She grabbed hold of his cock and tugged him closer. “It can wait.” She licked the head, turning his laughter into a gasp. “The internet is a wonderful thing.” She licked again, liking the way his eyes were beginning to glaze over. “All the major furniture stores have online shopping.” She lapped at the drop that suddenly appeared at the tip of his cock. The salty sweet flavor exploded on her tongue. The hint of copper was something she’d never tasted before. “I’m pretty sure I could find something that would suit us all.”


“Hmm?” She was having fun torturing him.

“For the love of the gods, I will buy you an entire house full of brand new furniture if you suck me.”

He could probably sense her laughter, though she did her best to hide it. “Like this?” She took him in her mouth as far as she could go and sucked with all her might.

“Fuck. Me.” His head fell back with a groan. “Oh, hell.”

“No more talk about other people you’ve fucked on the furniture.”

“What other people?” He gripped the back of her head and pulled her forward. “Moira.”

She couldn’t stop her lips from curling into a satisfied smile. She’d made her bad-ass vampire breathless. “Only us from now on.” She sucked him down again.

“Only us.”

“You, me and Duncan.”


“You’ll let us bond you, no arguments.”


She was pretty sure his IQ had dropped by at least thirty points. Either that, or he’d gone deaf to anything but the need flowing through him. “And I want a Porsche 911.”

“No problem. We’ll get it in green to bring out your eyes.” He tapped the head of his cock against her lips. “Stop teasing. You already know you own us both.”

She grinned. Yeah, deep down she did. She just wanted to make sure he did, too. “Want you.” She sucked him down this time with no intention of letting him go.

“God, yes.” Jaden began to fuck her mouth, his movements careful, precise. He was hanging on to his control. Was he afraid of hurting her?

She decided to up the stakes. She wasn’t some little nymph or Sidhe female, delicate and fragile. She was leprechaun, of the earth, and strong as an oak. She reached up and forced his hands to tighten on her head, establishing a rhythm herself. She moved fast, running her tongue along the underside of his cock, desperate to get him to lose control and take her the way she wanted to be. She didn’t want a gentleman; she wanted her warrior, the one who took on multiple redcaps without getting a scratch.

She got him.

He growled, the sound low and hungry, sending a shiver of lust down her spine. He gripped the sides of her head and began to fuck her mouth in earnest. In self defense she wrapped one hand around the base of his cock to keep him from choking her.

He didn’t say a word, just kept sawing in and out of her mouth, his cock throbbing along her tongue. He watched her out of black eyes, the red flame in his pupil burning brighter and hotter. His fangs dropped far enough to be seen over his bottom lip. She could feel the sharp pinch of his claws as his fingers flexed.

He’d dropped his human Seeming and lay what he really was before her. She hummed her approval, closing her eyes and letting him have her. She needed this just as much as he did. He needed to know that no matter what she would take everything he was and cherish it.

The smooth thrust of his hips stuttered then resumed. “Shit. Don’t think things like that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth.”

His fingers clenched, but still he was careful with his claws. “Oh, shit. Moira.” He grunted, coming in her mouth with a hiss of indrawn breath. She swallowed every drop.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, his arms going around her waist, his head nestling into her neck. “You always manage to destroy me.”

She hugged him back, fiercely pleased that she’d reduced him to a quivering mess. “Tired, a ghra?

“Not too tired to make you come again.” He sat back on his heels, his human eyes full of sleepy satisfaction.

“You were up most of the night, went out and fought bad guys, and now I blew your brains out.” She leered up at him, earning a tired chuckle. “Sweetheart, if you need to go to bed I understand. Trust me, I’ll wake you up later.” She waggled her brows at him.

Jaden sighed. “I might have to take you up on that.” He tweaked her breast, earning himself a low moan. “Still, if you give me a few minutes I bet I could wake up a bit.”

She grinned. “Tell you what. As tired as you are, let’s take this to bed, hmm? That way you can do the man thing.”

He snorted and gathered up her clothes, tossing them to her. “Man thing?”

“You know, the three g’s.”

His eyebrows rose into his hair.

“Get in, get off, get to the z’s.”

She wasn’t all that surprised when her bra hit her in the face. “You are going to be a pita, aren’t you?”

Now it was her turn to raise her eyebrows as she shimmied back into her jeans.

“Pain in the ass.”

She rolled her eyes. “I thought that was Duncan’s job.”

“Ha ha.” He stretched with a grunt. “Ready?”

She eyed his naked chest, the hunger already building again. “You bet.” Moira tugged her shirt on with eager hands, dying to get him upstairs and naked again.

He put his hand around her waist and kissed her. “Let’s go.”

She allowed him to guide her out of the room and to the stairs.

“Good morning, Master Jaden, Lady Moira. Will you be having breakfast?”

Moira turned to face Ian, surprised to find herself blushing under the butler’s knowing gaze. “Um. In a little bit. Duncan and Jaden will be sleeping in.”

One of the butler’s eyebrows rose. “Very good, Lady Moira.” His lips quirked. “Sleep well, Lord Jaden.” He turned and headed back for the servant’s quarters, his shoulders suspiciously rigid.

“Good grief.” Jaden sagged against the banister. “Now he’s going to Lord me to death, isn’t he?”

Moira shrugged. “That’s what you get when you truebond a lord, Jaden.”

He sighed. “We aren’t truebonded yet.”

She stiffened, narrowing her eyes at him. “Meaning?” If he thought he was getting out of the bond, he had another thing coming.

“Down, tiger. I just meant we haven’t completed the Sidhe ceremony.” He took her hand and pulled her up the steps. “The Vampiric one is already done. You and Duncan belong to me, and no one can change that.”

She blinked. The Vampiric bond was a great deal more simplistic than the Sidhe bond. “You do know the Vows, right?”

“Yup.” He continued forward, his stride easy, his voice low and full of promise. “I vow that from this day forward you shall not walk alone. My strength is your protection, my heart is your shelter, and my arms are your home. I shall serve you in all those ways that you require. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. Yours is the name I whisper at the close of each day and the eyes into which I smile each morning. I give you all that is mine to give. My heart and my soul I pledge to you. You are my Chosen One, you are my mate, and you are bound to me for eternity.”

Moira shuddered. To hear the Vows spoken in his rich, deep voice while she and Duncan held him was one of her deepest wishes. It wouldn’t mean shit in the cosmic scheme of things, but damn if she didn’t need that from him. “Yeah. Those are the Vows.” She longed to say them to both her men, but the time wasn’t quite right. She wanted her family there when they exchanged Vows, Binding them together through shared Sidhe magic, entwining their life forces for all eternity.

She blinked. “How long do vampires live?” Vampires were long lived and difficult to kill, but she had no idea if they aged at all.

“Forever, unless we’re killed. Luckily we’re very difficult to kill.”

Forever? “Do I want to know?”

He opened the bedroom door and pulled her through. “Every vampire, upon creation, is both blessed and cursed.” He kept his voice quiet so as not to wake Duncan. “Blessed with long life, but cursed with a weakness that will kill us instantly. That weakness is whispered over our bodies as we change, a magic so devastating not even the gods can remove it. The so-called gift of the Dark Queen to her chosen warriors.” The acidic contempt in his voice was mirrored in his face. “For each of us it’s something different. It could be as simple as a wooden stake through the heart, or as complex as a rowan branch, blessed in a sacred grove by a druid under a blue moon, thrust through your liver. The reasons that the folklore on how to kill a vampire varies wildly are because of that.” He dropped her hand and removed his jeans. “If I ever created another vampire I would be forced to name the way he dies. The magic would make me.”

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