“Something from his childhood, I’ll warrant,” Ariana Foo diagnosed, scribbling on her pad. “According to the indexes, this fable was widely popular among children in northwestern Earth civilization almost continuously for over three centuries, so we can tentatively localize his cultural origins…”

“How nice. Then you’re finished?” Sara demanded, caustically.

“Hm? Oh, yes, I suppose so. For now. Get him settled down will you, pet? Then bring him along. I’ll be waiting in the main Listening Parlor.” With that, Ariana nodded briskly to the chim assigned to push her chair, leaving Sara behind to deal with the upset Stranger.

He was muttering to himself, as he did from time -to time, repeating the same short phrase, over and over. Something that wormed its way out, despite the damage to his brain. In this case, it was clearly nonsense, sparked by intense emotion.

“…a wocket in my pocket…” he said again and again, chortling poignantly, “…a wocket in my pocket…”

Gently, firmly, Sara managed to pry the ancient tome out of his trembling hands, returning the treasure to the disapproving librarians. With patience she encouraged the wounded man to stand, though his dark eyes were fogged with a kind of misery Sara found she could fathom. She, too, had lost someone precious to her.

Only the one he was mourning was himself.

Two g’Kek savants met them by the entrance to the Listening Parlor, physician researchers who had examined the Stranger soon after he arrived in Biblos. One now took him by the hand.

“Sage Foo wishes you to attend her in the observing room, next door,” the other one said. One eyestalk gestured toward an opening farther down the hall. When the Stranger looked at Sara questioningly, she gave him an encouraging nod. His trusting smile only made her feel wor.se.

The observing room was dimly illuminated by light streaming in through two circular windows — exquisite slabs of spun glass, flawless except for the characteristic central stem — which looked into another chamber where the two g’Kek doctors could be seen seating the Stranger before a large box with a crank on one side and a trumpetlike horn rising from the other.

“Come in, pet. And please close the door.”

It took several duras for Sara’s eyes to adapt and see who sat with Ariana. By then it was too late to flee.

The whole party from Tarek Town was present, along with two humans dressed in scholars’ robes. Ulgor and Blade had reason to be here, of course. Blade had helped rescue the Stranger from the swamp, and Ulgor was an honorary delegate from Dolo Village. Even Jop had an official interest. But why were Jomah and Kurt the Exploser in the room? Whatever cryptic guild business brought them from Tarek, the old man and boy now watched the proceedings with the silent intensity that was a trademark of their family and craft.

The human scholars turned toward her.

Banner and Taine — the very persons she had hoped to avoid during this visit.

Both men rose to their feet.

Sara hesitated, then bowed at the waist. “Masters.”

“Dear Sara.” Bonner sighed, leaning on his cane more than she recalled when she had last seen the balding topologist. “How we’ve missed you in these dusty halls.”

“As I’ve missed you, master,” she replied, surprised how true it was. Perhaps in the numbness after Joshu’s passing, she had closed off too many good memories as well as bad. The warmth of the old savant’s hand on her arm recalled their many walks, discussing the arcane, endlessly fascinating habits of shapes, the sort that could be described with symbols but never seen by human eyes.

“Please don’t call me master anymore,” he asked. “You are an adept now, or should be soon enough. Come, have a seat between us, like old times.”

A bit too much like old times, Sara realized, meeting the eyes of the other mathematician-sage. The tall, silver-haired algebraist seemed unchanged, still distant, enigmatic. Taine nodded and spoke her name, then sat again facing the windows. Typically, he had chosen the position farthest from the nonhumans in the room.

Sage Taine’s discomfort around the other septs was not rare. A minority felt that way in every race, a reaction deep-rooted in ancient drives. What mattered was how you dealt with it, and Taine was unfailingly polite to the urs or g’Kek teachers who came to consult him about the binomial theorem. Given the handicap, it was just as well the tall savant could live a scholar’s cloistered life… like the one Sara herself had expected—

—until a visiting bookbinder became an unlikely suitor, filling Sara’s heart with unexpected possibilities.

—until she boldly announced to her confused colleagues a new focus for her studies, language, of all things.

—until Joshu sickened when pepper pox swept through the Valley of the Bibur, a plague that took its victims with agonizing suddenness, and she had to watch another woman perform the rites of mourning, knowing that everyone was watching, to see how she’d react.

—until, after the funeral, Sage Taine approached her with stiff formality and renewed his earlier proposal of marriage.

—until, in a rush, she fled this place of dust and memories, running home to her treehouse overlooking the great dam where she was born.

Now it all circled around again. Taine had seemed so austerely beautiful when she first came to Biblos in her teens, a towering figure, impressive beyond compare. But things had changed inside her since. Everything had changed.

Abruptly, Taine’s aristocratic bearing broke as he cursed and slapped his neck, then peered at his hand, frowning in disappointment. Sara glanced at Bonner, who whispered, “Parrot ticks. Such annoyances. If one gets in your ear, Ifni help you. I heard everything double for a week, till Vorjin fished the damn thing out.”

Ariana Foo made an emphatic throat-clearing sound,

drawing their attention forward. “I’ve already explained to the others, Sara, my belief that your Stranger is a man from the stars. Further research illuminates the nature of his injuries.”

Her chimp assistant passed out sheets of paper, streaked from hasty, hand-cranked photocopying, showing the stylized profile of a man’s head, with arrows and captions pointing to parts. Most of the words were gibberish to Sara, though Lark might have found them familiar.

“I recalled reading about this once and was lucky enough to find the reference quickly. It seems that when our ancestors departed Earth, experiments had been taking place with the objective of creating direct connections between computers and living human brains.”

Sara heard an awed hiss from somewhere in back. To many of the Six, the word computer carried superstitious power. The crews of every sneakship to reach Jijo had melted all their digital calculating engines, down to the very smallest, before sinking their star-cruisers in the depths of the Midden. No other possession had such potential for betraying illegal sapience on a forbidden world.

Sara had read a few gaudy stories from Earth days, in which the author used mind-to-computer links in the narrative. She had always dismissed them as a metaphor, like legends of humans flying with feathers glued to their arms. But Ariana said the notion was once taken seriously.

“This illustration shows some of the brain areas being proposed for neural-electronic junctions at the time our ancestors departed,” Ariana continued. “Research surely proceeded during the three hundred years since. In fact, it’s my belief that our Stranger possessed the product- an aperture which let him commune with computers and other devices, inset just above the left ear.”

Now it was Sara’s turn to gasp. “Then his—”

Ariana held up a hand. “It is a safe guess that his burns and lesser injuries resulted when his ship or flying craft crash-landed in the Eternal Swamp, not far from where Sara and her friends found him. Alas, his miraculous escape from fiery death was spoiled by one bit of bad luck, when the artificial connector attached to his head was violently ripped away, taking with it portions of his left temporal lobe.

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