"So what happened) next?" the old man demanded, poking Tas.

"Oh, uh, that's where it gets a bit-uh-rnvuddled;' Tas said. "~ heard a scream .and a thump. Well, it was more like a splatter actually, and l f-E-figured the splatter was you.'

"Me?" the old man shouted. "Splatter!" He glared at the kender furiously. "I never in my life splattered!"

"Then Sestun and I tumbled down into the chicken feathers, along with the chain. I looked-I really did:" Tas's eyes filled with tears as he remembered his heartbroken search for the old man's body. "But there were too many feathers . . . and there was this terrible commotion outside where the dragons were fighting. Sestun and I made it to the door, and then we found Tanis, and I wanted to go back to look for you some more, but Tanis said no . . :

"So you left me buried under a mound of chicken feathers?"

"It was an awfully nice memorial service;' Tas faltered. "Goldmoon spoke, and Elistan. You didn't meet Elistan, but you remember Goldmoon, don't you? And Tanis?"

"Goldmoon . . :' the old man murmured. "Ah, yes. Pretty girl. Big, stern-looking chap in love with her:"

"Riverwind!" said Tas in excitement. "And Raistlin?"

"Skinny fellow. Damn good magician;" the old man said solemnly, "but he'll never amount to anything if he doesn't do something about that cough:'

"You are Fizban!" Tas said. Jumping up gleefully, he threw his arms around the old man and hugged him tight.

"There, there;' Fizban said, embarrassed, patting Tas an the back. "That's quite enough. You'll crumple my robes. Don't sniffle. Can't abide it. Need a hankie?"

"No, I've got one-"

"Now, that's better. Oh, I say, I believe that handkerchiefs mine. Those are my initials-"

"Is it? You must have dropped it:'

"I remember you now!" the old man said loudly. "You're Tassle, Tassle-something-or-other:'

"Tasslehoff. Tasslehoff Burrfoot;' the kender replied.

"And I'm-" The old man stopped. "What did you say the name was?"


"Fizban. Yes. . :' The old man pondered a moment, then he shook his head. "I sure thought he was dead…"

Silvara's secret.

How did you survive?" Tas asked; pulling some dried fruit from a pouch to share with Fizban.

The old man appeared wistful. "I really didn't think I did;" he

said apologetically. 'I'm afraid I haven t the vaguest notion. But, come to think of it, I haven"t been able to eat a chicken since. Now"-he stared at the kender shrewdly- "what are you doing here?''

"I came with same of my friends. The rest are wandering around somewhere, if they're still alive:" Fie sniffed again.

"They are. Don't worry:" Fizban patted him on the back.

"Do you think so?" Tas brightened. "Well, anyway, we're here with Silvara-"

"Silvara!"The old man leaped to his feet, his white hair flying out wildly. The vague look faded from his face.

"Where is she?" the old man demanded sternly. "And your friends, where are they?"

"D-downstairs;" stammered Tas, startled at the old man's transformation. "Silvara cast a spell on them!"

"Ah, she did, did she?" the old man muttered. "We'll see about that. Come on:" He started off along the balcony, walking so rapidly Tas had to run to keep up.

"Where'd you say they were?" the old man asked, stopping near the stairs. "Be specific;" he snapped.

"Uh-the tomb! Huma's tomb! I think it's Huma's tomb. That's what Silvara said:'

"Humpf. Well, at least we don't have to walk:'

Descending the stairs to the hole in the floor Tas had come up through, the old man stepped out into its center. Tas, gulping a little, joined him, clutching at the old man's robes. They hung suspended over nothing but darkness, feeling cool air waft up around them.

"Down;' the old man stated.

They began to rise, drifting toward the ceiling of the upper gallery. Tas felt the hair stand up on his head.

"I said down!" the old man shouted furiously, waving his staff menacingly at the hole below him.

There was a slurping sound and both of them were sucked into the hole so rapidly that Fizban's hat flew off. It's just like the hat he lost in the red dragon's lair, Tas thought. It was bent and shapeless, and apparently possessed of a mind of its own. Fizban made a wild grab for it, but missed. The hat, however, floated down after them, about fifty feet above.

Tasslehoff peered down, fascinated, and started to ask a question, but Fizban shushed him. Gripping his staff, the old mage began whispering to himself, making an odd sign in the air.

Laurana opened her eyes. She was lying on a cold stone bench, staring at a black, glistening ceiling. She had no idea

where she was. Then memory returned. Silvara!

Sitting up swiftly, she flashed a glance around the room. Flint was groaning and rubbing his neck. Theros blinked and looked around, puzzled. Gilthanas, already an his feet, stood at the end of Huma's tomb, gazing down at something by the door. As Laurana walked over to him, he turned around. Putting his finger to his lips, he nodded in the direction of the doorway.

Silvara sat there, her head in her arms, sobbing bitterly.

Laurana hesitated, the angry words on her lips dying. This certainly wasn't what she had expected. What had she expected? she asked herself. Never to wake again, most likely. There had to be an explanation. She started forward.

"Silvara-" she began.

The girl leaped up, her tear-stained face white with fear.

"What are you doing awake? How did you free yourself from my spell?" she gasped, falling back against the wall.

"Never mind that!" Laurana answered, though she hadn't any idea how she had wakened. 'Tell us-"

"It was my doing!" announced a deep voice, Laurana and the rest turned around to see a white-bearded old man in mousecolored robes rise up solemnly out of the hole in the floor.

"Fizban!" whispered Laurana in disbelief.

There was a dunk and a thud. Flint toppled over in a dead faint. No one even looked at him. They simply stared at the old mage in awe. Then, with a shrill shriek, Silvara flung herself flat on the cold stone floor, shivering and whimpering softly.

Ignoring the stares of the others, Fizban walked across the floor of the tomb, past the bier, past the comatose dwarf, to come to Silvara. Behind him, Tasslehoff scrambled up out of the hole.

"Look who I found" the kender said proudly. "Fizban! And I flew, Laurana, I jumped into the hole and just flew straight up into the air. And there's a pain ting up there with gold dragons, and then Fizban sat up and yelled at me and-I must admit I felt really queer there for a while. My voice was gone and . . . what happened to Flint?"

"Hush, Tas;' Laurana said weakly, her eyes on Fizban. Kneeling down, he shook the Wilder elfmaid.

"Silvara,. what have you done?" Fizban asked sternly.

Laurana thought then that perhaps she had made a mistake-this must be some other old man dressed in the old magician's clothes. This stern-faced, powerful man was certainly not the befuddled old mage she remembered. But no, she'd recognize that face anywhere, to say nothing of the hat!

Watching the two of them-Silvara and Fizban-before her, Laurana felt great and awesome power like silent thunder surging between the two. She had a terrible longing to run out of this place and keep running until she dropped with exhaustion. But she couldn't move. She could only stare.

"What have you done, Silvara?" Fizban demanded. "You have broken your oath!"

"No!" The girl moaned, writhing on the ground at the old mage's feet. "No, I haven't. Not yet-"

"You have walked the world in another body, meddling in the affairs of men. That alone would be sufficient. But you brought them here!'

Silvara's tear-stained face was twisted in anguish. Laurana felt her own tears sliding unchecked down her cheeks.

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