The InvaderClass JumpShips can carry three Drop-Ships. StarLordClass JumpShips can carry six DropShips.

Jump Points:

Jumps are made from either of a Star system's two main jump points. These are located at the system's zenith and nadir, perpendicular to the plane of the system and passing through the gravitational center. These points do not change and are always at the same distance from any world in the plane of the system. Though other jump points do exist in every system, they are rarely used.

At the jump points for major worlds and along key trade routes are space stations where a DropShip can dock or orbit while making arrangements for the next jump if the owners do not possess their own JumpShip, or where they can stop over while their JumpShip recharges.


A BattleMech tactical combat group, usually consisting of four 'Mechs.


An acronym for "Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation". As a weapon, it damages the target by concentrating extreme heat on a small area. BattleMech lasers are designated as small, medium, and large. Lasers are also available as shoulder-fired weapons operating from a portable backpack power unit. Certain range-finders and targeting equipment employ low-level lasers also.


This is an abbreviation for "Long-Range Missile", an indirect-fire missile with a high-explosive warhead. LRMs have a maximum extreme range of several kilometers, but are accurate only between about 150 and 700 meters.

New Avalon Institute of Science (NAIS):

In 3015, Hanse Davion decreed the construction of a new university on New Avalon, capital of the Federated Suns. Known as the New Avalon Institute of Science (NAIS), its purpose is to recover the lost technologies and knowledge of the past. The Institute functions more like a Terran military academy than a public university. Once accepted for admission, students become 'wards' of the ducal government and must commit to ten years' service to the Federated Suns after graduation. Though the course of study is arduous, there is a heavy backlog of candidates. Both House Kurita and House Marik have followed with their own universities, but neither is as well bankrolled or staffed as the NAIS.

The Periphery:

Beyond the borders of the Inner Sphere lies the Periphery, the vast domain of known and unknown worlds stretching endlessly into interstellar night. Once populated by colonies from Terra, these were devastated technologically, politically, and economically by the fall of Star League. At present, the Periphery is the refuge of piratical Bandit Kings, privateers, and outcasts.


This is the abbreviation for "Particle Projection Cannon", a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts, causing damage both through impact and high temperature. PPCs are among the most effective weapons available to BattleMechs. Though they have a theoretical range limited only by line-of-sight considerations, the technology available for focusing and aiming the bolt limits effective range to less than 600 meters.


A military unit consisting of two to four battalions, each consisting of three or four companies. A regiment is commanded by a Colonel.

Security Checks:

The most common I.D. scanners are retinal scanners and thumbprint scanners.


The Sparrowhawkis a 30-ton AeroSpace Fighter whose ample armor often matches that of medium fighters. It is armed with two wing-mounted small lasers and two nose-mounted medium lasers. The small lasers are the least accurate, and wing damage can cause them to lose fire control. The Sparrowhawk'shigh rate of thrust makes it a perfect first-response craft. This speed factor often permits the craft to be the first fighter to engage an enemy attack.


This is the abbreviation for "Short-Range Missiles", direct trajectory missiles with high-explosive or armor-piercing explosive warheads. They have a range of less than one kilometer, and are accurate only at ranges of less than 300 meters. They are more powerful, however, than LRMs.

Star League:

In 2571, the Star League was formed in an attempt to peacefully ally the major star systems inhabited by the human race after it had taken to the stars. The League continued and prospered for almost 200 years, until civil war broke out in 2751. The League was eventually destroyed when the ruling body known as the High Council disbanded in the midst of a struggle for power. Each of the royal House rulers then declared himself First Lord of the Star League, and within months, war had engulfed the Inner Sphere. This conflict continues to the present day, more than two centuries later. These centuries of continuous war are now known simply as the Succession Wars.


The Stukais a well-armored, low-thrust 100-ton AeroSpace Fighter. It mounts two large lasers on each wing, and one nose-mounted and two rear-mounted medium lasers. It is also equipped with one nose-mounted LRM 20 and one SRM 4. With its 30 heat sinks, the Stukais capable of maximum use of its firepower for prolonged periods in battle. Its Monitor 200 guidance system also makes it a graceful vessel that can perform like a medium-weight craft in many situations.

Successor Lords:

Each of the five Successor States is ruled by a family descended from one of the original Council Lords of the old Star League. All five royal House Lords claim the title of First Lord, and they have been at each other's throats since the beginning of the Succession Wars in 2786. Their battleground is the vast Inner Sphere, which is composed of all the star systems once occupied by Star League's member-states.


The 25-ton Thrushis one of the fastest and most agile AeroSpace Fighters of the present day. Its Mujika Type 12 frame can withstand the gravitational forces and stress of most of the combat maneuvers it must perform. Its Rawlings 250 fusion engine also provides all the energy it needs for movement and to fire its single nose-mounted medium laser and its two wing-mounted lasers. These must be fired sparingly, however, to avoid unnecessary heat buildup.


The Thunderboltis a 65-ton heavy 'Mech, and is one of the best-armed 'Mechs in existence. Its arm-mounted large laser packs a powerful punch. Combined with its three left-torso-mounted medium lasers and the SRM 2 mounted on its right torso, the 'Mech has ample firepower at long and medium ranges. For close combat, it mounts a torso-mounted SRM 2 and two left-arm machine guns.


A 'Mech design seen only among the forces of House Davion, the Valkyrieis a highly regarded light 'Mech. Its six tons of armor, top speed of 86.4 kph, and 150-meter jump capacity allow it to outmaneuver heavier units in battle and to absorb a fair amount of damage. Its left-torso LRM is unusual in a light ‘Mech, making it a potentially tough opponent at long range. At close range, its right-arm medium laser and super jump capacity can be a potent mix. Though no match for a medium or heavy ‘Mech in one-to-one combat, the Valkyrieis effective when part of a lance.


This 80-ton assault 'Mech moves at a maximum speed of about 64.8 kph, and is the only one of its class with jump capability (120 meters maximum). The Victormounts an autocannon in its right arm, two medium lasers in the left arm, and an SRM 4 in its center torso. In battle, the Victoris often able to throw its opponents off guard, as they do not expect to find a heavy 'Mech with jump capability.


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