“Well, I’ll be—” Danel muttered. “Here, take a look. I guess now we know how the star-gods found this place.”

When Dwer got the telescope, the first thing he noticed was that the flyer’s hatch now lay ajar, revealing part of the interior, including banks of control panels. If only we were close right now, he thought. With the door open and no guard robot in sight…

“Look to the right, up the. trail a ways,” Danel urged.

Dwer shifted the spyglass, sweeping till he glimpsed a small figure dressed in one of the aliens’ one-piece garments, moving toward the sooner encampment.

“Great Ifni’s Egg!” he yelped.

“What is it?” Lena demanded, grabbing the scope as Dwer rolled on his back, staring past tangled branches at a murky sky.

“Well, well,” Lena muttered. “Looks like she caught up with us, after all.”

“I should’ve strangled her when she stole my bow. I should’ve left her to the damn spider.”

“You don’t mean that, son,” Danel chided.

Dwer knew the sage was right. Still, he grumbled. “Oh, don’t I? She was a pain from the start. Now she’s ruined everything.”

“Perhaps Rety was coerced.” But the sage sounded unconvinced as they took turns with the telescope. Each of them had seen the girl’s clothes, her freshly coifed hair, and her confident stride, swaggering into camp like she owned the place.

“She’s gone to see the prisoners,” Lena reported, a little later. “Talking to one of ’em now… Those urs sure look ragged, poor things.” Lena tsked, and her sympathy was clearly more than sarcastic. “I wish I could make out—”

She stopped as Dwer suddenly gripped her arm, reacting to a faint, high keening that seemed to scrape the inside of his skull. The noor beast chuttered irritably, shaking its head and sneezing. Soon the noise deepened and grew loud enough for the rest of them to hear. Even Jenin, who was on lookout duty upslope, hissed a worried query.

The clamor came from the aircraft. It made Dwer’s teeth feel as if they were loosening in their moorings.

“Something’s coming out!” Lena exclaimed, turning the telescope. “It’s the robot!”

Dwer saw a hovering black dot with dangling tendrils separate from the ship, whose hatch then closed. The air shimmered from expelled dust as humming motors lifted the scout off the ground. The gray arrowhead was larger than the house Dwer grew up in, yet it wafted upward and turned lightly, stopping when its nose pointed almost due south. Then the heavens echoed its fierce growl as it plunged away, receding faster than anything he had ever seen.

“Damn,” Danel cursed. “We missed our best opportunity.”

Lena wasn’t watching the departing scout. Instead, her eyes followed the black robot, now cruising toward the tribal village.

“Don’t worry,” she assured. “I expect we’ll get another chance.”

The glavers were back. Of all irksome times for the stupid things to tag along!

They must have followed, at their own lazy pace, all the way from last night’s campsite. Now they mewled unhappily at the sights and smells of the fetid ravine, but that did not keep them from following Dwer as he left the shelter of the forest, heading toward the cluster of rude huts.

Dwer glanced back at Lena Strong, crouched at the edge of the last line of trees. With raised eyebrows, she asked if he wanted her to shoot the idiotic beasts. He said no with a terse headshake. They were dangerous only to a man who was trying to hide. And he did not mind being conspicuous at this point. In fact, that was the general idea.

Still, when he passed a rotting log, he gave it several swift kicks, exposing a rich trove of grubs swarming the interior. The distracted glavers crooned delight and dove in for the kill.

Which left just one irritation, the scampering noor beast, who darted through the meadow grass and between his legs.

Trying to ignore Mudfoot and carrying his bow slung over one shoulder, Dwer walked with feigned nonchalance past a devastation of jagged tree stumps toward the bustling sooner tribe. The. prisoners’ pen lay a quarter of an arrowflight to the left, the huts to the right. Straight ahead, a cook fire fumed smoke that hovered lazily, as if reluctant to depart.

Come on, people, Dwer mused when he was over halfway across the pocket meadow and still unnoticed. Don’t you have any son of sentry system?

He pursed his lips and whistled a tune — “Yankee Doodle,” the first thing to come to mind.

Finally, one of the kids peering at the urrish captives glanced his way, did a gaping double take, and began screaming, pointing at Dwer.

Well, whatever works.

Their reaction might have been different as recently as a week ago. For generations these people had seen no outsiders at all. Now, after making contact with an urrish band, then flying aliens and a lost cousin transformed into a goddess; they took his arrival pretty well. Only three out of four ran away, howling in terror. Hesitantly, with goggle-eyes that showed white around the rims, the remainder gathered to stare at him, edging forward in a clump when he showed no sign of aggression.

Dwer motioned for one boy to come forward.

“Yeah, that’s right, you! Don’t worry, I won’t bite.”

He squatted down in order to seem less imposing. The boy, a filthy urchin, looked like one for whom bravado was as important as life. Dwer knew the type. With others watching, the lad would rather die than let himself show fear. Puffing his chest out, the kid took several steps toward Dwer, glancing back to make sure his courage was being noted.

“What a fine young man,” Dwer commented. “And what would your name be?”

The boy looked nonplussed, as if no one had ever asked him that before. Didn’t everybody in the world grow up knowing each other’s names?

“Well, never mind,” Dwer said, aware the throng was growing larger as curiosity overcame dread. “I want you to run an errand for me. If you do, I’ll give you something special, understand? Good. Please go to Rety. Tell her someone she knows is waiting for her—” Dwer turned and pointed the way he came. “—over there. By the trees. Can you remember that?”

The boy nodded. Already, calculating avarice had replaced fear. “Whatll I get?”

Dwer pulled a single arrow from his quiver. It was made by the best fletchers of Ovoom Town, perfectly straight, with a tip of razor-sharp Buyur metal that gleamed in the sunshine. The boy reached out, but Dwer snatched it back.

After you bring Rety.”

Their eyes met in brief understanding. With a blase shrug, the boy swiveled and was gone, squeezing past the crowd, shouting for all he was worth. Dwer stood up, winked at the staring tribesmen, and began sauntering back toward the forest, whistling casually. Glancing back, he saw a good part of the clan following at a distance. So far, so good.

Oh, hell, he cursed when he saw the glavers. Get out of the way, will you?

They had finished browsing at the rotten log and now sauntered toward him. Dwer worried — when they saw the villagers, might they panic and bolt toward the prisoners’ pen? The female glaver turned one globelike eye toward the approaching crowd. The other eye then followed, a sure sign of concern. She snorted, and her mate reared backward in surprised dismay. They whirled —  and fled in exactly the direction Dwer feared!

With a tracker’s sense of light and shadow, he noted Jenin Worley crouching by a tree, where the forest came nearest the prison-corral. One of Dwer’s objectives had been to attract notice away from there.

He had the bow off his shoulder and an arrow drawn when Mudfoot suddenly reared out of the tall grass, waving its forepaws in front of the glavers, hissing. The glavers skidded to a halt and reversed course with astonishing spryness, cantering away with the noor yipping close behind.

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