“My hope is that we will be able to retrieve Trip, and that the information he has gathered will be directly useful in mounting a defense against the Romulan Empires encroachment on Coalition space, TPol said. “The ends would justify the means in this instance, and Captain Archer would understand, especially if we keep him insulated from our actions.

“Thats a great hope, Reed said. “We can also hope for ticker‑tape parades, commendations from our superiors, and free hot fudge sundaes for life. But I suspect that even if were successful, most of those wishes wont be coming true.

“Then why come with me? TPol asked, fixing Reed with an inquisitive gaze.

He offered a wan smile. “Because youre not the only one who cares about Trip, Commander. We didnt start out as friends when this whole journey began, but there are few men Ive met before or since whom I hold in higher esteem.

He pointed toward the viewscreen on the console where TPol had been working. “We have four minutes left before our departure window closes. Time to get packing.

TPol pointed toward a small traveling case shed left leaning against a nearby bulkhead. “I have already packed.

Reed shook his head. “Its a human expression, TPol. Dont take it literally.

“Like kicking my ass? TPol asked, grabbing the case and heading toward Shuttlepod Two. “Why are humans so fixated on the gluteal muscles? she said.

Reed fell into step beside her, snorting slightly. “Perhaps its because weve all got em, Commander. Even Vulcans, I suppose. He reddened visibly as he moved to open the shuttlepods hatch. “Not that I take much notice of such things.

“Indeed, TPol said in the most frostily polite tone she could muster. “And just so were clear, Lieutenant, you could nothave kicked mine.


Friday, July 18, 2155 Columbia NX‑02, near Draylax

“P LEASE ASSIST US ! Our defenses cannot hold much longer against the hostiles weaponry!Even without the bridges linguistic translation matrices rendering the incoming message into intelligible English, the static‑laced voice that carried it would have conveyed a crystal‑clear message of desperation and fear all on its own.

Captain Erika Hernandez leaned forward in her command chair as she listened to the plaintive distress call and stared straight ahead into the star‑flecked infinitude displayed on the large forward viewer.

“Origin point of the transmission? she said, turning her chair slightly toward the portside com station.

“Looks like its coming from the Draylax system, Captain, said the redheaded Ensign Sidra Valerian, her Scottish burr thickening into a heavy brogue as it often did during times of heightened tension. The youthful senior communications officer had gotten busy tracing the Mayday signal immediately after its arrival a few moments ago.

“Maybe its lucky for the sender that he isnt farther away, Captain, said Lieutenant Reiko Akagi, from the helm console. “Draylax is very close to our current position. At maximum warp, I can get us there in just a few hours.

“Lucky for them,maybe, said Commander Veronica Fletcher, Columbias executive officer and Hernandezs second in command. “For us, not so much.

“Especially if were expected to stop a threat that the entire Draylaxian defense fleet cant cope with, said Lieutenant Kiona Thayer, the senior tactical officer. She stood in the bridges starboard section, studying the readouts on her station as Lieutenant Commander Kalil el‑Rashad, Columbias second officer and sciences expert, analyzed the same data on his own console.

“Not necessarily, Hernandez said. “From what Ive seen, Draylaxs defenses are nothing to write home about. In fact, their defensive capabilities have always been weak enough to make me wonder why theyve been so uninterested in joining the Coalition.

“I wonder if they might be a bit more friendly to a Coalition sales pitch after this, Fletcher said, her New Zealand accent sharpening her words.

If theyre still around afterward,Hernandez thought, recalling the horrible devastation that had been visited upon Coridan Prime not so very long ago. Aloud, she said, “Ill leave that sort of thing to the diplomats. Our main concern is putting an end to this assault, if we can. Reiko, make best speed to Draylax. Sidra, get me Starfleet Command. Advise Admiral Gardner of our diversion to Draylax.

Brushing a lock of her blond hair away from her eyes, Fletcher stepped close to the command chair and leaned toward Hernandez. “Gardners not gonna be happy about this, she said in an almost conspiratorial tone. “After all, were supposed to be protecting the Coalition shipping lanes from pirates and litterbugs, arent we?

Hernandez favored her exec with a wry smile. “Werent you just complaining about how much patrol duty bores you?

“Lets just say that boredom is infinitely preferable to reenacting the Charge of the Light Brigade, Fletcher said quietly.

“Dont worry, Veronica, Hernandez said with a grim chuckle. “Well scout out the situation first and assess the odds. Then whether we stay or fall back will be up to the captains discretion.

Fletchers reply was preceded by a bantering smirk. “Thats very reassuring, Captain. You have always been the very soul of discretion.

An excited exclamation from Ensign Valerian interrupted Hernandezs rejoinder. “Admiral Gardners on the line, the com officer said, looking surprised.

“Very efficient, Sidra, Fletcher said.

The com officers brogue thickened even further. “Commander, I didnt raise him. Hescalling us.

“He must have a spy aboard, Fletcher said quietly, her voice obviously pitched for the captains ears alone. Hernandez couldnt always quite tell when she was kidding. “Or maybe hes bugged our helm console.

Hernandez ignored the comment. Nodding to the com officer as she rose from her command chair, she said, “Ill take it in my ready room.

“Admiral Gardner, Hernandez said as she seated herself at her small and perpetually cluttered desk. Fortunately, she had taken the liberty of pushing the stacks of paper, books, and two coffee cups safely out of the admirals line of sight. “Please go ahead, sir.

The subspace‑transmitted image of the stern‑faced man displayed on her ready‑room terminal began speaking without any preamble. “Captain, an emergency situation has arisen.

“Draylax, she said.

Gardner nodded soberly as he ran a hand across his duranium‑colored crew cut. “Its a potentially explosive situation.

“Were already on our way there at maximum warp, sir. My com officer was about to advise you of our course change. Well reach Draylax in less than four hours.

Assuming we dont get sent back out on pirate patrol in the meantime,she added silently.

“Outstanding, Captain,Gardner said with the faintest hint of a smile. “The Draylaxians are in considerable danger, given their relatively limited defensive and tactical capabilities. Even a singleNX‑ class starship could make all the difference.

“Well do everything we reasonably can to assist the Draylaxians, Hernandez said, nodding. “And to limit the loss of life.

“Of that I have no doubt, Captain. Nevertheless, I need to emphasize just how critically important Draylax is to the Coalition.

Unbidden, a frown creased Hernandezs brow. “I thought the Draylaxians had refused Coalition membership. Like the government of the nearby Porriman civilization in the Gamma Virginis system, with whom Hernandez had recently concluded a series of negotiations that had proved both lengthy and fruitless, the Draylaxians remained stubbornly determined to protect their sovereignty by avoiding large‑scale diplomatic entanglements.

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