“. . .so the resonance appears to indicate that there are, indeed, bicameral minds within the range of my instrument!”

Ah, yes, Uthacalthing thought. Back in Port Helenia, at a time when he had still been a clever crafter of complex schemes, he had suspected that Kault might turn out to be resourceful. That was one reason why Uthacalthing chose for a confederate an atavistic chim. Kault was probably picking up traces from poor Jo-Jo, whose throwback brain was in many ways similar to fallow, non-uplifted chimpanzees of centuries ago. Jo-Jo no doubt retained some of this “bicame-rality” characteristic Kault spoke of.

Finally Kault concluded. “I am therefore quite convinced, from your evidence and my own, that we cannot delay any longer. We must somehow get to and use a facility for sending interstellar messages!”

“How do you expect to do that?” Uthacalthing asked in mild curiosity.

Kault’s breathing slits pulsed in obvious, rare excitement. “Perhaps we can sneak or bluff or fight our way to the Planetary Branch Library, claim sanctuary, and then invoke every priority under the fifty suns of Thennan. Perhaps there is another way. I do not care if it means stealing a Gubru starship. Somehow we must get word to my clan!”

Was this the same creature who had been so anxious to flee Port Helenia before the invaders arrived? Kault seemed as changed outwardly as Uthacalthing felt inwardly. The Thennanin’s enthusiasm was a hot flame, while Uthacalthing had to stoke his own carefully.

“You wish to establish a claim on the pre-sentients before the Gubru manage it?” he asked.

“Aye, and why not? To save them from such horrible patrons I would lay down my life! But there may be need for much haste. If what we have overheard on our receiver is true, emissaries from the Institutes may already be on their way to Garth. I believe the Gubru are planning something big. Perhaps they have made the same discovery. We must act quickly if we are not to be too late!”

Uthacalthing nodded. “One more question then, distinguished colleague.” He paused. “Why should I help you?”

Kault’s breath sighed like a punctured balloon, and his ridge crest collapsed rapidly. He looked at Uthacalthing with an expression as emotion-laden as any the Tymbrimi had ever seen upon the face of a dour Thennanin.

“It would greatly benefit the pre-sentients,” he hissed. “Their destiny would be far happier.”

“Perhaps. Arguable. Is that it, though? Are you relying on my altruism alone?”

“Errr. Hrm.” Outwardly Kault seemed offended that anything more should be asked. Still, could he really- be surprised? He was, after all, a diplomat, and understood that the best and firmest deals are based on open self-interest. “It would … It would greatly help my own political party if I delivered such a treasure. We would probably win government,” he suggested.

“A slight improvement over the intolerable is not enough to get excited about.” Uthacalthing shook his head. “You still haven’t explained to me why I should not stake a claim for my own clan. I was investigating these rumors before you. We Tymbrimi would make excellent patrons for these creatures.”

“You. You… K’ph mimpher’rrengi?” The phrase stood for something vaguely equivalent to “juvenile delinquents.” It was almost enough to make Uthacalthing smile again. Kault shifted uncomfortably. He made a visible effort to retain diplomatic composure.

“You Tymbrimi have not the strength, the power to back up such a claim,” he muttered.

At last, Uthacalthing thought. Truth.

In times like this, under circumstances as muddy as these, it would take more than mere priority of application to settle an adoption claim on a pre-sentient race. Many other factors would officially be considered by the Uplift Institute. And the humans had a saying that was especially appropriate. “Possession is nine points of the law.” It certainly applied here.

“So we are back to question number one.” Uthacalthing nodded. “If neither we Tymbrimi nor the Terrans can have the Garthlings, why should we help you get them?”

Kault rocked from one side to the other, as if he were trying to work his way off a hot seat. His misery was blatantly obvious, as was his desperation. Finally, he blurted forth, “I can almost certainly guarantee a cessation of all hostilities by my clan against yours.”

“Not enough,” Uthacalthing came back quickly.

“What more could you ask of me!” Kault exploded.

“An actual alliance. A promise of Thennanin aid against those now laying siege upon Tymbrim.”


“And the guarantee must be firm. In advance. To take effect whether or not these pre-sentients of yours actually turn out to exist.”

Kault stammered. “You cannot expect—”

“Oh, but I can. Why should I believe in these ‘Garthling’ creatures? To me they have only been intriguing rumors. I never told you I believed in them. And yet you want me to risk my life to get you to message facilities! Why should I do that without a guarantee of benefit for my people?”

“This… this is unheard of!”

“Nevertheless, it is my price. Take it or leave it.”

For a moment Uthacalthing felt a thrilled suspicion he was about to witness the unexpected. It seemed as if Kault might lose control… might actually burst forth into violence. At the sight of those massive fists, clenching and unclenching rapidly, Uthacalthing actually felt his blood stir with change enzymes. A surge of nervous fear made him feel more alive than he had in days.

“It… it shall be as you demand,” Kault growled at last.

“Good.” Uthacalthing sighed as he relaxed. He drew forth his datawell. “Let us work out together how to parse this for a contract.”

It took more than an hour to get the wording right. After it was finished, and when they had both signified their affirmation on each copy, Uthacalthing gave Kault one record pellet and kept the second for himself.

Amazing, he thought at that point. He had planned and schemed to bring about this day. This was the second half of his grand jest, fulfilled at last. To have fooled the Gubru was wonderful. This was simply unbelievable.

And yet, right now Uthacalthing found himself feeling numb rather than triumphant. He did not look forward to the climb ahead, a furious race into the steep towers of the Mukm range, followed by a desperate attempt that would, no doubt, result only in the two of them dying side by side.

“You know of course, Uthacalthing, that my people will not carry out this bargain if I turn out to be mistaken. If there are no Garthlings after all, the Thennanin will repudiate me. They will pay diplomatic gild to buy out this contract, and I will be ruined.”

Uthacalthing did not look at Kault. This was another reason for his sense of depressed detachment, certainly. A great jokester is not supposed to feel guilt, he told himself. Perhaps I have spent too much time around humans.

The silence stretched on for a while longer, each of them brooding in his own thoughts.

Of course Kault would be repudiated. Of course the Thennanin were not about to be drawn into an alliance, or even peace with the Earth-Tymbrimi entente. All Uthacalthing had ever hoped to accomplish was to sow confusion among his enemies. If Kault should by some miracle manage to get his message off and truly draw Thennanin armadas to this backwater system, then two great foes of his people would be drawn into a battle that would drain them … a battle over nothing. Over a nonexistent species. Over the ghosts of creatures murdered fifty thousand years ago.

Such a great jest! I should be happy. Thrilled.

Sadly, he knew that he could not even blame s’ustru’thoon for his inability to take pleasure out of this. It was not Athaclena’s fault that the feeling clung to him… the feeling that he had just betrayed a friend.

Ah, well, Uthacalthing consoled himself. It is all probably moot, anyway. To get Kault the kind of message facilities he needs now will take seven more miracles, each greater than the last.

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