Lieutenant Kekil

(Chelon male) xenobiologist

Lieutenant Chamish

(Kazarite male) ecologist

Lieutenant Se’al Cethente Qas

(Syrath asexual) astrophysicist

Lieutenant Huilan Sen’kara

(S’ti’ach male) assistant counselor

Lieutenant Pava Ek’Noor sh’Aqabaa

(Andorian shen) gamma shift tactical officer

Ensign Aili Lavena

(Pacifican “Selkie” female) senior flight controller

Ensign Torvig Bu-kar-nguv

(Choblik male) engineer

Ensign Mordecai Crandall

(human male) engineer

Ensign Tasanee Panyarachun

(human female) engineer

Ensign Peya Fell

(Deltan female) relief science officer

Ensign Vennoss

(Kriosian female) stellar cartographer

Ensign Y’lira Modan

(Selenean female) cryptolinguist

Ensign Zurin Dakal

(Cardassian male) sensor analyst

Ensign Evesh

(Tellarite female) sensor technician

Ensign Olivia Bolaji

(human female) shuttle pilot

Ensign Waen

(Bolian female) shuttle pilot

Ensign Kuu’iut

(Betelgeusian male) relief tactical officer

Ensign Hriss

(Caitian female) security guard

Chief Petty Officer Bralik

(Ferengi female) geologist

Crewman Ellec Krotine

(Boslic female) security guard


(Vulcan female) civilian child care specialist

Noah Powell

(human male) civilian, son of Alyssa Ogawa


As always, thanks go to Marco Palmieri for commissioning this novel and initiating the Titanseries. I’m indebted to those who have come before me, including Andy Mangels, Mike Martin, and Geoffrey Thorne, and to those who offered advice on the manuscript, including Kirsten Beyer, Keith R.A. DeCandido, William Leisner, and David Mack. The President Bacco quote that opens the novel is from Destiny: Lost Soulsby David Mack. President Bacco was created by Keith R.A. DeCandido, as was Admiral Masc (mentioned in “The Ceremony of Innocence Is Drowned” in Tales of the Dominion War) and the Alrond colony (from A Singular Destiny). Information on Arkenites comes from the FASA and Decipher role-playing games. Thanks to Theodore Sturgeon for inspiring Lumbuan linguistics, and to the Freefallwebcomic for inspiring Doctor Ree’s philosophy on the power of smiles.

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