“He knew he’d live.” Still, Fred sounded almost guilty, as if he knew he’d done something unforgiveable. “Besides, I thought I was protecting Jordan. I had no idea your grandfather had Jamie. Do you think I would have left your sister there to hurt?”

“Jordan’s pregnant.” Fred went from red to white again so rapidly Jeff almost felt sorry for him. “Logan’s the father. So’s Kir. It’s twins. They’re deeply in love, all three of them. It’s almost disgusting how sweet they are together.

Gives you a toothache.” Jeff growled at his dad, the sound feral. “By the way, are you going to kill my niece or nephew for being Loki’s child?”

“Aren’t you shacking up with one of Loki’s children? That makes you a little biased.” Jeff felt sick. He tried to take a step back, but Fred grabbed him once again. “You’re leaving. Now.”

The growl behind him raised the hairs on the back of his head. “I think Fenrisùlfr wants me to stay.”

There was the rumbling sound of thunder, and Jeff found himself on his ass behind Fenris, his guardian wolf standing over him, claws and fangs and fur beginning to sprout.

“I wouldn’t!” Fred sounded horrified. “I wouldn’t hurt my child.”

Jeff stood. “You already did. You left Jamie alone. You ignored Jordan. You might be willing to kill Jordan’s child solely because of who the father is. And you were ready to hurt me just because you don’t approve of my boyfriend. Are you still so far under Grimm’s thumb that you can’t see what you’re doing to us?”

Fred was shaking his head, his expression horrified. “I would never hurt you,” he whispered, his voice so tortured Jeff almost relented. Fred reached out, but Fenris got between them again. Fred’s arm dropped. “Jeff. Please. I love you.

You have to know that.”

Jeff took a deep breath. “Will you go speak to Jordan and Jamie, without laying hands on them?”

“Yes, of course.”

His large, strong father looked…depressed. Defeated.

“What about Magnus and Morgan?”

Fred stared at him. “You’re my children. All of you.” His face turned to Fenris and he swallowed. Some of the aggression he’d shown to Fen was still there, but the tone had changed. “Do you love my son?”

Jeff’s whole body froze. Fenris had said “mine” more than once, but those words had never passed his lips.

“Very much. I will protect my mate even from you.”

Fenris’s deep, growly voice washed over Jeff and he damn near passed out in relief. He still wasn’t sure how he felt about Fen, but damn. Knowing Fen loved him, even if it was just the beginning of their relationship, made him feel ten times better about…everything.

Fred nodded. He stared for a moment at Jeff. Whatever he saw there put a small smile on his face, and he wondered what Fred saw. He still didn’t look happy but he held out his hand to Fenris. “Welcome to the family.”

Fen took Fred’s hand carefully. “I don’t trust you. But you’re Jeff’s family.

For him, I’ll try not to kill you on sight.”

Jeff rolled his eyes. “He’s so damn diplomatic. We should get him a job at the U.N. Or training Girl Scouts.”

His father just shook his head. “You look good, son.” He reached out and ran his hand through Jeff’s hair, the gesture so familiar it brought tears to his eyes.

His father had always greeted him by ruffling his hair. Jeff hadn’t realized how much he missed that touch until he felt it again. “Has your hair grown?”

Jeff put his hand to the nape of his neck, startled to feel the curls gliding over the backs of his fingers. “What the hell?” He went to the first mirror he could think of, the one in the bathroom, and stared at his head in disbelief.

His curls brushed his shoulders. He knew exactly who to blame for that too.

“Fen! Get your ass in here now!”

The low growl of his own voice startled him. So did the glossy, reddish fur sprouting on his arms.

“Oh, fuck me…”

Grimm smiled. The wards were down. One of the stupid fuckers had dropped the wards, and now here he was, strolling into Loki’s home base as neat as you please.

“I’m in.” He hefted the box of flowers higher in his arms and pressed the button for the elevator. “Hold your position. I’ll be out momentarily with the furball.”

Soon it would all be over and no one would be able to stop him. Not Tyr, not Baldur and sure as hell not Fenrisùlfr. He whistled a merry tune as the elevator rose, nodding politely to everyone who entered. It wouldn’t do to have them see something he didn’t want them to. Using his inner sight, he nearly laughed with glee.

Every single ward was blown. The place glowed with shattered magical threads. Grimm would have no problem getting Fenris out of the building.

Nothing could stop him from destroying the wolf.

Soon the elevator stopped on the floor where he knew Loki and Baldur lived.

The epicenter of the explosion was not far down the corridor. He had no idea what had caused it, and couldn’t care less.

A low growl sounded off to his left. A huge wolf pelted out the front door of one of the condos as if the hounds of Hel were after him. It had gleaming red fur and wicked sharp teeth. It skidded to a halt and snarled at the sight of him.

Grimm smiled and dropped the flowers, exposing the dart gun. “Gotcha.”

Fen helped a dazed Thor—no, Fred—back to his feet. Jeff had knocked the god on his ass when he’d raced from their home. Why he’d left the condo Fen wasn’t sure, but it couldn’t be good.

“What the hell?” Fred shook his head. “What just happened here?”

Fen snarled. “His transformation is complete. He’s mine now.” His mate was truly glorious, his wolf form fine and sleek. But he was out of the safety of their home, alone even if he was only a few feet away. Fen started to move past Thor, but the god was quicker. He shoved Fen back several feet on his way to his son.

“He’s a giant wolf running around a million-dollar-condo complex in the heart of the city, you moron!” Fred took off through the front door after his errant son. “Jeff!”

Fen followed. Something about Fred’s tone was off. Thor sounded terrified.

An explosion rocked the building, knocking Fen back several steps. He dropped to the floor, stunned. When his senses cleared Fen changed to his other self, his clothing going wherever it went when Fen changed, the fur and teeth and paws as natural to him as his two-footed frame had been. He streaked into the corridor to find Fred Grimm on his knees, clutching his chest. The smell of blood was thick in the air. Fred’s hand scrambled for Fen’s fur, grabbing a painful hold. The God of Thunder pulled Fen’s face around to his. “My father’s got Jeff.” He panted, his face a mask of pain. “The serpent…wasn’t your brother.” Fred Grimm lay down slowly, his face pale, blood streaking his lips.

“I’m sorry.”

The serpent? Fen blinked, stunned. His brother, Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, was supposed to be the one to kill Thor. The prophecy said so. But here Thor lay, his life’s blood on the carpet.

Fen set up an urgent howl and prayed one of his mate’s siblings heard his plea. Doors thudded open as Fred Grimm’s family rushed into the hallway.

“What the hell happened? Where’s Jeff?” Travis ran into the hallway and stopped dead at the sight of Fenris sitting next to Fred. “Oh shit.”

“What the fuck?” Jordan, her scent one of horror, fell to her knees.

“Oh my God! Dad? Dad! ” Jamie fell at her father’s feet, her hand over her mouth, eyes glittering with tears.

“Holy shit.” Val, the Avenger, stared at his brother, stunned expression quickly turning to anger. “Who did this?”

Fen barked. They had to do something. His mate would be devastated if Thor died.

“Hold on, Fred. We’ll get you help.” Travis knelt down by Thor, whipping off his shirt and pressing it against the gaping wound in Thor’s chest.

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