
balon: fuel source abandoned before the occupation because of its notorious instability, later revived by the resistance

batos: big, smelly, domesticated herd animal ( DS9/ Section 31: Abyss)

borhya: ghost (TNG/“The Next Phase”)

bell: benchmark of time, similar to “o’clock” ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

B’hava’el: the star of Bajor ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual)

cadge lupus: large canine predator, similar to a wolf

dolamide: versatile material that can be used, in very pure form, to manufacture explosives (DS9/“Dramatis Personae”)

Fostossa virus: source of an epidemic that swept across Bajor during the occupation (VGR: “Nothing Human”)

fusionstone: ancient building material (Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two—Fragments and Omens)

grass vipers: gray-skinned snakes ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

hara cat: large feline predator (DS9/“Second Skin”)

hiuna leaf: Bajoran tobacco ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Ih’tanu: traditional celebration of a Bajoran girl’s fourteenth birthday (DS9/“Accession”)

Kalla-Nohra: unique medical condition suffered by Bajorans and Cardassians who were exposed to the effects of a mining accident at Gallitep in 2353 (DS9/“Duet”)

kellipate: unit of distance (DS9/“Progress”)

kelbonite: material known to interfere with various types of scanning equipment (TNG/“Silicon Avatar”)

kosst: swearword or curse, derived from Kosst Amojan (DS9/“The Reckoning”; however, the word’s original meaning was simply “to be” (DS9/“The Assignment”)

linnipate: unit of distance, roughly two or three meters ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

lugfish: large, slow, and ugly fish ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

nyawood: type of wood similar to mahogany ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Orb: also known as a “Tear of the Prophets”; one of several religious artifacts that sometimes impart visions or insights upon those who gaze into them (DS9/“Emissary”)

Orkett’s disease: affliction being studied at the Bajoran Institute of Science (VGR/“State of Flux”)

porli fowl: chickenlike food animal

raider: generic name for a small attack craft used by the resistance

ra-vu rum’ta: Old Bajoran expression meaning “child of night”; the classic poetical name for a cadge lupus

salam: type of grass (DS9/“Shakaar”)

sinoraptor: animal known for its fierceness and eyes that face opposite directions (DS9/“Shakaar”)

spoonhead: slur used by some Bajorans when referring to a Cardassian (DS9/“Things Past”)

tessipate: unit of area (DS9/“Progress”)

tyrfox: wily canine predator ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

uridium: mineral that, in its unprocessed state, is highly unstable; uridium ore is processed on Terok Nor (DS9/“Civil Defense”)

Religious Ranks

The following is a breakdown of known ranks in the Bajoran religion, in ascending order.

prylar: a monk

ranjen: a monk specializing in theological study

vedek: a high-ranking priest, typically a regional spiritual leader

kai: the world leader of the Bajoran religion

D’jarra Caste System

Until recent times the Bajorans had a series of castes called D’jarras. This is a rough order of ranking for the ones that have been established so far.

Ih’valla: artists (above Te’nari) (DS9/“Accession”)

Te’nari: unknown, but below Ih’valla (DS9/“Accession”)

Mi’tino: low-ranked merchants and landowners ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Va’telo: pilot, sailor, driver, and similar professions ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Ke’lora: laborers and lawmen ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Sern’apa: unknown ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Imutta: those who deal with the dead, the “unclean,” and lowest ranking d’jarra(DS9/“Accession”)

Resistance Cells

The following is a list of the established Bajoran resistance cells and their areas of operation.

Bram: active in Jo’kala (Musilla Province)

Halpas: active in Relliketh (Hedrikspool Province)

Kintaura: active in Rakantha Province

Kohn-ma: active in Dahkur Province (DS9/“Past Prologue”)

Ornathia: active in Tilar Peninsula (Hedrikspool Province)

Shakaar: active in Dahkur Province (DS9/“Duet”)



Abor, Dost(male) operative of the Obsidian Order, assigned to Valo VI listening post

Astraea(female) traditional name of the ceremonial “guide” or religious leader for the Oralian Way ( DS9/ A Stitch in Time)

Dalak(male) official of the Cardassian Information Service, superior of Natima Lang and Veja Ketan

Damar, Corat(male) military officer serving on Terok Nor (DS9/“Return to Grace”)

Darhe’el(male) military officer, overseer of the Gallitep mining facility on Bajor, political rival of Gul Dukat (DS9/“Duet”)

Dukat, Athra(female) wife of Skrain Dukat ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Dukat, Skrain(male) military officer who served under Danig Kell during the formal first contact with Bajor, later prefect of Bajor and commander of Terok Nor (DS9/“Emissary”; Dukat’s given name was established in the DS9 novel A Stitch in Time)

Ico, Rhan(female) Letin Pasir’s handler in the Obsidian Order ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Kell, Danig(male) military officer and member of Central Command, direct superior of Skrain Dukat (DS9/“Civil Defense”; Kell’s first name was established in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Ketan, Veja(female) correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service

Kieng(male) code name for Joer Varc, an operative of the Obsidian Order

Kretech(male) military officer serving on the scoutship Kevalu

Kruva(male) commander of the patrol ship Drakamair,assigned to the Pullock system

Lang, Natima(female) correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service (DS9/“Profit and Loss”)

Marritza, Aamin(male) military officer and file clerk serving at the Gallitep mining facility on Bajor (DS9/“Duet”)

Mendar(female) professor at the Ministry of Science on Cardassia Prime

Moset, Crell(male) civilian physician and exobiologist who worked on Bajor during the annexation (VOY/“Nothing Human”)

Ocett, Malyn(female) military officer in command of the scoutship Kevalu,assigned to patrol the Bajoran system (TNG/“The Chase”; Ocett’s given name was established in A Stitch in Time)

Pa’Dar, Kotan(male) former scientist, later exarch at the Tozhat settlement on Bajor (DS9/“Cardassians”)

Pasir, Letin(male) operative of the Obsidian Order, assigned to Bajor posing as a vedek ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Prang, Limor(male) operative of the Obsidian Order ( A Stitch in Time)

Ratav(male) military officer commanding a base in Hedrikspool Province on Bajor

Regnar(male) code name for an operative of the Obsidian Order ( A Stitch in Time)

Reyar, Kalisi(female) civilian scientist

Reyar, Yannik(male) civilian liaison between Central Command and the Obsidian Order, father of Kalisi Reyar

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