“Sir?” It was Lavena, swimming up into the shallows. Two squales were behind her; Riker couldn’t tell them apart, but he suspected they were her young friends. “They’re ready.”

“I think it would be diplomatic,” Deanna said, “if we joined them in the water for the occasion. After all, they’re extending their first toe into a new sea.”

“But the view is better here.”

“A few meters won’t make any difference to the view. Besides, it’s even more humid here than it was in the holodeck. I’m dying for a swim,” she said, meaning it this time.

Shrugging, he acceded to her wishes. They stayed in the shallows, with Deanna keeping the baby close but letting the water bear much of her weight. But they knew Tasha would be safe so long as the squales surrounded them. Indeed, the squales seemed intrigued by the child, coming up close, extending their tentacles to touch her with great delicacy, and flashing color patterns that Riker imagined were the squale equivalent of doting baby talk.

But soon the big event came. Riker could see little more than a sustained point of light and a distant streak of white vapor, but that was enough to tell him the test was successful. Eventually, the remote roar of the rocket reached his ears. He knew that Titanwas monitoring the event with full sensors, that Vale and the others on the bridge were seeing it in rich detail, preserving the image for history. Riker would enjoy reviewing that in time. But there was a greater wonder in being here with the squales themselves, experiencing this first step as they did, without any machines—any unliving machines—in the way.

As the distant roar faded, Riker turned back to his own first step into new seas. Tasha was splashing around, making little cooing noises that sounded like enjoyment. He met Deanna’s eyes, and she sensed his impression and nodded. “She likes the water,” she confirmed. “She’s curious about the new environment. Yes, that’s my girl, isn’t it? My daring little girl, all ready for adventure!”

“Just like her namesake,” Riker said.

“Like her father,” Troi replied. “She’s going to be quite the explorer, this one.”

Yes,Riker thought as he saw the tiny child testing her abilities, stretching her arms feebly toward the flickering squales as though eager to quest into the unknown. This one will go boldly.


Who’s who on the U.S.S. Titanin Over a Torrent Sea

Captain William T. Riker

(human male) commanding officer

Commander Christine Vale

(human female) executive officer

Commander Tuvok

(Vulcan male) second officer/tactical officer

Commander Deanna Troi

(Betazoid-human female) diplomatic officer/senior counselor

Commander Xin Ra-Havreii

(Efrosian male) chief engineer

Lieutenant Commander Shenti Yisec Eres Ree

(Pahkwa-thanh male) chief medical officer

Lieutenant Commander Ranul Keru

(unjoined Trill male) chief of security

Lieutenant Commander Melora Pazlar

(Elaysian female) senior science officer

Lieutenant Commander Tamen Gibruch

(Chandir male) gamma shift bridge commander

Lieutenant Commander Onnta

(Balosneean male) assistant chief medical officer

Lieutenant Alyssa Ogawa

(human female) head nurse

Lieutenant Eviku Ndashelef

(Arkenite male) xenobiologist

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