“Well then, how do you plan to adopt any presentient species you find here? Surely you can’t admit you picked them up on a restricted world.”

“At last, an intelligent question.” She seemed relieved. “I confess, it won’t be easy. They must be planted in another ecosystem for starters, along with any symbionts they need, and other evidence to imply they’ve been there for some time. Then we must wait quite a while—”

“A million years?”

Ling’s smile returned, thinly. “Not quite so long. We have a couple of advantages going for us, you see. One is the fact that on most worlds the bio-record is a jumble of phylogenic anomalies. Despite rules to minimize harmful cross-flow, each time a new starfaring clan wins tenant rights to a world, they inevitably bring in their favorite plants and animals, along with a host of parasites and other hangers-on. Take glavers, for instance.” She nodded over at the subject. “I’m sure we’ll find records of places where similar genes flowed in the past.”

Now it was Lark’s turn to smile, briefly. You don’t know the half of it.

“So you see,” Ling went on. “It won’t matter much if a residual population stays on Jijo, as long as we have time to modify the borrowed stock, artificially enhancing the apparent rate of genetic divergence. And that will happen anyway when we begin the process of uplift.”

So, Lark realized, even if the forayers eventually find glavers unsuitable, they might still make off with some other promising species and turn a nice profit from their crime.

Moreover, they appeared completely comfortable seeing it as no crime at all.

“And your other advantage?” he asked.

“Ah, now that’s the real secret.” A shine seemed to enter the woman’s dark eyes. “You see, what it really comes down to is a matter of skill.”


“On the part of our blessed patrons.” Now her words struck a reverent tone. “The Rothen are past masters at this art, you see. Witness their greatest success so far — the human race.”

There it was again, mention of the mysterious clan that had the utter devotion of Ling, Rann, and the others. The star-humans had started out reticent. Ling had even made it clear that Rothen was not their real name. But with time she and the others grew more talkative, as if their pride could not be contained.

Or else, because they had no fear the tale would spread.

“Imagine. They managed to uplift humanity in complete secrecy, subtly altering the records of the Migration Institute so that our homeworld, Earth, remained untouched, on fallow status, for an incredible half a billion years! They even kept their gentle guidance unknown to our own ancestors, leaving them with the fantastic but useful illusion that they were uplifting themselves!”

“Amazing,” Lark commented. He had never seen Ling so animated. He wanted to ask, “How could such feats be feasible?” But that might imply he doubted her, and Lark wanted this openness to continue. “Of course, self-uplift is impossible,” he prompted.

“Completely. It’s been known since the fabled days of the Progenitors. Evolution can bring a species all the way up to pre-sapience, but the final leap needs help from another race that’s already made it. This principle underlies the life-cycle of all oxygen-breathing races in the Five Galaxies.”

“So why did our ancestors believe they raised themselves up?”

“Oh, the most insightful always suspected we had help from beyond. It explains the depth of feeling underlying most religions. But the true source of our gift of sapiency remained mysterious for most of the time that hidden hands guided our path. Only the Danikites — early precursors of our group — knew the secret all along.”

“Even the Tergens Council—”

“The Terragens Council.” Her voice soured. “The idiots guiding Earth and her colonies during these dangerous times? Their obstinacy hardly matters. Even this Streaker business, sending half the fanatics in the universe into a frenzy, howling for Earthling blood, even this will come out all right, despite the Terragens fools. The Rothen will see to things. Don’t worry.”

Lark hadn’t been worried. Not on the scale she referred to. Not till that moment. Now he found her words anything but reassuring.

From other conversations with the Danik sky-humans, the sages had already pieced together hints that some great crisis was setting the Five Galaxies in an uproar. It might even explain why the gene raiders were here right now, taking advantage of the turmoil to do a little burglary.

What could a feeble clan of Earthlings have done to cause such commotion? Lark wondered.

With some effort, he pushed the thought aside as much too vast to be grappled with right now.

“When did the Rothen reveal the truth to you… Danikites?”

“Longer back than you might think, Lark. Even before your ancestors headed off in their creaky junkyard star-ship, taking their foolish wild gamble in coming to this world. Soon after humanity entered interstellar space, a few men and women were chosen by the Rothen to receive the word. Those who had already been keeping faith, holding steadfast vigil. Some stayed on Earth to help guide the race in secret, while others •went off to dwell in joy among the Rothen, aiding them in their work.”

“And what work is that?”

She had a look Lark sometimes saw on the faces of those returning from pilgrimages to the Egg, on those blessed occasions when the sacred stone sang its serene harmonies. An expression of having experienced splendor.

“Why, rescuing the lost, of course. And nurturing what might-yet-be.”

Lark worried she might drift into complete mysticism. “Will we get to meet some Rothen?”

Her eyes had defocused while pondering vistas of time and space. Now they turned and glittered sharply.

“Some of you may, if you are lucky.

“In fact, a few of you may get luckier than you ever dreamed.”

Her implication set his head awhirl. Could she mean what he thought she meant?

That evening, by candlelight, he went over his calculations one more time.

From our best measurements, the starship had a volume of about half a million cubic meters. If you stacked every human on Jijo like frozen cordwood, we just might fit — providing you left no room for anything else.

The first time he had worked out the numbers, his intent was simply to dispel rumors among some younger urs and qheuens that the human settlers would soon abandon Jijo. It was physically impossible, he showed, for the youngest sept to forsake the Commons for a ticket back to the stars. At least with this ship alone.

But she said “some of you.”

Even after loading aboard hundreds of wuankworms, longsnouts, orglavers, there’d still be room for a few lost cousins. Those who had proved useful.

Lark knew a bribe when he heard one.

Much as he condemned the ancestors’ choice to come here, Lark loved this world. He would feel a pang if he ever left, and for all his days thereafter.

Yet if things were different, I’d go in a shot. Who wouldn’t?

The zealots are right. No human can be completely trusted these days. Not when any of us might be suborned. Bought with an offer to be made into a god.

In fact, he had no idea what the zealots planned. Only that they felt free to act without advice or approval from the dithering sages. There were humans in the cabal, of course. What could be accomplished without Earthling skill and lore? But men and women were excluded from the inner circle.

So what have I learned?

He looked down at a blank sheet. Surely the sages and zealots had other feelers out. Even Harullen must be hedging his bets. Still, Lark knew his words carried weight.

If Ling is telling the truth, and the zealots believe it, they might call off whatever action they planned. What do they care if a few glavers or rock-stallers are taken off-planet, so long as the intruders leave us in peace, as we were before?

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