He smiled, his fangs showing. “Redcaps.”

She frowned absently and leaned back. “Have you considered Listerine?” The word redcaps suddenly hit her. “Wait. Multiple? As in more than one?”

Jaden pulled her off her chair and onto his lap, ignoring her surprised squawk. “Yes, multiple.”

“But…” Damn it, he was nibbling her neck, trying to distract her. The hell of it was, it worked. She was so distracted she couldn’t remember her own name. “That’s not s-safe.” Oh, right there. That is so good. Too much more of that and she’d be a puddle of goo at his feet.

He scraped his fangs down that sensitive section of her neck, sending a shiver of want through her. Good thing she’d already planned on having her way with him. “Mmm. I’ve fought them before, sweetheart. They’re not really a problem for me.”

“Are you hurt?”

Jaden licked her jugular. “No, sweetheart. I’m fine.”

“Who’s Big Red?”

“Robin’s pet gremlin. He found some interesting files on Charles’s computer.”

Moira lifted her head. “What things?”

He nipped her neck, the sharp pleasure making her hiss. “I’ll tell you at your parent’s house.

Her parents? Why was he talking about her parents now? “Desk?”


Her only thought was to get him naked somewhere near a desk. Preferably Duncan’s. “Need a desk.”

He lifted his head and studied his face. His expression was sinful. “I think that can be arranged.” He stood up. She was still cradled in his arms. “You can have your breakfast after I have mine.”

Oh, boy. “Sure.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. She trusted him to get them safely where she wanted to go.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Oh, Moira. That sweet trust of yours will be my undoing.”

Right. Moira. I remember now. “You know what I want to do with you?”

He carried her from the breakfast room and strode across the hall. His sneakers made no sound on the marble floor. “No, but I’m pretty sure you’re going to tell me.” He paused. “Does it involve midgets, paper cuts and Icy Hot?”

She lifted her head and stared at him. “No?”

“You don’t sound very sure.” He was frowning, but if he wasn’t joking then they needed to have a serious talk about therapy.

She shook her head at him. “Has anyone told you how strange you are?”

He shrugged and started walking again. “Your point?”

Her shoulders started to shake. “I don’t even know anymore.” She let her head drop back down onto his shoulder. “What were we doing again?”

“Heading into Duncan’s office so you can bang me on his desk.”

She blushed at the naughty, knowing look he sent her. “Eavesdropper.”

“Look on the bright side. You just confirmed my faith in eavesdropping. I heard something wonderful.” He stepped into Duncan’s office and slammed the door shut with his foot. “Have I mentioned I love the idea?” He stalked over to the desk and set her on the edge. He yanked off her boots before he reached for the snap of her jeans, tugging at the zipper with eager hands.

“Not yet, but I kind of got the idea when you started taking my clothes off.” She lifted her T-shirt over her head, more than willing to get this going.

“Are you going to object?”

She tossed the shirt over her shoulder and unclasped her bra. “Not on your life.” She drew the cups from her breasts, letting the bra fall to the floor.

“Fuck me,” Jaden breathed. His hands left her jeans to cup her breasts. “You are so beautiful. My pretty little leprechaun.”

She moved eagerly in his hands, dying to feel more. Her nipples were so sensitive, even the lightest brush sent a jolt of pure need straight down to her clit.

“You like that, huh?” He leaned down and lapped at her nipple like he was licking chocolate from a dripping strawberry. He swirled his tongue as if to catch every drop. Meanwhile his other hand plucked her other nipple, sending conflicting messages. Did she arch into his teasing tongue, or moan over the pleasure-pain he was dealing with his hand?

She did both, moaning and arching her back. She damn near sobbed when he sucked her nipple into his mouth, his teeth worrying the hard nub until she was clutching his head and grinding her hips into his. She could feel his fangs scraping along the sides, the sensation driving her insane. “Bite me.”

His mouth froze, his hand clenching her almost convulsively.

“Do it. Bite me.”

He moaned around her breast and bit, letting his fangs sink into the soft flesh.

Moira almost screamed at the sensation. Every part of her body was more alive than ever before. She couldn’t imagine him doing this to anyone other than Duncan ever again. “Oh, Gods above, yes.” She ground herself against his covered erection, the urge to come gripping her tight. “Please please please.” She looked down and found him watching her, red flames dancing in his pupils as he fed. She whimpered, the sight almost her undoing. “Jaden.”

His hand slipped into the open edge of her jeans and stroked over her clit. He suckled her, watched her slide over the edge into an orgasm so intense she couldn’t breathe through it.

Jaden licked the puncture marks, closing them. “Beautiful.” He took her mouth, the tang of blood overriding the musty taste of redcap. His hands were urgent on her jeans, pushing them and her panties down her legs. She kicked them off, eager to get his hands back on her.

She let her hands roam over his shoulders, the strength in them amazing her. His build was more slender than Duncan’s, but the sheer power in him was almost overwhelming. The feel of him under her hands was drugging. She couldn’t get enough.

He pulled away from her. “Let me help you with that.” His expression was full of smug male satisfaction. He pulled his shirt up over his head, exposing a chest that would make a nun weep and thank the gods for the beauty of the male form. That clean, hairless chest led to washboard abs she wanted to lick. The saddle of his hips were made for her hands.

She growled. “Now the pants.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Yes, ma’am.”

She dropped her Seeming, letting him see her true self, pointed ears and all. “I want you inside me.”

He took a deep breath and toed off his shoes. He reached for his pants, drawing down the zipper with a slow smile that heated her from the inside out. For just a moment that red flame in the center of his eyes burned bright green. “As you wish.”

She frowned. Something about that green looked familiar, but then his pants were falling and oh, he was beautiful. Between Jaden and Duncan she had every fantasy she’d ever had covered. Where Duncan was built more like a body builder, Jaden resembled a runner, all lean, sinewy muscle. She licked her lips at the sight of his cock bobbing free of his underwear. She wanted a taste of that.

“I know what you’re thinking.” He kicked out of his jeans and stalked toward her. “And I like it.” He reached for her. “C’mere, you.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her to Duncan’s leather sofa. “Will Duncan mind us messing with his leather sofa?”

“Nah. I think that’s why he has the leather in here. It’s easy to clean.” He slid her down his body until her ass rested on the sofa. “I think we’re just going to have to make sure he has some very pleasant dreams.”

She scowled. “I’m not sure I like this particular piece of furniture anymore.” Just the thought that either man had made love to someone else here had her seeing red.

He threw back his head and laughed. “Tell you what. Let’s make sure we christen this thoroughly.” He leaned over her, one hand on the back of the sofa, the other cupping her cheek. He tried to brush away the frown with his thumb. “Let’s claim it, make it ours.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Or we could go furniture shopping. Your choice.”

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