Somehow, she already knew it had started, that by the time she got to them it would be too late. There was nothing she could do to save them.

Nothing. If she got there as fast as she could she wouldn’t even die for them, the deed done and the perpetrators gone.

But she could save the people the atrocious act was aimed at. Skye got dressed as quickly as she could and sprinted for the elevator, certain that there was only one place to go. She had to get to Fenris Saeter and warn him before it was too late.

“He bit you.” Logan couldn’t look more pleased. “I knew you were his mate.”

Jeff bopped Logan on the back of his head. “Shaddup. He didn’t even ask first. Just bared fang and bit. Asshole.”

Logan handed him a glass full of orange juice and gestured toward the huge dining room table that had appeared overnight. “Have a seat. The others will be here shortly.”

“Even Morgan and Magnus?” Jeff couldn’t wait to fill his big brothers in on what had happened while they’d been gone.

“Nope. Last I heard they were on their way to Yggdrasil to speak to the Norns.” Logan held up his cell phone and shook it. “They don’t exactly have signal there.”

Jeff rolled his eyes and took a sip of his OJ. He coughed at the strong taste of alcohol. “Wow. Dude. You got vodka in my orange juice.”

Kir strolled by and stole his glass, taking a sip as he flopped into the seat next to Jeff. “Nah. You got orange juice in my vodka.” His voice was mellow, deep and vaguely slurred. Jeff had to wonder how many screwdrivers he’d already had.

“So explain to me why we’re getting drunk at ten o’clock in the morning.”

Jeff settled back and crossed his arms over his chest. This ought to be good.

“I’ve been getting phone calls from your father. It seems your mother is kicking him out of the house.”

Ouch. “Let me guess, he blames you.”

Kir shook his head and took another sip of vodka. He leaned back and closed storm-filled eyes. “Nope. He wants to know if he can come live with us.”

Everyone at the table froze. “Oh fuck no, Blondie. No fucking way.” Logan was practically vibrating, a myriad of emotions flashing across his face before it settled into determination.

Kir opened one eye and stared at Logan. The other remained firmly shut.

“Do you think I’d say yes? Seriously? The man might be my brother but he’s an asshole.”

Logan grumbled under his breath but settled. He began shuttling huge plates of food to the table, waving away anyone who offered to help. “What the hell is he thinking?”

Jeff blinked and tried desperately not to laugh. Oh hell. He’d completely forgotten about that little fact, hadn’t he? He should have had fun with this before. He plastered his most innocent expression on his face and turned to Kir.

“I think you should tell him to fuck off, Uncle Kir.”

Jordan sputtered, spitting tea onto the tablecloth. Logan dropped a plate of sausages where Travis’s nonexistent right hand would have been. Jamie, who’d been leaning back in her chair, hit the floor before Travis, distracted by sausages, could catch her. Uncle Val, who’d just come into the dining room, stared down at her with a bemused expression. “Did I miss something again?”

“Oh no! Don’t you dare call him Uncle Kir!” Jordan had recovered her voice nicely, only choking a little on the word uncle.

He knew his grin was evil and really didn’t give a shit. This was fun. “Why not, Aunt Jordan?”

Kir gulped down the vodka-laced orange juice as if it were water.

“Oh. That.” Val took a seat and snagged a sausage. “Be grateful we aren’t the Greeks. Talk about inbreeding. At least our dad didn’t marry his own sister.” He shuddered and wrapped the sausage in a biscuit before taking a huge bite.

Everyone stared at him as he chewed. “What?”

Fen picked Jamie up, chair and all, and set her straight. “No, he just shared Frigg with his brothers, Vili and Ve.”

“Who?” Jamie looked absolutely horrified. “You mean she had sex with Uncle Luther and Uncle Henry?”

“Every chance she got,” Logan muttered, placing a huge platter of pancakes and a bowl of pineapple chunks between himself and Kir. He finally took a seat and placed his arm around Jordan’s chair. “Dig in, everyone.”

“Oh God. No. Do not tell me Grammy was in a ménage a quattro.” Jordan shuddered and held her stomach. “I think I’m going to puke.” She grabbed the bowl of pineapple and began chowing down.

Jeff hid his smile. “No wonder she doesn’t miss the Old Man that much.

She’s still gettin’ some.”

“You think he used the apple juice to get them to all agree to that arrangement?” Jordan looked up at Logan hopefully.

“Nah. I think she’s a little slut-puppy who likes getting her furrows plowed.”

Jordan slapped him in the stomach. “Logan!”

Kir started laughing, his blond head resting on his arms.

Jeff grinned. He loved family time even more these days. “Pass the pancakes, Uncle Kir.”

Uncle Kir threw a pancake at his head.

There was a knock on the door. “Never mind, I’ll get it.” Jeff got up and answered the door to find a stunning blonde standing there. Her hair was practically on end, her eyes wide and full of fear. Her shirt was misbuttoned, her jeans barely zipped. Her feet were bare, and she looked like hell. Every instinct he had came to attention. Something bad had happened to this woman, and his first thought was to grab her arm and yank her into the condo. Had she been assaulted? He couldn’t see any signs of damage. “Can I help you?”

“Skye?” Jeff looked back to find his lover standing there, staring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

She broke down, sobbing into her hands. “I think someone’s dead.”

Chapter Six

Skye settled down on the white couch. She ignored the plate of food Logan placed in front of her. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but ever since I can remember I’ve had dreams.” She didn’t understand the look that passed around what was obviously a family gathering, but that didn’t matter. Getting them to believe her did. “Those dreams always come true.” She swallowed, hard. She could still see the innocent eyes of the dead children staring at her blankly. “I saw some people murdering an entire family. The man was called Old Man.”

“Shit.” Logan paced away, swiftly joined by Jordan.

“He called the female with him Rina.”

A stranger, one she’d never met, began muttering in a language that sounded vaguely familiar. Where had she heard it before? His hard blue eyes went cold, his harsh features turned deadly. He looked almost like the bad Terminator, the one whose whole body became liquid. Skye was deathly afraid of him in that moment.

She’d always hated that movie.

“Who died?”

Kir was kneeling in front of her, his hands clasped around hers. There was such warmth and caring in him that she couldn’t help but respond. “A family of five. There were three little children.” She was crying again. Gods, they’d been so young. “He put wolf fur in their hands. Why would he do that?”

“Did they say anything?”

She kept her gaze glued to Kir’s face, the gentle command that had entered his voice barely registering. There was something about him that made her want to obey him. “He said that someone named Tyr would pitch a fit over the murders and that he’d turn on Fenris.” She darted a glance over Kir’s shoulder to Fenris, to find him staring in turn at a blond-haired man who was missing a hand. Something about that man was also vaguely familiar. “Why would this Tyr turn on Fenris over wolf hair?”

“We need to contact Magnus and Morgan.” The blond held out his hand and a little redheaded female curled into him.

“No signal, remember?” Logan Saeter shook his cell phone.

The blond smiled. “There are other ways.” He raised his brows at Kir, who grimaced.

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