"All right then!" Silvara cried defiantly. "I broke my oath, or at least I intended to. I brought them here. I had to! I've seen the misery and the suffering. Besides"-her voice fell, her eyes stared far away-"they had an orb . . ."

"Yes;" said Fizban softly. "A dragon orb. Taken from Ice Wall Castle. It fell into your possession. What have you done with it, Silvara? Where is it now?"

"I sent it away . . :' Silvara said almost inaudibly.

Fizban seemed to age. His face grew weary. Sighing deeply, he leaned heavily upon his staff. "Where did you send it, Silvara? Where is the dragon orb now?"

"St-Sturm has it;" Laurana interrupted ?eorfcIly. "He took it to Sancrist. What does this mean? Is Sturm in danger?"

"Who?" Fizban peered around over his shoulder. "Oh, hullo there, my dear:' He beamed at her. "So nice to see you again.. How's your father?"

"My father-" Laurana shook her head, confused. "Look, old man, never mind my father! 'Who -'

"And your brother:" Fizban extended a hand to Gilthanas. "Good to see you, son. And you, sir:' He bowed to am astonished Theros. "Silver arm? My, my"-he stole a look back art Silvara"what a coincidence. Theros Ironfeld, isn't it! Heard a lot about you. And my name is. . :"

The old magician paused, his brow furrowed.

"My name is . .

"Fizban:' supplied Tasslehoff helpfully.

"Fizban ." The old man nodded, smiling.

Laurana thought she saw the old magician cast a warning glance at Silvara. The girl lowered her head as if to acknowledge some silent, secret signal passed between them.

But before Laurana could sort out her whirling thoughts, Fizban turned back to her again. "And now, Laurana, you wonder who Silvara is? It is up to Silvara to tell you. For I must leave you now. I have a long journey ahead of me:'

"Must I tell them?" Silvara asked softly. She was still on her knees and, as she spoke, her eyes went to Gilthanas. Fizban followed her gaze. Seeing the elflord's stricken face, his own face softened. Then he shook his head sadly.

Silvara raised her hands to him in a pleading gesture. Fizban walked over to her. Taking her hands, he raised her to her feet. She threw her arms around him, and he held her close.

"No, Silvara," he said, his voice kind .and gentle, "you do not have to tell them. The choice is yours that was your sister's. You can make them forget they were ever here:"

Suddenly the only color left in Silvara's face was the deep blue of her eyes. "But, that will mean-"

"Yes, Silvara;' he said. "It is up to you." He kissed the girl on the forehead. "Farewell, Silvara."

Turning, he looked back at the rest. "Good-bye, good-bye. Nice seeing you again. I'm a bit miffed aback the chicken feathers, but-no hard feelings." He waited impatiently a minute, glaring at Tasslehoff. "Are you coming? I haven't got all night!"

"-Coming? With you?" Tas, cried, dropping Flint's head back onto the stone floor with a Chunk. The kender stood up. "Of course, let me get my pack . . :" Then he stopped, glancing down at the unconscious dwarf. 'lint=

"He'll be fine;' Fizban promised, "you won't be parted from your friends long. We'll see them""-he frowned, muttering to himself-"seven days, add three, carry the one, what's seven tunes four? Oh well, around Famine Time. That's when they'll hold the Council meeting. Now, come along. I've got work to do. 'lour friends are in good hands. Silvara will take care of them, won't you, my dear?" He turned to the Wilder elf.

"I will tell them;" she promised sadly, eyes on Gilthanas,

The elflord was staring at her and at Fizban, his face pale, fear spreading through his soul.

Silvara sighed. "You are right. I broke the oath long ago. I

must finish what I set out to do:' '

"As you think best:' Fizban laid his hand upon Silvara's

head, stroking her silver hair. Then he turned away.

"Will I be punished?" she asked, just as the old man stepped

into the shadows.

Fizban stopped. Shaking his head, he looked back aver his

shoulder. "Same would say you are being punished right now,

Silvara;' he said softly. "But what you do, you do out of love.

As the choice was up to you, so is your punishment:'

The old man stepped into the darkness. Tasslehoff ran after

him, his pouches bouncing behind him. "Good-bye, Laurana!

Good-bye, Theros! Take care of Flint,!" In the silence that fol

lowed, Laurana could hear the old man's voice.

"What was that name again? Fizbut, Furball=


"Fizban!" said Tar, shrilly. y

"Fizban . . . Fizban . . :" muttered the old man.

All eyes turned to Silvara.

She was calm now, at peace with herself. Although her face

was filled with sorrow, it was not the tormented, bitter sorrow

they had seen earlier. This was the sorrow of loss, the quiet,

accepting sorrow of one who has nothing to regret. Silvara

walked toward Gilthanas. She took hold of his hands and

looked up into his face with so much love that Gilthanas felt

blessed, even as he knew she was going to tell him good-bye.

"I am losing you, Silvara: he murmured in broken tones. "I .

see it in your eyes.. Hut I don't know why! You lave me-"

"I love you, elflord: Silvara said softly.. "I laved you when I saw you lying injured upon the sand. When you looked up and smiled at me, I knew that the fate which had befallen my sister was to be mine, too." She sighed. "But it is a risk we take when we choose this form. Far though we bring our strength into it., .. the form inflicts its weaknesses upon us. Or is it a weakness? To

love . . .

"Silvara, I don't understand!" Gilthanas cried.

"You will;" she promised, her voice soft. Her head bowed.

Gilthanas took her in his hands, holding her. She buried her face in his chest. He kissed her beautiful silver hair, then clasped her with a sob.

Laurana turned away. This grief seemed too sacred for her eyes to intrude upon. Swallowing her own tears, she looked around and then remembered the dwarf. She took some water from his waterskin and sprinkled it on Flint's face.

His eyes fluttered, then opened. The dwarf stared up at Laurana for a moment and reached out a trembling hand.

"Fizban!" the dwarf whispered hoarsely.

"I know;" Laurana said, wondering how the dwarf would take the news about Tas's leaning.

"Fizban's dead!" Flint gasped. "Tas said so! In a pile of chicken feathers!" The dwarf struggled to sit up. "Where is that rattle-brained kender?"

"He's gone, Flint;" Laurana said. "He went with Fizban:'

"Gone?" The dwarf looked around blankly. "You let him go? With that old man?"

"I'm afraid so-"

"You let him go with a dead old marl?"

"I really didn't have much choice:" Laurana smiled. "It was his decision. He'll be fine-'

"Where'd they go?" Flint stood and shouldered his pack.

"You can't go after them;' Laurana said. "Please, Flint:" She put her arm around the dwarf's shoulders. "I need you. You're Tanis's oldest friend, my advisor-"

"But he's gone without me' ' Flint said plaintively. "How could he leave? I didn't see him go?"

"You fainted

"I did no such thing!' the dwarf roared.

"You-you were out cold;" Laurana stammered.

"I never faint!" stated the dwarf indignantly. "It must have been a recurrence of that deadly disease I caught on board that boat-" Flint dropped his pack and slumped down beside it. "Idiot kender, Running off with a dead old man:'

Theros came aver to Laurana, drawing her to one side. "Who was that old man?" he asked curiously

"It's a long story:" Laurana sighed. "And I'm not certain I cculd answer that. question anyway."

"He seems familiar:' Theros frowned and shook his head. "But I can't remember where I've seen him before, though he puts me in mind of Solace and the Inn of the Last Home. And he knew me. . :" The blacksmith stared at his silver hand. "I felt a shock go through me when he looked at me, like lightning striking a tree:" The big blacksmith shivered, then he glanced over at Silvara and Gilthanas. "And what of this?"

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