“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. That much power will blow the wards for sure.” Kir stood, pulling Skye to her feet. “Do you think you can sleep, or would you like something to eat instead?”

Skye drew in a breath. It ended on a sob. “Can we order in pizza?” She loved pizza. It was her comfort food of choice, but one she rarely allowed herself. All those calories from the cheese and the toppings went straight to her hips. But if any situation called for pizza, this one was it.

Logan snorted. “You’ll fit in just fine.”

“Have you had any other dreams?” The red-haired man staying suspiciously close to Fenris was watching her closely. Unless she missed her guess he was the other redhead’s brother. They looked alike.

She bit her lip. Her dreams had been frequent and intense since moving into her new condo. One of the recurring ones sprang to mind, and she spoke without thinking. “Does dreaming about the end of the world count?”

The hard-eyed, cold man wrapped a surprisingly warm arm around her shoulders. “Do you like pepperoni?”

She looked up at him, and suddenly he wasn’t quite so scary anymore.


“Me too.” He led her away, all the time chattering about nonsense and pizza toppings. She found herself relaxing with him.

Who knew she’d find comfort with the Terminator?

“I still don’t think this is a good idea. If we blow our defenses it will take all day for Logan and Travis to put them back up.” Kir was biting his nail. He’d led them into his bedroom where Skye couldn’t hear them. The woman didn’t know it but she’d just tumbled right into a living myth, and Fen had the feeling she wouldn’t be climbing out again anytime soon.

Logan removed Kir’s thumb from Kir’s mouth. “It’s okay, babe. Do what you have to do. You’re the only one who can.”

Kir looked up at Fen’s father, those blue eyes turning stormy, literally. “All right. But don’t do anything foolish, understand? This is going to be down and dirty. The last time we visited the Bifrost Bridge we took our time, cast the spells carefully to hide our presence. This is going to blow the wards in a loud way, you know that, right?”

“I know, Blondie.” Logan took hold of his hand and looked straight at Fen.

“Guard Jordan for me.”

Fen nodded. He’d guard his new mother, and the siblings growing inside her, with his last breath.

“Thank you.” Logan smiled at him. “We’ll be back.”

“We?” Kir was staring at Logan as if he’d lost his mind.

“You think I’m letting you out of my sight, Blondie?”

Kir rolled his eyes. “Sit, Kir. Stay. Good dog. Woof.”

Logan’s brows rose. “Be nice or I won’t take you walkies.”

“Why am I being left behind this time?” Jordan’s hands were on her hips.

She scowled at her husbands. “You took me to Hel, why not Yggdrassil?”

“Because of what guards it.” Logan held up his hand. “It’s not up for debate, and we don’t have much time. We’re going to fetch Morgan and Magnus and be back as quickly as possible. Ask Fen or Travis or, hell, your uncle what guards Yggdrassil.”

Kir tugged on the pendant around his neck and suddenly Gungnir, the Godspear, was in his hand. The tip glowed brightly. The last time Fen had seen it the tip had glowed blue. Now it shone with a warm red light that seemed to mimic his father’s fire.

“Yes, that’s a promise and a threat.” Logan winked at Jordan and clasped Kir’s free hand. “Let’s go, love.”

“We’ll be back. Keep an eye on the girl.” Kir sighed, and the storm clouds darkened. “I’m not certain, because it’s been a while since I’ve seen her, but I’m pretty sure that’s Skuld, the Norn of the Future.”

“Which means we have a shit-ton more trouble than we originally thought.”

Logan blew a kiss at Jordan. “Be good.”

“Me?” His mother protested. Logan just shot her that demonic smile of his and stood by Kir’s side.

“Wait!” Jeff ran forward. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Shoot.” Kir was already frowning at Gungnir, concentrating on the spell that would rip a hole in Midgard, the place humans called Earth, and lead them to the Bifrost Bridge that spanned the void between Midgard and Asgard. From there they’d be able to make their way straight to Yggdrassil, the World Tree.

“What does elskede mean?”

Fen’s cheeks heated as his father sent him a knowing look. “It means beloved.”

There was a ripple in the air, and before Fen could blink Kir and Logan were gone, sucked out of the room with a boom that shook the windows.

“Shit.” Jordan blinked rapidly. “He wasn’t kidding about that being dirty. I think I’m blind.”

“What the hell?” Travis ran into the bedroom, also blinking rapidly. “What the fuck was that? Every ward in the building just blew!”

“Kir and Logan went walkies.” Jeff ran his fingers through his curls. Fen smiled. Already he could sense the changes in his mate. Jeff’s hair was slightly longer, a little bit wilder. He couldn’t wait to see how it would end up. He adored Jeff’s hair.

“Shit. They could warn a guy.” Travis groaned. “Did you say Logan went too?”

“Yup. They left me behind. Again.”

Fen winced at the anger in his new mother’s voice. “You have some of my father’s magic. You could assist Travis with reestablishing the wards.”

Jordan grumbled under her breath, but Fen could make some of it out.

Cowardly wiener was the nicest thing she said. “Fine. But if I screw this up I’m blaming hormones.” She stalked out of the bedroom, followed closely by a chuckling Travis.

Fen watched them go and wondered why Travis was so amused. “I don’t get it.”

Jeff patted his shoulder. “No man alive truly gets it, with the possible exception of your father.” Jeff shuddered and tugged on Fen’s hand. “C’mon.

Maybe we can get Jordan to reheat the pancakes.”

Fen turned to his mate and whispered in his ear, “What’s a wiener?”

 “Can you explain to me what an epidural is and why your sister was threatening to rip off my father’s man parts if she doesn’t get one?”

Jeff snickered and flicked the video game remote. Mario jumped over another slab and grabbed some gold coins. “It’s something that blocks the pain of childbirth.”

“Oh.” Fen frowned at the television. “How painful can it be?”

Jeff paused the game and turned to stare at Fen. “Carol Burnett, this famous comedienne, once said that if you truly want to experience the pain of childbirth, you should take your bottom lip and pull it over your head.”

Fen’s head tilted. “That makes absolutely no sense.”

“It does if you’re female.” The doorbell rang. Jeff set the remote down. “I’ll get it.”

Fen sniffed. With an alarmed snarl he hopped off the sofa. “Wait!” Fen stood and followed him, but it was too late. Jeff was already swinging the door open.

Jeff pulled back, startled when he found his father on the other side of the door. He hadn’t seen his father in over two months, not since Jamie was attacked.


Fred Grimm took one look at the wolf at Jeff’s heels and turned white as milk. He tugged on Jeff’s arm, almost pulling him out the front door. “We’re leaving. Now.”

Jeff pulled out of his father’s grip, all of the anger he’d been bottling up boiling over at the familiar sight of his father’s face. “Hi to you too, Dad. Jordan and Jamie are both fine. Jamie can even see out of both her eyes now. How’ve you been?”

“You think I don’t want to see Jamie?”

“When did you try to see Jamie?”

“They kept me away from her!”


“Loki and Baldur!”

Jeff shook his head. Behind him he heard Fenris moving around and knew the wolf would soon be out the door and at his father’s throat. “Damn, Dad.

Your head’s really far up your ass, isn’t it?” Fred opened his mouth to reply.

“Logan saved Jamie’s life.”

“He stole Jordan’s!”

“Logan sacrificed himself for her!” Jeff found himself in Fred’s face, defending Jordan’s beloved and his mate’s father. “He took repeated blows from, what’s it called again? Mjolnir? So that Travis and Kir and Uncle Val could get Jamie down off the damn cross and out of there.”

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