And now this?

Well, what can you expect when you play games of multiple loyalty? Old-time novels warn how hard things can get when you serve more than one master.

Events were accelerating. Now the rumored, secretive rebel organization had finally offered to talk. What choice had he but to go?

“All right,” he told Harullen. “Come get me when it’s time. Meanwhile, I have work to do.”

The gray qheuen departed silently, except for a faint clicking of claws on the rocky trail. Lark struck a match that sputtered rank fumes before settling enough to light his tiny oil lamp. He unfolded the portable writing table Sara had given him when he graduated from the Roney School, what seemed a geologic age ago. Pulling out a sheet of his father’s best writing paper, he then shaved black powder from a half-used ink stick into a clay mortar, mixed the dust with fluid from a small bottle, and ground the mixture with a pestle till all the lumps were gone. Lark used his pocket knife to sharpen his tree-staller quill pen. At last he dipped the tip into the ink, paused for a moment, and began to write his report.

It was true, Lark realized later, during a tense conclave by the wan opal glow of Torgen, the second moon. Tentatively, suspiciously, the zealots were indeed offering alliance with Harullen’s loose-knit society of heretics.

Why? The two groups have different aims. We seek to reduce, then end, our illegal presence on this fragile world. The zealots only want the old status quo back, our hidden secrecy restored, as it was before the raider ship came — and perhaps a few old scores settled along the way.

Still, envoys of the two groups gathered in the dead of night, near a steaming fumarole, by the winding path leading to the silent nest of the Egg. Most of those in the conspiracy wore heavy cloaks to hide their identities. Harullen, who was among the few still to possess a functioning rewq, was asked to remove the squirming symbiont from his sensory cupola, lest the delicate creature burn itself out in the atmosphere of strained intrigue. Creatures of the Great Peace, rewq were not suited for times of war.

Or is it because the zealots don’t want us to see too much, Lark pondered. Not for nothing were rewq called the “mask that reveals.” Their near-universal hibernation was as troubling as the heavy silence of the Egg itself.

Before starting, the zealots first cracked open several jars, releasing swarms of privacy wasps around the periphery-an ancient ritual whose origins had been lost but that now made earnest sense, after discoveries of the last few days. Then the urrish spokesman for the cabal stepped forward, speaking in Galactic Two.

“Your association sees opportunity in the (greatly lamented) coming of these felons,” she accused. The whistles and clicks were muffled by a cowl, obscuring all but the tip of her muzzle. Still, Lark could tell she wasn’t many seasons past a middling, with at most one husband pouched under an arm. Her diction implied education, possibly at one of the plains academies where young urs, fresh from the herd, gathered within sight of some steaming volcano, to apprentice in their finest arts. An intellectual, then. All full of book learning and the importance of her own ideas.

Yeah, a part of him answered honestly. In other words, not too different from yourself.

Harullen answered the rebel’s challenge, making a political point by speaking Anglic.

“What do you mean by that strange proposition?”

“We mean that you perceive, in these (disliked/unwelcome) aliens, a chance to see your ultimate goals fulfilled!”

The urs stamped a foreleg. Her insinuation sent angry murmurs through the heretic delegation. Yet Lark had seen it coming.

Harullen’s gray carapace rocked an undulating circle. A traeki gesture, which the ringed ones called Objection to Unjust Impeachment.

“You imply that we condone our own murder. And that of every sapient on Jijo.”

The urrish conspirator imitated the same motion, but in reverse — Reiteration of Indictment.

“I do so (emphatically) imply. I do so (in brutal frankness) mean. All know this is what you heretics (misguidedly) desire.”

Lark stepped forward. If the zealots’ murmur included any anti-human slurs, he ignored them.

“That is not (negation reiterated) what we desire!” Lark complained, garbling the qualifier trill-phrase in his haste to speak up.

“There are two reasons for this,” he continued, still struggling in GalTwo.

“First among our grounds (for rebuttal) is this — the aliens (greedy to extreme fault) must not only eliminate all sapient witnesses (to crime/to theft) who might testify in a Galactic court. They must also wipe out the native stock of any (unlucky) species they steal from Jijo! Otherwise, how embarrassing would it be someday, when the (foolish) thieves announce their adoption of a new client race, only to be confronted with proof that it was stolen from this world? For this reason they must exterminate the original population, when they depart.

“This we (in righteousness) cannot allow! Genocide of innocent life is the very crime our group was (in selfless righteousness) formed to fight!”

Harullen and the other heretics shouted approval.

Lark found his throat too dry to continue in Galactic Two. He had made the gesture. Now he switched to Anglic.

“But there is another reason to resist being slaughtered by the aliens.

“There is no honor in simply being killed. Our group’s goal is to seek agreement, consensus, so that the Six shall do the right thing slowly, painlessly, voluntarily, by means of birth control, as an act of nobility and devotion to this world we love.”

“The effect, in the end, would ve identical,” the urrish speaker pointed out, slipping into the same language Lark used.

“Not when the truth is finally revealed! And it will be, someday, when this world has new legal tenants, who take up the common hobby of archaeology.”

That statement triggered confused silence. Even Harullen rotated his cupola to stare at Lark.

“Exflain, flease.” The urrish rebel bent her forelegs, urging him to continue. “What difference will archaeology signify, once we and all our descendants are long gone, our hoof bones littering the wallows of the sea?”

Lark drew himself up, fighting fatigue.

“Eventually, despite all efforts to live by the Scrolls and leave no permanent marks, this story will someday be told. A million years from now, or ten, it will become known that a society of sooners once dwelled here, descendants of selfish fools who invaded Jijo for reasons long forgotten. Beings who nonetheless transcended their ancestors’ foolishness, teaching themselves where true greatness lies.

That is the difference between seeking dignified self-extinction and being foully murdered. For honor’s sake, and by all the blessings of the Egg, the choice must be ours, every individual’s, not imposed on us by a pack of criminals!”

Harullen and his other friends were clearly moved. They shouted, hissed, and umbled fervent support. Lark even heard some approving murmurs among the cowled zealots. Without benefit of rewq, he could tell he was managing to sound convincing — although deep inside, he scarcely believed his own words.

Ling’s bunch don’t seem to fear archaeological hobbyists of some future aeon.

In fact, Lark didn’t give a damn either, whether some obscure historical footnote said nice things about the Six, far in the distant future.

Good laws don’t need rewards or recognition to make them right. They’re true and just on their own account and should be honored even if you know that no one else is watching. Even if no one ever knows.

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