“Not going to. Gods, you’re perfect.” Fen leaned over Jeff’s back, his hot breath on the back of Jeff’s neck. “Howl for me, elskede.

Jeff licked his lips. He’d have to ask Logan what elskede meant. Fen used it an awful lot. Then all thought was lost as something white-hot pierced the back of his neck. For a split second the pain was excruciating.

Then his brains exploded out of his cock as the most intense orgasm he’d ever had in his goddamn life ripped his body to shreds. Jeff screamed, his voice cracking and breaking, unable to withstand the pleasure.

Jeff collapsed against the cold tile, certain he’d died. He figured his body was dangling from the end of Fen’s cock, heart stopped, and a permanent expression of bliss on his face. “Shit.”

Fen was panting in his ear, draped across his back, and Jeff could only assume the wolf had come when Jeff did. A soft kiss landed on the back of Jeff’s neck. “Mine.”

“Mmm.” Jeff still considered that up for debate, but if Fen kept making love to him like that, then maybe Jeff wouldn’t mind belonging to him.

Fen withdrew from his body, stroking one last time across Jeff’s prostate. Jeff shivered. “Are you all right?”

Jeff nodded. He wasn’t capable of speech at the moment. He was still quivering, trying to reassemble his atoms after the nuclear explosion Fen had set off. “Mmm.”

He heard Fen chuckle. Behind him he heard Fen fumble the removable showerhead before a cascade of warm water began rinsing him off from head to toe.

Oh yeah. He could get used to this whole belonging thing.

The showerhead moved up, and Jeff winced as the conditioner hit the bite mark. “Ow.” He put his hand back there instinctively, shielding it from the conditioner.

The bite mark felt raw, painful. Jeff withdrew his fingers and stared in shock at the blood slowly washing away under the spray. “Fen?”

“Yes, mate?”

“Why are my fingers bloody?”

“Because I marked you.”

Jeff straightened and turned so fast he got a face full of water. When he was done choking he bellowed, “Marked me?”

When Fen’s eyes uncrossed he answered, “Yes. You’re mine now.”

Jeff stared at the smug expression on Fenris’s face and did something he might or might not have the time to live to regret. He punched the man dead in the face and left him sprawled on the bottom of the tub, showerhead in hand and a shocked look on his face. Jeff stomped out of the shower muttering curses, toweling himself off before the asshole still sprawled in the tub could stand up and come after him.

Before slamming the bathroom door shut he shot Fen the bird. “Bite this.”

Fen blinked. He reached up carefully and turned off the water, grateful he got it right. He didn’t need to be boiled alive on top of felled by a small, angry human.

He sat up and stared down at the dripping showerhead. “I think he’s mad at me.”

“Really? You think?”

He winced. Damn, Jeff could be loud, even through a door. He could hear drawers slamming open and shut, and suddenly he panicked. Was his mate angry enough to leave him?

He hopped out of the tub, slid on the tile and landed once more on his ass.

He gritted his teeth and stood, reaching for his own towel before running into the bedroom. “Don’t go.”

Jeff turned with a scowl, jeans in hand. He was already in his underwear.

“Why not?”

Fen gulped. Jeff couldn’t leave him. Fen would die without his mate. He couldn’t be alone again. He was so frightened at the thought he got lightheaded.

“Please. Don’t leave me alone.”

The expression on Jeff’s face softened. “I’m just going to Logan’s for breakfast, remember?” Jeff pulled on his jeans and reached for his T-shirt. “You are too.”

Fen could breathe again. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath until it gusted out in a relieved sigh. “Jeff—”

His mate held up his hand. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m pissed as hell. You didn’t even ask me, Fen.” The scowl was back. “Am I going to turn furry?”

Fen nodded. “You’re immortal now too. You’re my mate, the second strongest werewolf in the world.”

“Considering there are only two of us, that’s not surprising.” Jeff pulled on the T-shirt and sat on the edge of the bed. “You can’t do something like that without talking to me first. What if I wanted to wait a while? We barely know each other.”

Fen stalked forward. “I know you.” He clasped his mate’s face between his hands. Jeff’s vivid hazel eyes glared up at him, still darkened with the remnants of passion and anger. “You’re strong, stubborn and compassionate. Loving.

You’re smarter than anyone I’ve ever known. You hold your own with men who are gods, and they all, every single one of them, respect you. Do you know how hard it is to win my father’s trust? That alone tells me everything I need to know about you and your family.”

Jeff sighed, leaning into Fen’s hands. Fen felt some of the constriction around his chest ease. They would get through this. “You should have asked.”

The heat was gone from his mate’s voice. “I’m sorry. Deep down, I’m still a Viking, still a child of my people. I haven’t lived through what the others have.

My first instinct is to take, not ask.” Jeff was stiffening under his hands, and that wouldn’t do. There was only one thing he could say to ease his mate’s mind.

“You will have to help me.”

Jeff’s eyebrows rose and a spark of mischief lit his face. “Will I get to punch you again?”

Fen rubbed his jaw, nearly howling from joy. His mate had forgiven him.

“I’m not sure. You hit quite hard, my mate.”

Jeff laughed. “Then I’ll save it for when you’re really being a jerk.” He stood and took hold of Fen’s hand. “Let’s get you dressed and go visit your father.”

Fen nodded and allowed his mate to lead him wherever he wished.

The Old Man looked down at the trap he’d set. Gleipnir was coiled around his belt, ready to be used once more to bind the wolf. He wiped the blood off of his chin and called to his lover. “Rina?”

“Yes, my love?” The cool blonde stepped out of the office, her hands covered in blood.

There was blood spray across her nose, attesting to the fact that Rina liked to do her work face to face.

“What do you think?” He wanted his lover’s point of view before putting the final touch to the portrait he’d created.

Rina walked around the tableau and studied it from all angles. “I think it will work.”

“When Tyr arrives he’ll be in for a shock.”

Rina smiled. “An entire family obliterated right under the God of Justice’s nose.”

“The children were a nice touch, don’t you think?”

Rina nodded. “A bit over the top, perhaps, but you are an artist, my love.”

The Old Man grinned. “Wonder what the humans will make of it?”

“Who cares?” Rina waved her hand, and both of them were clean. An illusion, but a powerful one. “Are you done, or do you need a bit more time?”

“Just a few minutes more. I want to add one final touch before we go.”

Rina nodded and sauntered out of the room. “I’ll have the car running.”

“You do that.” The Old Man stared down and added the final touch to his grisly tableau. A scattering of wolf fur lay over the bodies, clutched in their fists as if they’d torn it out trying to save themselves. The Old Man smiled in grim satisfaction. “There. If Tyr doesn’t pitch a fit over this I don’t know what I’m doing. He’ll turn on Fenris faster than I can say gotcha.”

The Old Man walked out of a place that had once been a loving home, leaving behind a slaughtered family and shattered dreams…

Skye woke up from the dream screaming in horror. What would be done to that family was beyond vile, all in the name of a vengeance she couldn’t begin to understand.

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