These results are so strange that in 1972 and 1973 Hawking spent a lot of time trying to find the mistake in his own analysis. Only when he had performed every check that he could think of was he finally forced to accept the conclusion: black holes aren’t black after all; and the smallest black holes are the least black.

That gives us a problem when we want to use power kernels in a story. First, the argument that they are readily available, as leftovers from the birth of the Universe, has been destroyed. Second, a Kerr-Newman black hole is a dangerous object to be near. It gives off high energy radiation and particles.

This is the point where the science of Kerr-Newman black holes stops and the science fiction begins. I assume in these stories that there is some as-yet-unknown natural process which creates sizeable black holes on a continuing basis. They can’t be created too close to Earth, or we would see them. However, there is plenty of room outside the known Solar System — perhaps in the region occupied by the long-period comets, from beyond the orbit of Pluto out to perhaps a light-year from the Sun.

Second, I assume that a kernel can be surrounded by a shield (not of matter, but of electromagnetic fields) which is able to reflect all the emitted particles and radiation back into the black hole. Humans can thus work close to the kernels without being fried in a storm of radiation and high-energy particles.

Even surrounded by such a shield, a rotating black hole would still be noticed by a nearby observer. Its gravitational field would still be felt, and it would also produce a curious effect known as “inertial dragging.”

We have pointed out that the inside of a black hole is completely shielded from the rest of the Universe, so that we can never know what is going on there. It is as though the inside of a black hole is a separate Universe, possibly with its own different physical laws. Inertial dragging adds to that idea. We are used to the notion that when we spin something around, we do it relative to a well-defined and fixed reference frame. Newton pointed out in his Principia Mathematica that a rotating bucket of water, from the shape of the water’s surface, provides evidence of an “absolute” rotation relative to the stars. This is true here on Earth, or over in the Andromeda Galaxy, or out in the Virgo Cluster. It is not true, however, near a rotating black hole. The closer that we get to one, the less that our usual absolute reference frame applies. The kernel defines its own absolute frame, one that rotates with it. Closer than a certain distance to the kernel (the “static limit” mentioned earlier) everything must revolve — dragged along and forced to adopt the rotating reference frame defined by the spinning black hole.

* * *

The McAndrew balanced drive.

This device makes a first appearance in the second chronicle, and is assumed in all the subsequent stories.

Let us begin with well-established science. Again it starts at the beginning of the century, in the work of Einstein. In 1908, he wrote as follows:

“We… assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and of a corresponding acceleration of the reference system…”

And in 1913:

“An observer enclosed in an elevator has no way to decide whether the elevator is at rest in a static gravitational field or whether the elevator is located in gravitation-free space in an accelerated motion that is maintained by forces acting on the elevator (equivalence hypothesis).”

This equivalence hypothesis, or equivalence principle, is central to general relativity. If you could be accelerated in one direction at a thousand gees, and simultaneously pulled in the other direction by an intense gravitational force producing a thousand gees, you would feel no force whatsoever. It would be just the same as if you were in free fall.

As McAndrew said, once you realize that fact, the rest is mere mechanics. You take a large circular disk of condensed matter (more on that in a moment), sufficient to produce a gravitational acceleration of, say, 50 gees on a test object (such as a human being) sitting on the middle of the plate. You also provide a drive that can accelerate the plate away from the human at 50 gees. The net force on the person at the middle of the plate is then zero. If you increase the acceleration of the plate gradually, from zero to 50 gees, then to remain comfortable the person must also be moved in gradually, starting well away from disk and finishing in contact with it. The life capsule must thus move in and out along the axis of the disk, depending on the ship’s acceleration: high acceleration, close to disk; low acceleration, far from disk.

There is one other variable of importance, and that is the tidal forces on the human passenger. These are caused by the changes in gravitational force with distance — it would be no good having a person’s head feeling a force of one gee, if his feet felt a force of thirty gees. Let us therefore insist that the rate of change of acceleration be no more than one gee per meter when the acceleration caused by the disk is 50 gees.

The gravitational acceleration produced along the axis of a thin circular disk of matter of total mass M and radius R is a textbook problem of classical potential theory. Taking the radius of the disk to be 50 meters, the gravitational acceleration acting on a test object at the center of the disk to be 50 gees, and the tidal force there to be one gee per meter, we can solve for the total mass M, together with the gravitational and tidal forces acting on a body at different distances Z along the axis of the disk.

We find that if the distance of the passengers from the center of the plate is 246 meters, the plate produces gravitational acceleration on passengers of 1 gee, so if the drive is off there is a net force of 1 gee on them; at zero meters (on the plate itself) the plate produces a gravitational acceleration on passengers of 50 gees, so if the drive accelerates them at 50 gees, they feel as though they are in free fall. The tidal force is a maximum, at one gee per meter, when the passengers are closest to the disk.

This device will actually work as described, with no science fiction involved at all, if you can provide the plate of condensed matter and the necessary drive. Unfortunately, this turns out to be nontrivial. All the distances are reasonable, and so are the tidal forces. What is much less reasonable is the mass of the disk that we have used. It is a little more than 9 trillion tons; such a disk 100 meters across and one meter thick would have an average density of 1,170 tons per cubic centimeter.

This density is modest compared with that found in a neutron star, and tiny compared with what we find in a black hole. Thus we know that such densities do exist in the Universe. However, no materials available to us on Earth today even come close to such high values — they have densities that fall short by a factor of more than a million. And the massplate would not work as described, without the dense matter. We have a real problem.

It’s science fiction time again: let us assume that in a couple of hundred years we will be able to compress matter to very high densities, and hold it there using powerful electromagnetic fields. If that is the case, the massplate needed for McAndrew’s drive can be built. It’s certainly massive, but that shouldn’t be a limitation — the Solar System has plenty of spare matter available for construction materials. And although a 9 trillion ton mass may sound a lot, it’s tiny by celestial standards, less than the mass of a modest asteroid.

With that one extrapolation of today’s science it sounds as though we can have the McAndrew balanced drive. We can even suggest how that extrapolation might be performed, with plausible use of present physics.

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