Maybe it's not so simple, Rick thought.

"The war continued. Wanax Sarakos, aided by the starmen serving Colonel Parsons, invaded the land and drove Bheroman Enipses from his castle. Nictoros remained, as was his duty, and tended the caves beneath the castle. He fled only when the usurper placed there by Sarakos dismissed him."

"He fled to Dravan," Yanulf said. "And assisted me there. And learned from me. He learned much about the Time, and what must be done, and showed quick wit and understanding."

And you liked him, Rick thought. "I see." He tried to keep his voice noncommittal.

Apelles continued the story. "Then you, lord, defeated Sarakos and brought the starmen to your obedience. When Bheroman Enipses returned, he dismissed Nictoros as priest of his household, saying that Nictoros should have accompanied him to exile rather than remaining within the castle. Nictoros departed, but you, lord, were pleased to appoint him priest in the Eqeta's free town of Yirik, where there are also extensive caves and a large temple of Yatar."

Rick looked to Yanulf. "I don't recall the appointment. On your advice?"

"Yes. The order was signed by the Eqetessa. I did not agree with Bheroman Enipses, but certainly there was no need for dispute. Yirik was without a priest, and I had high regard for Nictoros's abilities." Yanulf fingered the medallion hanging from his golden chain. "It was a mistake," he said finally. "I should have sent Nictoros to a village beyond Enipses's domains. Perhaps even outside Chelm. But I did not. Continue, Apelles."

"Then, lord, came your decree, requiring each bheroman to send laborers for the madweed. And other decrees, requiring grain to feed the madweed workers. These taxes fell heavily on Enipses, for he had lost many of his villeins during the wars, and thus last autumn much of his grain rotted unharvested before the rains destroyed it.

"Then came the Westmen, and still more taxes; but meantime The Time approaches, and Nictoros attempted to prepare as commanded by Yanulf."

Uh-oh. I see it now, Rick thought. And "Bheroman Enipses accused Nictoros of interfering with the collection of taxes; of taking grain belonging to the Wanax, which is a treason. But instead of applying to you for a writ to allow his constables inside Yirik, he waited with patience. This was rewarded, for Nictoros foolishly travelled beyond the town walls, and Enipses had men waiting, who brought Nictoros before the bheroman's court. He was found guilty; and sentence of death was passed. But, because the grain taken was placed in the caves of Yatar, and because Nictoros was a priest, the sentence was remitted to enslavement." Apelles shrugged. "He was sent here to labor in the fields of madweed. You may imagine my amazement when as I inspected the fields I was greeted in ways known only to the priesthood, and I was given a properly drafted petition of right."

That would be a surprise. The petition of right was a monopoly of the Yatar priesthood. It implored a ruler-bheroman, eqeta, even Wanax-to obey his own laws. It didn't have to be granted, but once it was, the matter was for the courts.

"I still don't understand. If you present me that petition, I'll certainly grant it. Let right be done. Then it's a matter for judges. Bheroman Enipses may not like it, but-" He stopped, because Yanulf was shaking his head. "What now?"

"If your judges examine the matter, they will find for Bheroman Enipses," Yanulf said. "Nictoros does not deny taking grain gathered for taxes and placing it in the caves. Nor would he return it when Enipses demanded it. Nor did the bheroman enter the caves, nay nor threaten to, but with great respect pronounced that what was done was done, and new grain must be gathered for the Wanax."

"But he arrested the priest," Rick said. "I see. But-if he's guilty, whatever possessed him to send in a petition of right?"

"Perhaps he believes he was right," Yanulf said. "Perhaps I believe he was right. But it is not law."

"Tear up the petition," Rick said. "I'll issue a pardon. Or you can draft one for the Wanax to sign."

"Would it were so simple," Yanulf said. "But it is not. The priests of Vothan know of this. They are asking Bheroman Enipses to dismiss all the priests of Yatar within his lands."

"In whose favor?" Rick asked.

"Perhaps they will not be replaced at all," Yanulf said. "Or perhaps by those who mouth the words of service to Yatar, but own allegiance to Bacreugh."

"Who the devil is Bacreugh?"

"Bacreugh is a priest of Yatar, from an order formerly known mainly in Tamaerthon. He is allied with Mac Bratach Bhreu. A kinsman, in fact."

"I see. Drumold's only real rival. But why is he followed in Drantos?"

"He preaches words comfortable to the nobility," Apelles said. "And he has made strong alliance with the priesthood of Vothan."

"More," Yanulf said. "You have been told of the vision of the Roman Bishop Polycarp?"

"Yes. Yatar and Jehovah are one. I wonder how the Jews will feel about that…"

"What are Jews?" Yanulf asked.

"Followers of Jehovah, but who believe the Christ has not yet come. They have strong dietary laws, and passionately believe there is only one God."

"There are no such in Drantos," Yanulf said.

"And now that I think of it, it's not likely there are any on Tran." Until now. How many of the mercs are Jewish? Bilofsky, I suppose. Lewin. Goodman. Schultz, only he's still down south. None of them seemed particularly devout, but you never know.

"The priesthood of Vothan laughs at Polycarp," Yanulf said. "And they do not favor the Roman alliance. Now through the followers of Bacreugh they seek control of the caves of Yatar. Bheroman Enipses may well yield those under his castle."

"Bacreugh and his order should be suppressed. And the priests of Vothan made humble," Ap'elles said.

Oh, no, you don't. You won't get me involved in religious persecutions. "I do not agree. But were it desirable, it would not be possible. Vothan has powerful friends." Including some of my mercs. They may not be believers, but they're superstitious enough. And a lot of the army is devoted to Vothan, or at least scared of him.

"You see now why this should not be seen in open court,:' Yanulf said. "And why young Apelles referred the matter to me."

"Sure. You're trying to undermine civil authority," Rick said.

"Nay, lord!" Apelles said. "We are loyal."

I'm sure you think so. But if nothing else, you're inventing benefit of clergy, which apparently they don't have here. Still, the priesthood of Yatar, as organized by Yanulf, is the nearest thing to a literate civil service I have. They also have a monopoly on paper. I can't do without them.

"First," Rick said, "I hadn't known how serious Enipses's labor problem is. We'll have to do something about that."

"At harvest time there will be labor shortages everywhere," Yanulf said. "It has always been so."

Rick scribbled a note: "Get Campbell working on a reaper."

"There is a machine," Rick said. "A way to harvest grain-grain! Where is the place for Hestia in this vision of Polycarp's?"

"As the mother of Christ," Yanulf said. "For as you know, the Christ was born of a virgin. Polycarp preaches a doctrine which he calls 'Immaculate Conception,' under which Hestia took on the flesh of a mortal in order to bear a son to Yatar."

"And you believe this?"

Yanulf frowned. "I know not what to believe. One thing is certain, the prophecies of The Time are true. And they were revealed by Yatar himself. The Romans know much of The Time, and thus must once have known Yatar." He shrugged. "Perhaps Polycarp is correct, their Jehovah is Yatar. The names are not unlike."

"Fortunately we need not decide the matter today," Rick said. "For the problem at hand, I will remit some of Enipses's taxes. You will send a persuasive emissary to bear that pleasant news. Someone who will persuade Enipses that it would not be wise to make great changes in the governing of Yatar's caves. Someone to point out that neither Wanax Ganton nor I nor Eqetassa Tylara would favor Bacreugh's cause."

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