It was a crying shame. The man had a damn fine mouth.

Jordan gasped and clasped her chest dramatically. “Really?”

“Smartass. Speaking of which, your husband is the one who taught me the phrase that has Fenris thinking I belong to him.”

Jordan hid her mouth behind her coffee cup. “Did he?” She took a quick sip, wincing at the burn.

“That had better be decaf.” Kir plopped down next to her and propped his feet up on the ottoman. “Unlike this, which is the real deal.”

Jordan carefully placed the mug on the end table and straddled the blond.

Kir held up his mug and it was snatched away before Jordan could get her hands on it.

She glared down at her lover. “You’d better pray for death.”

Kir jerked his thumb toward Logan, who sipped Kir’s coffee with a satisfied grin. “I have a Get Out of Hel Free card, remember?”

Jordan growled. She sounded much scarier than Jeff had.

“There are bugs in your flatbread.”

Jeff watched as Fen, scowling, tried to pick the chocolate chips out of his pancakes. He looked adorably lost when the half-melted chocolate coated his fingers. Jeff shook his head and went to the wolf. He was just too friggin’ cute.

“Here. Lick.”

Fen’s gaze went immediately to Jeff’s neck. Before he could stop him Fen had hit just the right spot, and since Jeff hadn’t wanted to take the time to teach the man how to use the electric razor…damn. Those whiskers. He had to clear his throat before he could speak. “Your fingers, Fido.”

Fen pulled back and, his gaze glued to Jeff, sucked his finger into his mouth.

Jeff could see the man’s tongue working, licking the chocolate off. The hummed sound of approval danced across his skin and skidded right down to his cock.

The only thing that would have made it better was if that finger was on Jeff’s hand.

“Guh.” Once again all the blood rushed to his cock, leaving his tongue a floppy, useless muscle that was only good for grunts and licking. Lots and lots of licking.

“Oh my God. He’s speechless.” Jamie waved her hand in between Fen and Jeff. “Hello, McFly!” She turned to Travis. “Oh yeah. He’s gone.”

“Careful! You might step on his brains or something.” Jordan leered at them.

“Knock it off, you two. Leave the poor guy alone. It’s not nice to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.” Travis reached over to hand Jeff his cup of coffee back, and all hell broke loose.

Fen snarled and shoved Jeff behind him, threatening Travis with claws and fangs. “Stay away from him.”

Travis backed up slowly, his left hand in the air, the stump where his right one should have been also raised. “Easy, Fenris. Jeff works for me, and I’m marrying his sister. I have no intention of hurting him.”

“Sounds familiar. But my mate doesn’t have the teeth to exact his revenge when you betray him.” Fen moved, keeping between Jeff and Travis, his big body curled and ready to fight.


Fen continued the low growl despite Logan’s quiet call.

“Fenris Saeter.” Jordan stepped between Fen and Travis, her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. “You stop that right now, mister .

The growl paused. Fen looked like someone had slapped him upside the head.

“You called me Mom. Do you think I’d let someone near you, let alone Logan and Kir, who would hurt you? Hurt the babies growing inside me?”

Flames danced in his sister’s eyes, the gift she’d gotten from sharing blood with Logan. “If you don’t trust anyone else, trust me.” Jordan held out her hand, palm up. “Please.”

Fen blinked. He was panting as if he’d run a marathon, the confusion and raw pain on his face making Jeff itch. No one should look like that, but the man who was trying desperately to protect him did, and Jeff wanted to fix it. But how did you fix something that wasn’t truly broken? “I don’t know you.”

Storms were beginning to brew in Kir’s blue eyes. He watched Jordan and Fen like a hawk, but Jeff had no idea what the God of Spring would do if Fen attacked Jordan, or vice-versa. Logan watched all three of them, his expression damn close to terrified.

“But your father does.” Her voice gentled. “Do you think he’d let Travis near Kir and myself if he thought Travis was a threat?”

