Mancinelli blinked. “We believe the time of death was some time before Ms. Grimm was admitted.”

“How do you account for the technician’s report that Val Grimm was at the hospital at the exact time Mr. Grimm was allegedly killed?”

“My partner and I believe he was incorrect. We’re in the process of verifying that now. Besides, his partner, Mr. Rudiger, was not at the hospital making sure his sweet fiancée was all right, was he?”

“Ah. Tell me, did you find Ms. Grimm’s blood there?”


“did you ever speak to Ms. Grimm about her ordeal?” His statement made it clear he already knew the answer.

“I’ve read the report.”

“Do you know what Mr. Oliver Grimm is accused of?”

“I’m well aware of it. Are you saying your defense will be that Oliver Grimm staged his own death?”

“Not at all.”

“Because no one could lose that amount of blood and live.”

“Of course not.”

“Evidence was found at the scene that points directly at Mr. Rudiger and Mr. Grimm.”

“But Mr. Grimm worked there as head of security, so how can you prove that his fibers weren’t there long before the crime was committed? There was a long-standing association between Guardian Investigations and Grimm and Sons. Three of Oliver Grimm’s grandchildren work for Mr. Yardley-


“It also means that, as head of security, Val Grimm was probably well aware of the fun house. With their hair and fiber all over the place? Mr. Rudiger must have known too.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Frankly, if someone had done that to my niece I might have done far worse than stab him multiple times. I know why he felt he had to do it. But I believe he needs to stand up and take responsibility for murdering his own father.”

“Oh, believe me. The man who murdered Oliver Grimm will pay.”

Her expression blanked. “Do tell.”

Nik merely smiled and leaned down. He whispered something in Mancinelli’s ear that had her eyes going wide.

“You’re freakin’ kidding me, right?”

Nik shook his head.

“You better not be pulling my leg.”

Nik looked at something over her shoulder as he replied, “Trust me, it will be worth it.”

Travis saw the male detective, Solberg, leading Val toward their group. He looked terribly angry.

“How could they have made bail this quickly? They haven’t even been in the fucking jail yet.”

Mancinelli waved at Nik. “Ask him.”

Solberg paled when he saw Nik, then turned back to Mancinelli. “All the paperwork is in order?”

“Yup.” Unspoken was unfortunately. They could all hear it in her voice.

Nik took hold of Travis’s arm. “Are you two ready to leave?”

“More than,” Val growled.

Mancinelli put a hand on Travis’s arm as he tried to move past her. “You’re still under arrest.” She let go. “And I’m watching.”

They followed Nik out of the police building, but Travis knew it wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

Grimm watched as Heimdall took Tyr and Vali out of the police station. He could barely contain his fury at the sight.

Beside him, Mancinelli shivered. “Is something wrong with the air conditioner?”

How could it have gone so wrong? Who could have expected Nik to show up and take custody of Tyr and Vali? “I have to go.”

Mancinelli turned back to him. “We have to figure out how they managed to get Judge Crosby to post bail. There wasn’t a hearing or anything.”

He barely heard her. He was practically trembling with rage. Frost began to coat everything around him. “I have to go, Mancinelli.”

She gasped, and he wondered what had made her do that. Not that it mattered anymore. He’d soon be back, erasing this incident in the minds of all those who’d witnessed it.

Since he couldn’t erase his partner’s mind, he’d erase her life.

Grimm strode out of the building, his mind whirling. As he climbed into Solberg’s car, he knew what he had to do.

There was only one way to get Tyr and Vali out in the open now. And he would take great delight in implementing it.

Chapter Ten

“He will kill them. Don’t you get that?” Jamie paced back and forth, trying to get through to her brothers-in-law. “We have to save them!”

“I agree with Jamie. We need to move.” Jeff had his arms crossed, watching her pace back and forth.

“Let me go get my stack of dynamite and we’ll be all set.”

Jamie flipped him the bird.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun. Just like a Bugs Bunny cartoon.”

Jamie rolled her eyes and did her best to ignore Jeff. “Are you sure that Nik will get them out of jail?”

Kir shrugged absently, his expression intent as he stared at his laptop. “He said he would, and so far Nik has never failed at what he set his mind to. If anyone other than Logan can do it, it would be Nik.”

“I’m going to change the lab reports so that the evidence points elsewhere.” Logan ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m just not sure who to point the finger at.”

“What about Grimm? Can’t we make it look like he staged the whole thing?”

“There was an awful lot of blood.” Jordan tugged at her earring. “I’m not sure we’d be able to pull that off.”

The doorbell rang, and Jamie raced toward it. She flung it open, ignoring the warning shouts of both Kir and Logan.

“Travis!” She flung herself into his arms, holding him tight. God, it was good to see he was all right.

“I need to show you something.”

“I bet you do,” Kir muttered, laughing when Jordan smacked him upside the head.

“All right. Let me get my keys.” She grabbed them off the side table and, taking Travis’s hand, waved goodbye to her family. “See you tomorrow.”

She walked out with Travis to a chorus of goodbyes, her heart skipping happily as she strode next to her man.

He led her to the elevators and she frowned. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

She stepped into the elevator. “I thought we weren’t supposed to leave the building.”

The doors shut.


She shrieked. The man whose hand she was holding was a stranger. He held something up against her neck. Taser! “Surprise.”

Excruciating pain. Everything went dark.

“What do you mean she left with me?”

Logan shared a look with Kir while a terrified Jordan looked on. “Grimm.”

Jeff was already on his way out the door. The expression on his face was one that Travis had never before seen. “Jeff.”

The other man barely broke stride. “Don’t say it.”

“We don’t know where he took her.”

Nik’s expression was dreamy. Heimdall was seeing somewhere else. “The torture chamber.

Val grimaced. “Where else?”

Travis nodded, his heart in his throat. “He wants us to find her.”

“And we’ll give him what he wants it if means saving Jamie.” Jeff’s hands were clenched at his sides, but his face was almost serene.

“Or so he thinks.”

Jeff didn’t answer. He didn’t have to.

Travis strode through the doors, the others on his heels.

“Get Magnus and Morgan here, Jordan. I don’t want you unprotected.”

“Fuck no, Logan. I’m going too.”

Logan grabbed her by the arms, sat her in a chair at the dinette set and waved his arms, drawing runes in the air.

Jordan gasped as two bands of fiery light wrapped around her wrists and two more wrapped around her ankles. She glared up at Logan.

“I will not lose you or our children.” He placed a swift kiss on her lips. “Please trust me. I swear I’ll save Jamie.”

Jordan stilled. “Like you did last time.”

Thunder sounded. Rain poured down the window. Kir fingered the necklace Gungnir hung from, the pupils of his eyes turning white as snow. “Not like last time.”

Morgan and Magnus raced into the room, looking disheveled. “What’s going on?”

“Grimm has Jamie. Stay with Jordan, make sure she’s safe.”

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