell his commanding officer the truth later. By the time they reached the dais, Felsner knew just enough to be thoroughly confused. He took his place, just in time, at the end of a line of Guards.

Hanse, his dress uniform replaced with one exactly like that worn by the imposter, wore his own medals and ribbons. Beside him was a much-chastened and subdued Ekkles, and beyond were Doctor Shali and the Maître, who still looked puzzled.

The crowd had gathered again, on hearing the signal gong. In a short while, the space was filled with people.

They looked worried, as well they might after seeing their ruler taken ill so suddenly.

Ekkles stepped forward. "I am happy to say that the temporary indisposition...that overtook our Prince has passed without any danger to his life or health," he began. "Well do we know what terrible consequences might follow the loss of our leader, in these perilous times."

He looked down at the pile of notes on the podium left behind by that other Hanse. He shuffled them together and thrust them underneath the stand.

"Now it is my honor and privilege to give you our Prince, Hanse Davion." He bowed to Hanse, stepping back.

Hanse's color was high, his eyes alight with vigor and triumph. "I am happy to be able to speak to you today," he began.

The words were drowned in a sea of cheers. The people had thought, while waiting, of the effect his death might have upon the comfortable ways of New Avalon. They had reflected on the dangers lurking among the other rival Houses, not liking the picture they had conjured. The renewed health of their Prince meant that nothing (they hoped) would change.

"There have been rumors," said Hanse, once the cheering had died away, "of trouble with one of our most reliable neighbors. House Steiner has been the victim of vicious lies, spread among us by those who might benefit if we were at odds with our allies. To see us turn upon our friends would delight our enemies."

There was a murmur of agreement in the crowd. They had heard those rumors, had thought, indeed, that they emanated from officials of their own government. They knew very well that trade would suffer, the entire standard of living on their world might decline if such a breach occurred. Many of the assemblage turned to nod at Efflinger, who stood in his usual easy way, observing everything that went on with a cynical eye.

"Now we know, without any doubt, who our enemies are not!"said Hanse. "So let us return to our homes. Let us think of how easily we might lose much and gain nothing. Let us resolve to think deeply before believing such rumors, no matter from what source they seem to come." He raised his hands and smiled at his people.

This time the clamor was like an ocean in a storm. Hanse returned to his palace amid a roar of love and approval that died away only when he disappeared from sight.

Ardan, just behind his old friend, tapped Hanse on the shoulder. "You had a secret code, didn't you?" he whispered. "To activate the 'Master!"

Hanse turned to smile at him. "Yes, Dan, I did."

Ardan had a moment of comprehension. Something that Melissa had told him back in Tharkad came to him with sudden clarity.

"Starbird..." he murmured.

"Ah, my friend," said Hanse Davion with a smile, "that would be telling."

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