g’Kek roller, can you stand and gallop across the heavy ground?

Traeki stack, can you weave a tapestry, or master the art of fire?

Royal qheuen, will you farm the forest heights? Can you heal with your touch?

Hoonish sailor, will you endure the plains, or spin along a cable, stretched up high?

Urrish plainsman, would you sail to sea, or sift fine pages out of slurried cloth?

Human newcomer, do you know this world? Can you weave, or spin, or track Jijo’s song?

Will all or any of you follow in the trail blazed by glavers?

The Trail of Forgiveness through oblivion?

If you do, save room to remember this one thing —

You were one part of a union greater than its parts.

—The Scroll of the Egg (unofficial)

Alvin’s Tale

I didn’t begrudge my position crammed way back, far from the window. At least not during the long descent down the cliff face with the sea looming ever-closer, closer. After all, I’d seen this part before and the others hadn’t. But once we hit water, and my friends started cooing and oohing over what they saw through the bubble up front, I started getting a little resentful. It also put me in a bind as a writer, faced with having to describe the descent later, to my readers. At best I could see a bare patch of blue over the backs of my compeers.

Looking back on it, I suppose I could solve the problem, in several ways.

First, I could lie. I mean, I haven’t decided whether to turn this story into a novel, and according to Mister Heinz, fiction is a kind of lying. In a later draft I might just write in a window aft. That way my character could describe all sorts of things I only heard about from the others. Or else I could pretend I was up front all along. In fiction, you can be captain if you want to be.

Or maybe I should rewrite it from Pincer’s point of view. After all, it was his boat, more than any of ours. And he had the best view of what happened next. That would mean having to write believably from a qheuen’s perspective. Not as alien as a traeki’s, I suppose. Still, maybe I’m not ready to take on that kind of a challenge, just yet.

All of this assumes I live to do a rewrite, or that anyone else survives who I’d care to have read my tale. Anyway, for now, this semitruthful journal style will have to do, and that means telling what I really saw, felt, and heard.

The deploying drums transmitted a steady vibration down the hawser. The fresh air inlet hissed and gurgled by my left ear, so it was hardly what I had pictured as a serene descent into the silent deep. Now and then, Ur-ronn would gasp — “What was that?” — and Pincer identified some fish, piscoid, or skimmer — creatures a hoon usually saw dead in a net-catch, and an urs likely never glimpsed at all. Still, there were no monsters of fantasy. No faery minarets of undersea cities, either. Not so far.

It got dark pretty fast as we dropped. Soon all I made out were little streaks of phosphor that Tyug had smeared in vital spots around the cabin, such as the tips of my motor cranks, the depth gauge, and the ballast release levers. With nothing to do, I catalogued the odors assailing me from my friends. Familiar aromas, but never quite so pungent as now. And this was just the beginning.

A reason to be glad no human came along, I thought. One of many problems contributing to friction between urs and Earthlings had been how each race smelled to the other. Even today, and despite the Great Peace, I don’t figure either sept would much enjoy being cooped up in an oversized coffin with the other for very long.

Ur-ronn started calling out depths from the pressure-bladder gauge. At seven cables she turned a switch, and the eik light came on, casting twin beams into cool, dark waters. I expected those in front to resume their excited exclamations, but apparently there was less to see at this depth. Pincer identified something only every few duras, in a voice that seemed disappointed.

We all tensed at nine cables, since trouble had struck there the first time. But the milestone passed uneventfully. It should, since Uriel had inspected every hoof of the hawser personally.

At eleven and a half cables, a sudden chill swept the cabin, causing fog briefly to form. Every hard surface abruptly went damp and Huck cranked up the dehumidifier. I reached out to touch the garuwood hull, which seemed markedly cooler. Wuphon’s Dream turned and tilted slightly, facing a new tug, no longer the same languid downward drift. From soundings, we had known to expect a transition to a deep frigid current. Still, it was unnerving.

“Adjusting ballast for trim,” Huck announced. Closest to dead center, she used Uriel’s clever pumps to shift water among three tanks till the spirit levels showed an even keel. That would be vital on reaching bottom, lest we topple over at the very moment of making history.

I thought about what we were doing. In Galactic terms, it was consummately primitive, of course. Earth history makes for much more flattering comparisons — which may be one reason we four find it so attractive. For instance, when Jules Verne was writing Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, no human had ever gone as far down into the oceans of Terra as we were heading today. We savages of Jijo.

Huck shouted — “Look! Is that something down below?”

Those eyes of hers. Even peering past Pincer and Ur-ronn, she had glimpsed bottom first. Ur-ronn turned the eik beams and soon the three of them were back at it again, driving me crazy with oohs, ahs, and k-k-k-k wonderment clicks. In frustration I turned the crank, making the rear wheels thrash till they yelled at me to quit, and agreed to describe what they saw.

“There’s a wavy kind of plant,” Pincer said, his voice no longer stuttering. “And another kind that’s all thin and skinny. Don’t know how they live, with no light getting down here. There’s lots of that kind, sort of waving about. And there are snaky trails in the mud, and some kind of weird fishes dodging in and out of the skinny plants…”

After a bit more of that, I would’ve gladly gone back to wonderment clicks. But I kept quiet.

“…And there are some kurtle crabs — bright red and bigger than any I ever seen before! And what’s that, Ur-ronn, a mudworm? You think so? What a mud-worm!… Hey, what’s that thing? Is that a dro—”

Ur-ronn interrupted, “Half a cavle to bottom. Signaling the surface crew to slow descent.”

Sharp electric sparks broke the cabin’s darkness as she touched a contact key, sending coded impulses from our battery up an insulated strand, woven through the hawser. It took a few duras for the rumbling grumble of the deploying drums to change pitch as the brakes dug in. Wuphon’s Dream jerked, giving us all a start. Huphu’s claws raked my shoulder.

The descent slowed. It was specially agonizing for me, not knowing how much farther bottom lay, when we’d make contact, or with how much force. Naturally, nobody was confiding in good old Alvin!

“Hey, fellas,” Pincer resumed, “I think I just saw—”

“Adjusting trim!” Huck announced, peering with one eye at each of the spirit levels.

“Refocusing the lights,” Ur-ronn added. “Ziz shows one yellow tentacle to starvoard. Current flowing that direction, five knots.”

Pincer murmured — “Fellas? I thought I just saw… oh, never mind. Bottom appears to slope left, maybe twenty degrees.”

“Turning forward wheels to compensate,” Huck responded. “Alvin, we may want a slow rearward crank on the driver wheels.”

That jerked me out of any resentful mood. “Aye-aye,” I said, turning the zigzag bar in front of me, causing the rear set of wheels to rotate. At least I hoped they were responding. We wouldn’t know for sure till we hit the ground.

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