“They have,Gardner said with a grave shake of his head. “Which is a damned shame for us.

“Im not sure I understand, Admiral, Hernandez said, blinking involuntarily.

He leaned forward slightly. “Ive just conferred with Minister Samuels. He and I are in agreement that if Earth could get another nonhuman civilization or two to apply for Coalition membership right now, Captain, it would go a long way toward smoothing the ruffled feathers of the Vulcans, the Andorians, and the Tellarites over Earths position favoring full membership status for Alpha Centauri. Our intervention in the current crisis might persuade the Draylaxians that joining the Coalition is in their best interests after all.

“My only interest is in saving lives, Admiral, Hernandez said, shaking her head. “The galactic political horse‑trading behind all of this really doesnt concern me all that much.

“Im afraid ithas to concern younow, Captain,Gardner said, his voice evoking the cold solidity of hull metal. “Were involved in this matter regardless. Even though Draylax isnt a Coalition member, it has recently entered a mutual defense pact with one of its closest neighbors: Alpha Centauri.

“And were already committed to the defense of Alpha Centauri, Hernandez said. A slow, sinking feeling began tugging her guts inexorably downward.

The admiral nodded. “Alpha Centauri is one of the United Earth governments Coalition partners, which has its own separate mutual defense compact with Earth. Therefore Starfleet is legally required to treat an attack on Alpha Centauri as if it were an attack on Earth. We are obliged to protect Alpha Centauris treaty partners as well.

“So we have to treat an attack on Draylax as though it were an attack against Alpha Centauri, Hernandez said. Her stomach was now in free fall.

“Or against Earth itself,Gardner said, nodding.

Hernandez recalled a history course shed taken at the Academy, in which she had studied the complex diplomatic cats cradle of mutually interlocking defense agreements that had bound the European nations of the early twentieth century. With so many countries prepared to deploy their armies in defense of so many allies, all it had taken was the assassination of one man in an obscure Balkan country to plunge most of the planet into the bloodiest war humanity had ever experienced up to that time.

“So Im afraid you may have to do a bit more than whatever you reasonably can, Captain,the admiral continued, his gaze hard yet also sympathetic. “Youhave to defend Draylax. To the death, if thats what it comes to.Columbia is therefore to be considered expendable so long as Draylax remains in jeopardy.

And while the Coalitions nonhuman members remain in a snit over the Alpha Centauri business, or Draylax continues to stay out of the alliance,Hernandez thought sourly. She could only hope that something other than the blood of her crew would become the coin that purchased peace within the Coalition, if such a thing was even possible.

“Aye, aye, sir. Do we know who the attackers are, Admiral?

“Klingons,Gardner said after a pregnant pause. “Three battle cruisers, according to the reports weve just received.

Hernandez nodded, though she wasnt encouraged. “I hope we arrive in time to do some good. Once we get there, well hold them off as long as we can, Admiral. Im sure Major Foyle and his MACOs will give the Klingons one hell of a fight.

She could only hope that Doctor Metzgers sickbay would be spared the baptism of fire that the MACOs were about to face.

The admiral nodded again, his eyes glistening with unshed moisture. “I know youall will do your best, Captain Hernandez. Godspeed to you and your crew. Gardner out.And with that, his image vanished.

Oh, well,she thought. “Captains discretion has always been overrated anyway.

She reached across her desk and punched a button on the compad built into the desk beside her computer terminal.

“Hernandez to engineering, she said.

The Austrian chief engineer replied in his customary blunt Teutonic tones. “Lieutenant Graylock here, Captain.

“We need to get to Draylax as quickly as possible, Karl. I need you to push it a little bit past the redline. Again.

“I suppose my engine core can manage warp five point two for an hour or so without vaporizing us completely,he said, an undercurrent of dour humor buoying his grim words. “Anything else, sir?

“Just try to keep us in one piece, Karl.

“That complicates things a bit, Captain, butja, I think my people can handle it. Ill make Biggs and Pierce get out and push if I have to. And Ill set Rivers and Strong to running in the hamster wheel.

Smiling, she said, “Thanks, Karl. Hernandez out. She pressed another button. “Hernandez to com.

Ensign Valerians crisp reply came half a heartbeat later. “Bridge, Captain.

“Sidra, isnt Enterprises patrol route supposed to take her into this sector about now?

“Aye, Captain, I believe it is.

That struck Hernandez as suspiciously like a good omen, though she was far too experienced an officer to put much stock in such things. “Try to raise them. I need to speak with Captain Archer as soon as possible.

“Aye, Im on it, sir,the com officer said. “Ill transfer the connection to your ready room once its established.

“Thank you, Sidra. Hernandez out.

She hadnt decided yet whether she was calling because she wanted to ask for Jonathans help, or because she merely needed the emotional closure of a last farewell.


Friday, July 18, 2155 Enterprise NX‑01

C APTAIN J ONATHAN A RCHER COULD FEELhis pulse accelerating as he left his ready room and stepped onto the bridge. His conversation with Erika Hernandez had crossed over the time of Enterprises early‑morning shift‑change, so while most of his alpha‑watch crew were already on deck, his gamma‑watch commander, D.O., was still seated in the captains chair, going over reports on a datapad.

“Ensign Mayweather, your console should be receiving a set of coordinates near Draylax in a moment, Archer said before acknowledging ONeill or any of the others. “Set a course there immediately, maximum warp.

He spoke up then, looking around at the other members of the bridge crew. He noticed that a few faces were missing; TPols absence was to be expected, but he had assumed he would see Malcolm Reed at his usual place behind the tactical station. “It appears that the Klingons have launched an attack near Draylax, he announced loudly. “Captain Hernandez is taking Columbiathere now. Weare going to be her backup.

“Is this the first strike of a war? ONeill asked, surrendering the captains chair to Archer as she stood. Alarm was etched on her features.

“Were not sure yet, D.O., Archer said. “All we really know so far is that three heavily armed Klingon warships are fighting their way toward the Draylax systems main population centers. Draylaxs entire defense fleet may not be up to fending them off, and Admiral Gardner has ordered Columbiato assist them.

“And Enterprise? ONeill asked warily.

“Gardner hasnt given us any new orders yet, but I expect that to change soon enough.

“Forgive me, sir, but isnt sending Starfleets two best ships to deal with this a bit of overkill? Mayweather asked, turning from his console. “Draylax isnt even part of the Coalition of Planets.

“That may be, Travis, but Earth has a mutual defense arrangement with Draylax, Archer said, taking his seat and toggling a switch on one of its arms. “Burch, I need full warp capability. We have to push this ship to her limits. And make certain all weapons ports and hull‑plating polarization protocols are triple‑checked. We may be seeing some action soon.

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