“When will bail be set?”

The detective smiled grimly. “That depends on the judge.” Detective Mancinelli backed away.

“Remember what I said. Accessory to murder, Ms. Grimm.”

“Have you looked at my fucking hospital records, Detective Mancinelli? I couldn’t have swatted a fly, let alone killed a man.”

“I know how to do my job.” The cop was glaring at her again, but there was something about the look on her face, like she was waiting for something to happen but wasn’t quite sure what that something would be.

Bring it, bitch. “Could have fooled me.”

The male detective started toward her, a second set of cuffs in his hand.

“Solberg, play with the girl later. We have to get the perps downtown.”

With one final glare the detective joined his partner by the door. “I hope you can sleep at night, Ms.


“I won’t. Not until Travis is brought home to me.”

With one final, inscrutable look the female detective was gone, Travis right beside her.

“Good night, Jamie.” The male detective left with a soft smile, closing the door quietly behind them.

Jamie felt all of the blood rush out of her head, her heart pounding in terror. She grabbed her shoes and her keys and ran for Jordan’s condo. She pounded on the door, screaming to wake the dead.

“What?” The door was pulled open by an angry looking Logan. Actual flames danced around his hands, his eyes burning, literally burning, down at her.

“They’ve arrested Travis and Uncle Val.”

Logan blinked, his flames dousing. “What?”

“The. Police. Arrested. TRAVIS!”

Logan’s eyes crossed as she shrieked. “Down, Pita.” He pulled her into the condo. “Dampen the light, will you?”

“What?” She turned toward the light switches.

“Not them. You.”

That was when she realized she was glowing. She drew in a deep, terrified breath. “JORDAN!

Jordan and Kir came running out of the den, both of them looking frantic. “What?” Jordan stared at Jamie, her mouth dropping open. “Holy fuck.”

“Apparently.” Jamie held out her still glowing hands. “What’s happening?”

Kir and Logan exchanged one of their enigmatic looks. She really wanted to slap them upside the head until they told her what they were thinking. “Boys.”

“Tyr is Lios Alfar, remember?”


Logan drew closer to his two lovers. “We think maybe you need to learn to control your temper.”

“What do you mean? Travis doesn’t glow only when he’s pissed.”

“Think about it, Jamie. The first time he glowed in front of you was because he knew you were hurt.”

Logan grinned. “Trust me when I say I know when Travis glows. I’ve seen him pissed off at me plenty of times.”

“I am not pissed.

Jordan coughed and turned away.

“Okay, maybe a little.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Mostly I’m scared.”


“Because I think one of the detectives who arrested him was Grimm.”

Travis sat in the chair, waiting for the cops to join him. He’d been fingerprinted, his picture taken, his clothes removed and processed, and his body cavities searched.

Yeah, that had been enjoyable. Not. Now he got to sit here in a lovely orange jumper and stare at the cheap acoustic tile ceiling while someone watched him through video cameras to see if he was acting guilty.

The door opened and the female detective walked in holding a file folder. Her expression was cold and closed as she took a seat behind the utilitarian desk. She opened the file, stared at something, and leaned back in her chair.


Travis remained quiet.

“Interesting test results.”

He stared at Detective Mancinelli, keeping his expression blank. He was curious himself what the tests would show, but refused to give her that satisfaction. Some day he might be forced to work with her so antagonizing her wasn’t a good idea.

He was glad Jamie hadn’t managed to piss off the detective. It was nice to know his woman would stand up for him, but if she got her pretty ass arrested he was going to be annoyed.

“The lab tells me that your DNA isn’t human.”


“In fact, they tell me that they haven’t seen anything like it. Ever.” Her gaze bore into him, trying to see through him. “Why is that?”

“Your lab fucked up?”

She took a deep breath. “Three times?”

He frowned.

“It seems Mr. Grimm also was not human.”

He snorted. “I could have told you Val wasn’t human. Hell, I’m not sure he hits ape some days.”

“Not Val Grimm. I mean, him too, but also Oliver Grimm.” She leaned across the desk, her eyes diamond bright. “Explain to me how I have three non-humans, one dead, two living, in this file folder.”

“You’re really good at Origami.”

Her hand slammed down on the table. “Mr. Rudiger.”


She sighed. “You’re going to be a hard-ass about this, aren’t you?”

“It’s hardly my fault if your lab screwed up.”

“Then you don’t have a problem giving us a blood sample?”

As long as Jamie has gotten to Logan, no. “Not a—”

There was a knock on the door just as Detective Mancinelli stood. She opened the door, frowning at the man on the other side.

Shock raced through Travis’s system. What the hell?

“Detective, I believe you’re questioning my client.”

What was Nik doing here?

“Who the hell are you?”

Nik held out his hand, those strange silver eyes of his flashing. “Niklas DeWitt, Mr. Yardley-

Rudiger’s attorney.”

Travis stood. “Glad Jamie got a hold of you.”

Nik’s lips quirked. “She’s quite…vocal.”

Travis bit his lip. “Having a fit, is she?”

“You could say that.” Nik’s expression turned dreamy, but Travis knew he was anything but. “I bet right now she’s giving Logan and Kir a hard time.”

“That’s my Jamie.”

“Ugh. Can we end the love fest?” The detective looked disgruntled. “You promised a blood sample before your lawyer showed.”

“He’s not giving it. You already have a sample. Use that.”

She growled at Nik, earning a glare from the other man. “The samples showed Mr. Rudiger isn’t human.”

“It’s not Mr. Yardley-Rudiger’s problem if your lab is full of incompetents.” He took Travis’s arm and guided him from the room. “Bail has been posted.”

“I can get a court order… Hey!” Nik led him from the room into the hallway, the detective following them. “How can bail be posted? It hasn’t been set yet.”

He smiled and handed her some papers. “I think you’ll find that Judge Crosby disagrees with you.”

He could actually hear Mancinelli’s teeth grinding together.

“I’ll also be representing Mr. Grimm.” Nik handed her another set of papers. “Please see to it that he’s brought to me.” Nik turned his back on the detective with a sniff. “We’ll have you out of here momentarily.”

She handed Val’s bail papers to a hovering officer and waved him down the hall. “We have reason to believe your client killed a man.”

Nik turned back and just stared down at Mancinelli, those cold eyes of his sending chills down Travis’s spine.

“Nice to know a real shark is representing him.”

Nik glared. Mancinelli smirked. Travis was impressed. It took a lot to get a rise out of Nik these days, but somehow the good detective seemed to do it without even trying.

“I didn’t kill Oliver Grimm. How many times do I have to say it? I didn’t kill him.

“Then how do you explain your hair and carpet fibers at a scene where someone had obviously cleaned up a large amount of the man’s blood?”

“First off, how do you know it was his blood? You had his DNA on file?” Nik folded his arms across his chest.

“Mrs. Grimm was able to supply us with a sample. It matched that recovered from the floor of that fucking fun house.”

Nik nodded. “I’ve seen the timeline you have for the murder. How do you account for the fact that Val Grimm was seen at the hospital, admitting Ms. Grimm, who’d been tortured right around the supposed time of death?”

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