Sa’kat(male) military officer assigned to patrol the perimeter of Cardassia City

Tain, Enabran(male) head of the Obsidian Order (DS9/“The Wire”)

Tedar(male) military officer stationed in Dahkur Province on Bajor

Thrax(male) chief of security on Terok Nor (DS9/“Things Past”)

Trach(male) noncommisioned officer serving on Terok Nor

Vara, Miras(female) civilian scientist

Varc, Joer(male) operative of the Obsidian Order, code name “Kieng”

Veda(male) military officer serving on the scoutship Kevalu

Yopal(female) director of the Bajoran Institute of Science


Lakarian City: population center on Cardassia Prime, site where ancient Hebetian culture was said to have flourished long ago (DS9/“Defiant”)

Cardassia City: capital city of Cardassia Prime ( A Stitch in Time)

Letau: the innermost moon of Cardassia Prime and the site of a maximum-security prison facility

Ministry of Science: center of learning and scientific research in Cardassia City (DS9/“Destiny”)

Paldar Sector: residential district of Cardassia City ( DS9/ A Stitch in Time)

Pullock V: habitable planet in the Pullock system; site of a Cardassian manufacturing complex (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Terok Nor: space station orbiting Bajor; the main ore processing facility as of 2346 and the command post for the Bajoran annexation


Drakamair: Hideki-class patrol ship under the command of Dalin Kruva, operating in the Pullock system

kanar: alcoholic beverage (TNG/“The Wounded”)

Kevalu: scoutship under the command of Dalin Malyn Ocett, operating in the B’hava’el system

Koeder: Keldon-class warship

marga: fish with a smooth, pink belly

metric: unit of time, roughly equivalent to a minute ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Obsidian Order: intelligence bureau of the Cardassian Union (DS9/“The Wire”)

Oralian Way: religion dating back to the First Hebitian civilization on Cardassia Prime, forced to go underground during the era of the Bajoran annexation (the Hebitian civilization was first mentioned in TNG/“Chain of Command, Part II; the Oralian Way was established in the DS9 novel, A Stitch in Time)

riding hound: large canine animal (DS9/“In Purgatory’s Shadow”)

rokassa juice: nonalcoholic beverage with a very distinctive odor (DS9/“Cardassians”)

Military Ranks

The following is a list of Cardassian ranks and their Starfleet analogs. This system borrows from the work of Steven Kenson’s unpublished Iron & Ashsupplement for the Star TrekRoleplaying Game from Last Unicorn Games.

garresh: noncommissioned officer

gil: ensign

glinn: lieutenant

dalin: lieutenant commander

dal: commander

gul: captain

jagul: commodore/rear admiral

legate: admiral


Antosians: species capable of cellular metamorphosis (TOS/“Whom Gods Destroy”)

Chameloids: shape-shifting species ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Ferengi: spacefaring species known mainly for their pursuit of profit (TNG/“The Last Outpost”)

flyer: generic term for a small aircraft

Gart(male): Ferengi DaiMon (captain) whose ship routinely stops at Terok Nor

gree worms: edible soft-bodied invertebrates favored by the Ferengi (DS9/“Little Green Men”)

Kressari: spacefaring species known mainly for being traders in botanical DNA (DS9/“The Circle”)

Lissepia: inhabited planet on DaiMon Gart’s trade route (DS9/“The Maquis, Part II”)

New Sydney: inhabited planet on DaiMon Gart’s trade route (DS9/“Prodigal Daughter”)

odo’ital: Cardassian designation for the mysterious shape-shifting life-form that was discovered in the Denorios Belt in 2345; translates as “unknown sample” (DS9/“Heart of Stone”)

skimmer: generic term for a near-ground hovercraft

Valerians: spacefaring species known mainly for trading with the Cardassians (DS9/“Dramatis Personae”)

Vendorians: shape-shifting species (TAS/“The Survivor”)

Wraith: shape-shifting species (ENT/“Rogue Planet”)


S. D. (Stephani Danelle) Perrywrites multimedia novelizations in the fantasy/science fiction/horror realms, for love and money. S. D. lives in Portland, Oregon, with her excellent family, and is working on an original thriller in her spare time, of which she has very little.

Britta Burdett Dennisononce had pipe dreams of becoming a comic book artist, before fully realizing just how many little panels she would have been required to draw, and so turned to writing instead. She is an enthusiastic newcomer to the Star Trekuniverse. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and daughters. This is her first published book.

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