Xi Scorpius—Bloody Water Poisoned Air

As the name implies, terraformed poorly. The gravity is high, and the Bloods have been modified to withstand it: they spend their afternoons in highly salted baths.

HIP 12961—Land of the Young

Dreaded Immortalist colony. It is rumored that any traveler departing from the local Forever Village is treated against his will and cannot thereafter die.

FIFTH or PETTY SWEEP 66 th Millennium

HIP 10301 in Eridanus—Perioecium

A highly militarized and disciplined population. Known for their living garments, symbiosis of Myrmidon material to specially adapted skin cells in the Timocrat caste.

Epsilon Virginis [a.k.a. Vindemiatrix]—Feast of Stephen

Saint Agnes and Saint Wenceslaus are remnants of the same shattered gas giant which formed Feast of Stephen. All three worlds are in an unusual equilateral triangle orbit. Whether this is a primary with two giant moons or a triple planet body is a matter of semantics. The two moons were terraformed. Predominant race is Loricates.

Gliese 1137 in Antlia—Terra Pericolosa

Predominate race here is Monsters. The oceans were improperly terraformed and contain venom. Water is used as currency, and strangers are killed and sent to the extraction press.

SAO 214963 in Phoenix [a.k.a. HR 6]—World of Willows and Flowers

Binary suns. A garden world of immortals plagued by deadly anthropophagic flowers, ferns, and lianas, poisonous willows, and malign pines. Foxes established a totalitarian monarchy and restored humanity to all non-orthogonal and mechanized races.

Kappa Coronae Borealis—Aerecura

The pantropy here is unique, with larval humans living in mines as apprentices, who undergo metamorphosis to upright nocturnal sexless drones at journeyman rank and as masters are transformed again to diurnal creatures, male or female. There is a dead Potentate in orbit, the remnant of a failed attempt to elevate their moon, whose whispers disturb the dreams of the unshielded.

Iota Draconis [a.k.a. Eldsich]—Torment

Colonized from Nightspore of Arcturus.

Torment orbits the superjovian Wormwood, which stands at 13 AU and has a year 194 Earth years long, in a highly eccentric orbit. The surface becomes uninhabitable for 22 Earth years during its wintertide. The population tends to be of a melancholy nature, and the sight of the ruins of the previous civilizations that once inhabited the planet does not reassure them. Torment is an antiquarian world, preserving many races extinct elsewhere. The world was originally named Septfoil.

BEYOND 100 Lightyears

These worlds were settled not by a sweep, but voluntarily


The single heavenly body orbiting Achernar. At 144 lightyears, it is the furthest human colony. It is also the only colony established by humans independently of Dominion forced settlement. Settled from Nocturne between the Second and Third Sweep, the hedonistic Laiacists and the strict and zealous Followers still maintain an ancient racial separation, with the Followers dominant. The Followers maintain loyalty to a very ancient religion, and worship a god called Kamisama-no-Miko.

Pulcherrima [a.k.a. Epsilon Boötis]—Houristan

There are persistent rumors of an even further colony, at 210 lightyears, circling Epsilon Boötis called Houristan, populated entirely by young and nubile women, who reproduce by cloning, where the rivers run with wine and the road are paved with gold—as best human science can tell, this epicurean space utopia has no basis in fact.


The Golden Age

The Phoenix Exultant

The Golden Transcendence

The Last Guardian of Everness

Mists of Everness

Orphans of Chaos

Fugitives of Chaos

Titans of Chaos

Null-A Continuum

Count to a Trillion

The Hermetic Millennia

The Judge of Ages

The Architect of Aeons

The Vindication of Man


JOHN C. WRIGHT is an attorney turned science fiction and fantasy writer. He has published short fiction in Asimov’s Science Fiction and elsewhere, and wrote the Chronicles of Chaos, the Golden Age, and the War of Dreaming series. His novel Orphans of Chaos was a finalist for the Nebula Award in 2005. This is the fifth novel in the Eschaton Sequence. You can sign up for email updates here.

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Title Page

Copyright Notice



Part Eight: The Vast Desolations of Heaven

One: The Sound of Her Voice

Two: The Vindicatrix

Three: The Hour of Her Advent

Part Nine: Ancient Starships Shall Return

One: Aardwolf Star in the Constellation of the Dragon

Two: Deceleration Carnival

Three: The Street Which Sneaks Up On the Sphinx

Four: The Palace of Future History

Five: The Chamber of the Black Hexagon

Six: Lords of the Stability

Seven: The Ambitions of the Imperator

Part Ten: The Seven Daughters of Atlas

One: The Eye of the North

Two: Farewell to Torment

Three: Cradle of the Stars

Four: The Beehive Cluster

Five: The Wreck of the Vast Desolations of Heaven

Appendix A: Pedigree of Earths by Diaspora

Appendix B: Posthumans

Appendix C: Earths of the Empyrean Polity of Man

Tor Books by John C. Wright

About the Author


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2016 by John C. Wright

All rights reserved.

Cover art by John Harris

A Tor Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010


Tor® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC.

The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

ISBN 978-0-7653-8159-0 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-8280-5 (e-book)

e-ISBN 9781466882805

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First Edition: November 2016

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