“He proved himself to me, Fen.” Logan stepped forward cautiously, his arm going around Jordan’s waist. He placed himself to her side, neither in front of nor behind her. Jeff could tell the move earned his sister’s approval if not Kir’s.

“Did the Wonder Twins tell you about the apples of Idunn?”

Fen nodded.

“But you didn’t believe it, did you? You thought they were trying to fake you out.”

“Fake me out?”

Jeff tapped Fen on the shoulder. “It means you thought we were lying to you in order to make fun of you, but in a friendly sort of way rather than a mean one.”


“Which we weren’t.”

“I know.” Fen patted his hand, but Jeff could see that his claws were still out.

You would not deliberately hurt me.”

Jeff gulped. The raw faith in the man’s voice was stunning. He truly believed Jeff would never intentionally do something to harm him.

Jeff wheeled around Fen’s body until he stood between his sister and the werewolf. He kept his body close to Fen’s, their chests touching. He tried to ignore the fact that his body was very happy with the situation it found itself in.

His body wanted him to tap on Fen’s zipper and ask if his new friend could come out and play. “Then if you trust no one else, I need you to trust me.” He stared into Fen’s eyes, willing the man to believe him. “Jamie is my twin. My baby sister. I would no more hand her over to a true betrayer than I would hand you over to Grimm. Got it?”

He kept his gaze locked onto Fen’s, the two battling it out. Jeff knew if Fen really chose not to trust him there was nothing he could do about it, so he allowed his plea to show on his face. He used the only weapon he felt would work, and prayed it didn’t backfire on them all. “Fen. Don’t make me give up my family. It’s all I have left.”

Fen reared back as if he’d struck him. He looked away, blinking rapidly. Fen grabbed Jeff’s hand and dragged him toward the door. “We’ll be back.”

Jeff knew from how thick Fen’s accent had gotten that he was in for an interesting time. Either the big bad wolf was going to eat him or… eat him.

Fen pulled Jeff into their condo and slammed the door behind them. “All you have left? What of me?”

Jeff sighed and ran his hands through that fiery hair. “Grimm took everything from you. I know that. But he took almost everything from me too.”

Fen watched, his heart breaking, as his mate began to pace through the living room. “He took my grandmother. When she was on the happy juice she was the sweetest person you’d ever want to meet. God, I adored that woman. I used to help her plant flowers, for fuck’s sake. Now that she’s off it, she wants nothing to do with us because we chose to allow Logan into our lives. She’s turned into this cold-as-ice bitch queen who takes no prisoners and would rather hand out grenades than cookies.” Jeff’s arms were waving through the air as he yelled at Fen. “He took my sister and tried to turn her into a piñata.” Fen blinked and made a note to ask his father what that might be. He had the feeling it was nothing good. “He took away my faith that the world has certain rules it follows and turned them fucking upside down. And he took my belief that he loved me and made me realize we’re nothing but tools in his stupid power games.” Jeff squared off against him. “The only things I have now are those people in there, Uncle Val, Magnus and Morgan. I even lost my father because he follows Grimm like a fucking puppy dog. Jordan lost both our dad and hers. Grimm’s hurt all of us.”

He collapsed onto one of the chairs that faced the huge television. “I watched Travis sitting there, staring at my sister. She was bruised, broken. Covered in bandages and IV drips with monitors beeping constantly to let us know she was still alive because she couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. She had burns and scars all over her from what Grimm did. Fuck, Fen. He crucified my sister.” Jeff looked up at him, and only then did Fen realize the depth of rage in his mate. “Travis is the one who fetched Gungnir and gave it to Kir, making him the leader of the Aesir and Vanir instead of Grimm. He’s been working alongside us to bring Grimm down now that he’s no longer under the influence of the apples. And because he did that, because he let it be known he loves my sister, Grimm took her and tortured her again. Only that time we all knew he planned on killing her. Travis fought him hand to hand both times, and both times Grimm got away.”

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