And they ran. Nirgal took the lead, and tried to pick the cleanest route over the canyon floor, the one least littered with rocks. The starlight seemed moje than sufficient to illuminate their way. Art kept pounding up to his right, pressing him to hurry. It almost became a kind of race, and Nirgal ran much faster than he would have on his own, or in any normal circumstances. So much of it was rhythm, and breath, and the dispersal of heat from the torso out into the skin and then the walker. It was surprising to see how well Art could keep up with, him, without the advantage of any of the disciplines. He was a powerful animal.

They almost ran right by Coyote, who leaped out from behind a rock and scared them enough to knock them down like ninepins. Then they clambered up the rocky trail he had marked on the cliff wall, and were on the rim, under the full dome of the stars again, the bright lights of Senzeni Na like a spaceship that had dived into the opposite cliff.

Back in the boulder car Art gasped for air, still out of breath from the run down the canyon. “You’re going to have to — teach me that lung-gom,” he said to Nirgal. “My Lord you run fast.”

“Well, you too. I don’t know how you do it.”

“Fear.” He shook his head, sucked at the air. “This kind of thing is dangerous,” he complained to Coyote.

“It wasn’t my idea,” Coyote snapped. “If those bastards hadn’t stolen my supplies, we wouldn’t have had to do it.”

“Yeah, but you do stuff kind of like this all the time, right? And it’s dangerous. I mean, you need to be doing something other than sabotage in the outback. Something systemic.”

It turned out that fifty kilos was the absolute minimum they needed to get home, so they limped south with all noncritical systems shut off, so that the interior of the car was dark, and fairly cold. It was cold outside as well; through the lengthening nights of the early southern winter they began to encounter frost on the ground, and snowdrifts. Salt crystals on top of the drifts served as the seed points for ice flakes, which grew into thickets of ice flowers. They navigated between these white crystalline fields, dimly glowing in the starlight, until the fields merged into one great white blanket of snow, frost, rime, and ice flowers. Slowly they drove . over it, until one night the hydrogen peroxide ran out. “We could have got more,” Art said. “Shut up,” Coyote replied.

They ran on battery power, which would not last long. In the dark of the unlit car, the light cast by the white world outside was ghostly. None of them talked, except to discuss the essentials of driving. Coyote was confident that the distance the batteries would take them would be enough to see them home, but they were cutting it awfully fine, and if anything failed, if one of the ice-clogged wheels jammed in its well — they would have to try walking, Nirgal thought. Running. But Spencer and Sax wouldn’t be able to run far.

On the sixth night after the raid on Senzeni Na, however, around the end of the timeslip, the frosty ground ahead became a pure white line, which thickened on the horizon, and then came clear of it: the white cliffs of the southern polar ice cap. “It looks like a wedding cake,” Art said, grinning.

They were almost out of battery power, to the point that the car was slowing down. But Gamete was just a few kilometers clockwise around the polar cap. And so just after dawn, Coyote guided the halting car into the outlying garage in Nadia’s crater rim complex. They walked the last stretch, crunching over new frost in the raw long-shadowed morning light, under the great white overhang of dry ice.

Gamete gave Nirgalthe same feeling it always did, that he was trying to fit into old clothes that were much too small. But this time Art was there with him, and so the visit had the interest of showing a new friend an old home. Every day Nirgal took him around, explaining features of the place and introducing him to people. As he watched the range of expressions plainly exposed on Art’s face, from surprise to amazement to disbelief, the whole enterprise of Gamete began to strike Nirgal as truly odd. The white ice dome; its winds, mists, birds; the lake; the village, always freezing, weirdly shadowless, its white-and-blue buildings dominated by the crescent of bamboo treehouses … it was a strange place. And Art found all of the issei equally amazing; he shook their hands, saying, “I’ve seen you on the vids, very pleased to meet you.” After introductions to Vlad and Ursula, Marina and Iwao, he muttered to Nirgal, “It’s like a wax museum.”

Nirgal took him down to meet Hiroko, and she was her usual benign, distant self, treating Art with about the same reserved friendliness she gave to Nirgal. Mother goddess of the world… They were in her labs, and feeling obscurely annoyed by her, Nirgal took Art by the ectogene tanks, and explained what they were. Art’s eyes went perfectly round when he was surprised, and now they were like big white-and-blue marbles. “They look like refrigerators,” he said, and stared closely at Nirgal. “Was it lonesome?”

Nirgal shrugged, looked down at the small clear windows, like portholes. Once he had floated in there, dreaming and kicking… It was hard to imagine the past, hard to believe in it. For billions of years he had not existed, and then one day, inside this little black box … a sudden appearance, green in the white, white in the green.

“It’s so cold here,” Art remarked when they went back outside. He was wearing a big borrowed fiberfill coat, with the hood over his head.

“We have to keep a water ice layer coating the dry ice, so the air stays good. So it’s always a little under freezing, but not much. I like it myself. It strikes me as the best temperature of all.”



They visited Sax every day, and he would croak “Hello” or “Good-bye” in greeting, and try his best to talk. Michel was spending several hours a day working with him. “It’s definitely aphasia,” he told them. “Vlad and Ursula did a scan, and the damage is in the left anterior speech center. Nonfluent aphasia, sometimes called Broca’s aphasia. He has trouble finding the word, and sometimes he thinks he’s got it, but what comes out will be synonyms, or antonyms, or taboo words. You should hear the way he can say Bad results. It’s frustrating for him, but improvement from this particular injury is often good. Slow, however. Essentially, other parts of the brain have to learn to take over the functions of the damaged part. So — we work on it. It’s nice when it goes well. And it could be worse, obviously.”

Sax, who had been staring at them through this, nodded quizzically. He said, “I want to teach. To speech.”

Of all the people in Gamete to whom Nirgal introduced Art, the one Art hit it off with best was Nadia. They were drawn to each other instantly, to Nirgal’s surprise. But it pleased him to see it, and he watched his old teacher fondly as she made her own kind of confession in response to Art’s question barrage, her face looking very ancient except for her startling light brown eyes, with the green flecks around the pupil — eyes that radiated friendly interest and intelligence, and amusement at Art’s interrogation.

The three of them ended up spending hours together in Nirgal’s room talking, looking down at the village, or out the other window to the lake. Art walked around the little cylinder from window to door to window, fingering the cuts in the glossy green wood. “Do you call it wood?” he asked, looking at the bamboo. Nadia laughed. “I call it wood,” she said. “It’s Hiroko’s idea to live in these things. And a good one; good insulation, incredible strength, no carpentry but door and window installation …”

“I guess you wish you had these bamboo in Underbill, eh?”

“The spaces we had were too small. Maybe in the arcades. Anyway this species wasn’t developed until recently.”

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