The twin brothers nodded at Travis, moving toward their sister. “We’ll take care of her, hothead.”

Morgan slapped Logan on the shoulder. “Go save our sister.”

Logan gave Jordan one last, hard kiss before striding toward the door.

“I love you.” Travis turned to see Jordan glaring at Logan. “But I’m still kicking your ass for this when you get home.”

Logan snorted, blew her a kiss and walked out the door. Kir, smiling but shaking his head, followed, Travis and Jeff right on their heels.

The elevator was cramped, but not one of them chose to get out. Logan cuddled back into Kir, seemingly content, but the heat in the elevator was rising steadily.

The doors opened silently and the men headed out. Travis headed straight for Logan’s SUV. They all climbed in and Logan took off, heading straight for Grimm’s old stomping grounds: Grimm and Sons.

“We’re being followed.”

Travis turned in his seat to look at Nik. Nik was smiling one of his enigmatic smiles. “Who?”

“Detective Mancinelli.”

“Want me to lose her?” Logan jiggled the steering wheel.

Travis frowned. “No. Let her follow.”

Nik’s eyebrow quirked, but that was the only sign of an expression on his otherwise blank face.

Kir, on the other hand, was looking at Travis like he’d lost his mind. “Why?”

Travis turned around. “Don’t ask me why, but something tells me she’s going to be part of this.”

“The part that wants to save Jamie or the part that’s the God of Justice?”

Travis thought about that for a few seconds. “Yes.”

Kir shrugged. “Okay.”

What the hell are they up to? She’d been following them since Danny’s little meltdown in the precinct, curious to find out what the fuck was going on. Nik’s little whisper in her ear insured it. “You know something isn’t right. Follow me. You know you want to.”

But it wasn’t just DeWitt’s little whisper that had her following them. No sirree. It was Danny-boy who’d set her on the path to stalkerhood. No way had she seen what she thought she saw. Not only did Danny somehow know the lawyer, a man she’d never seen around the precinct, but he’d reacted all out of proportion to bail being posted. His face had been filled with rage, his body practically trembling with it.

She’d been close enough to see it.

The temperature dropping the madder Danny got? That was just plain freaky.

Was it a conspiracy? Where all of these people involved? And how did DeWitt fit in? He wasn’t related to the Grimms. Was he? She snarled. Something about DeWitt really got under her skin. She’d love to find something on the cold bastard. Was he involved in Oliver Grimm’s murder? What did he know that she didn’t?

Well, she intended to find out.

They pulled up outside the office building. The men exchanged silent glances and, as one, headed for the front door.

Circumventing the security measures was easy for Logan. A little hand waving, a few muttered phrases and the red glowing light glinted green. Travis resolved to see to it that his own security became Jotun proof. Who knew what tricks Grimm had up his sleeve thanks to his blood bond with Rina? Nik nodded and went in first, nonchalantly looking around. The others swiftly followed.

“So, Detective. What are you hoping to find?” The others stopped at the sound of Nik’s voice.

“Besides your asses in jail for breaking and entering?”

Jeff strode over to the detective. “I don’t have time for this. That fucktard has my sister in his sick little room again, and I’m going to get her out no matter what it takes. Stay out of my way or I will run you over to get to her.”

“Your license will probably be revoked when they find out about this little stunt.” She blew out her breath. “What makes you think your sister is here?”

Nik grinned. “She’s here.”

She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t asking you, Mr. DeWitt.”

“We can prove it.” Logan walked over to one of the offices. Muttering and waving his hands he unlocked the door and threw it open. “Step into my office, Detective.”

Her eyes were big as saucers. “How did you—?”

Jeff rolled his eyes. “Lady, welcome to Dysfunction Junction.”

Val grunted and gestured toward the door they’d all just come through. “Hold on a second, Jeff. We need to check something out.”

Jeff nodded and followed Val toward the front door. Travis shook his head, wondering what the two of them were up to.

By the time he got into the office Logan had the computer up and running and the camera in the torture chamber turned on.

What he saw on the screen turned his world white.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Jamie tilted her head, desperately trying to throttle back the choking fear. “Die, dickhead, die?” She screamed as he touched the jumpers to her skin, burning electricity coursing through her once again.

She’d woken naked and strapped to the cross. A car battery sat beside her, the jumper cables lying beside it. Various bats, whips and knives lay on a table. Surgical instruments gleamed in the low light.

Dear old Granddad had been right there, smiling.

Joy. She swallowed the panic as the nightmares threatened to overcome her once again. She had to hold on. Travis was coming for her.

“Sharing blood with Loki has made you more durable.” Grimm smiled. “This should be fun.”

“Speak for yourself.”

“I had originally planned on killing you and leaving your body to rot.”

“Swell.” She gritted her teeth against the tears as he picked up a bat. She knew what he could do with that. What he would do with that.

“But, you know what?”

She was almost afraid to ask. The heated look on his face had her swallowing in sick fear. “What?”

One hand reached out and squeezed her breast. “I really didn’t get a chance to truly enjoy you the last time I had you here.” He smiled when she sobbed. “I’ll have to make sure to rectify that error.” He took a step back, picking up the baseball bat. “But first…” The crack of the bat as it broke her thigh was loud, but not as loud as her screams.

He began systematically beating her, the swings almost impersonal. He did it in eerie silence, her cries his only accompaniment.

She hung, limp, damp and exhausted, pain her only constant.

“Hmm. I wonder where loverboy is.”

She opened one eye, the other long since swollen shut. She couldn’t answer him. Her jaw was broken.

“Maybe he knows you’re not worth it.”

She lifted her head, pain throbbing in time to her heartbeat. “Worf it.”

He looked pleasantly surprised. “Yes, Jamie.” He leaned in close, a knife in his hands. “You aren’t worth it.” He plunged that knife into her, right above her heart. Blood spurted down her skin as he pulled it back out. “Good. I got an artery.”

She sobbed.

“Where’s dear old Uncle Val? Do you think he’ll save you?” Grimm shook his head sadly. “He’s been too much of a pussy to fight me head on so far. What makes you think this would be any different?”

“The fact that I’m right behind you, dickhead?”

Jamie saw Uncle Val leaning against the wall. His face was cold as he stared at Grimm. For the first time, he looked like a killer to her.

Thank God.

“Val, you worthless piece of shit.” The scary cheer in Grimm’s voice belied the wary look on his face.


“How did you enjoy your evening in jail, son?”

Uncle Val smiled. “They’re coming for you. Can’t you feel it?”

“Warning your old man away? How…unexpectedly loyal.”

Uncle Val chuckled darkly. “Oh please. Kir is going to spit your black heart on Gungnir and roast it over a campfire.”

Grimm threw his head back and laughed. “You think Gungnir can kill me? Is that what you’re counting on?”

Jamie saw the flicker of fear on Uncle Val’s face before it was quickly wiped away.

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