Fen looked deliciously wicked as he pulled back. “Where does that go on your list?”

He opened his mouth to respond just as a knock sounded on the front door.

“Gktch.” Jeff’s poor brain had departed for Happy Land, and his ability to speak had apparently left with it. He hoped they had a really good time together.

Fen chuckled. “Someone wishes entry.”

It wasn’t until Fen turned him and gently pushed him out of the bedroom that his body, if not his brain, finally kicked in. His brain was still firmly down Fen’s pants.

Fen watched his mate stagger through the living room to the front door, pleased with himself. The man might deny it all he wished, but he wanted Fen.

He could run as much as he pleased.

Fen loved to play chase.

He threw on some soft cotton pants, knowing how his mate felt about nudity around others. The door opened, and there stood Loki, Baldur and a dark-haired female with sharp features and a huge smile. Fen sniffed the air, some elusive, ripe scent tickling his nostrils. He nearly tripped over his own feet as he realized what that scent was.

The female was pregnant by both Loki and Baldur. This, then, must be his mate’s older half sister, Jordan.

“Fen.” Loki’s face paled, his chest heaving in deep, choppy breaths. “Fen!”

Loki rushed forward, embracing him so tightly he could barely breathe.

Fen returned the embrace. “Pappa.” Tears gathered in his eyes. This was the first time in centuries he’d been able to wrap his arms around his father. It felt better than he thought it would. His father’s fiery hair surrounded him, warmed him as only a parent could. He felt safe in a way he hadn’t in a long time.

His father’s shoulders heaved, and Fen realized the man was crying. He looked through his father’s hair as two new sets of arms embraced them both, one male, one female. Baldur and Jordan were comforting his father. Jordan’s fingers ran through Loki’s hair. Baldur’s hands ran up and down both Fenris's and Loki’s backs.

“Welcome home, Fenris. We’ve missed you.” Baldur's soft voice, so warm and tender, was filled with tears. Baldur had held both Loki and Fenris together when the pain of their separation became too great to endure. Fenris looked upon him as a second father.

The three of them surrounded Fen, including him in their warmth and love.

Behind them, Jeff smiled at them all, his own eyes suspiciously wet.

Fen lowered his head to his father’s shoulder and let his own tears fall.

By all the gods. He really was free. His knees threatened to buckle, but the strong arms of his fathers and his new mother wrapped around him, holding him up.

“Hey. Let them breathe, guys.” Jeff tried to pry Baldur and Jordan away, but they held fast. “C’mon. Don’t make me break out Vincente.” Jeff waggled his brows, the wicked leer on his face making Fenris see red.

That made Jordan back up, her hands in the air, a horrified look on her face.

“Oh no. Not for love or money or… Okay. For the best sex of my life, maybe. I might think about it.”

Baldur began to laugh, his head landing on Fen’s other shoulder. Loki’s head lifted, his wet eyes filled with love and laughter. “Care to repeat that when there’s a computer nearby?”

Fen tilted his head. Who the fuck was Vincente? “Mor?

Everyone except Jeff froze. His mate backed away, biting his lip.

Jordan’s hands landed on her hips. “Did you just call me ‘Mom’?”

“You are my father’s mate, yes?”

“Er, yes. I guess so. Not that we had a wedding or anything.” Jordan glared at Loki, and his father flinched. “But I guess you could say we’re mated.”

“Then you are Mor.”

Jordan looked pale and wide-eyed. “Guh. I am?”

Jeff sat on the arm of the big sofa and watched his sister with an expression of unholy glee.


Wow. The female had a most impressive growl for a human.

His big, bad father scrambled behind Baldur, who was still laughing. “Yes, dear?”

Jordan just shook her head. “Ya big chicken.”

Loki straightened up, but remained behind Baldur. “I am not!”

Jordan shrugged. She cocked her hip, looking supremely bored. “If the cluck fits.”

Fen glanced over at Jeff. “Are they always like this?”

Jeff nodded, his expression far too innocent for Fen’s liking. “Oh yeah.

Except when they’re having sex in the kitchen.”

Jordan turned on Jeff, her cheeks flaming. “Ix-nay on the ex-say.”

“Not on your life!” Baldur protested.

Jordan reached out and bopped the blond on the back of the head, her gaze still on Jeff. “I thought I told you never to mention that again.”

Loki looked over her shoulder at Jeff and mouthed Thank you.

She didn’t even turn around. “Don’t think you’re off the hook, Mr. Saeter.”

Baldur picked Jordan up. Ignoring her squeals, he headed for the front door.

“I think it’s time for a chocolate intervention.”

Jordan stilled. “Chocolate?”

Loki, chuckling, followed them to the door. “Chocolate chip pancakes, sweetheart.” He grinned at Fen and Jeff and opened the front door. “Breakfast at our place in thirty. Jeff knows the way.”

“Gotcha,” Jeff replied.

Just before shutting the door his father winked at him, his lashes still wet and glittering. “Welcome home, Fen.”

Tusen takk, Pappa.”

The happy smile didn’t leave Fen’s face, even when Jeff insisted on once again force-feeding him the vile substance known as “mint toothpaste”.

And what exactly did “buzzard breath” mean?

Chapter Three

Jeff flopped down on his big sister’s white leather sofa with a groan, careful not to spill his coffee. “I swear, it’s like dealing with a two-year-old wrapped up in the hottest male package ever. I may never get the toothpaste stains off the wall.”

“He doesn’t like it, huh?” Jamie squirmed next to him, her happy glow a real one. Jeff bet he could read by it.

Jeff shook his head sadly. “Let’s just say he spits for distance.”

Jordan choked on a laugh. “Oh man. I’m glad he’s at your place, then. Logan was gonna ask if he wanted to move in here with us, but Kir said no.”

Well. Damn. Looked like he was stuck with Fen for the duration. Maybe Jeff could ease him into the twenty-first century, get him used to things like jeans and toothpaste and hating the New York Rangers. He could show him rainbow flags and efforts to reintroduce wolves into the wild. Maybe he could get him a job as a bouncer or something.

Fen moved, his ass looking incredible in the loose sweats. Jeff thought about buying him some jeans and nearly dropped to his knees, ready to worship.

Jeff couldn’t keep his eyes off Fen. The werewolf was standing next to Logan, and the resemblance between the two men was uncanny. No wonder Jeff had the hots for him. Unlike Logan, Fen wasn’t just available, he was eager.

It wouldn’t do to let him know Jeff was even thinking about it, not yet anyway, so he turned back to his earlier conversation before he could shout out Here boy! Come! Come! He put the coffee down on the table before he dropped it.

“I didn’t know whether to woof or squirt him with the water bottle.”

Jamie was giggling into her morning coffee.

“He called me Mom.” Jordan looked both horrified and pleased at the same time. Her hand kept rubbing across her stomach, possibly feeling the protolife rapidly expanding her waistline.

Jeff snorted, amused. Christ, now Logan had him doing it too. “He calls me mate.” Not that Jeff had allowed any fang near his skin. He’d been reading werewolf novels recently, sharing some of the more amusing stuff with Fenris, laughing along with him over some of the stupider myths. The whole bite and mate thing, though? That was real, so Fen’s mouth was not allowed near Jeff’s skin.

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